A Watchful Eye

It was a long meeting that they had when they got back. Both Kayla and Savon were grilled about what they'd seen and what they thought was the best course of action. Neither of them thought that a full out attack was very smart. They were out numbered a thousand to one. Though no one was really surprised. After all they were looking at one of the largest nests of demons. It was not going to be a walk in the park. It was dangerous, and risky.

"So it would be better if we just send a few. Like a gift or something? They could execute or find a way to let others in." Was a tentative suggestion.

"Not sure that would work so well." Savon answered. "They would be suspicious of one they didn't know giving them a gift."

"Then just a small group. One that needs to get in and to where they need to be. A waiting game and it will have to be fast." Drake said. "The risk is high that you don't come back. However it would be devastating to them if we could do this. Devastating to Astor if they are supplying him what he needs. Stop them from breeding us like swinie." He wanted everyone to be on the same page. They couldn't afford for anyone to go that couldn't face they might just die.

"We have to wait though. From what I heard Astor will be there today and they are giving him a large group of demons and humans. Not sure how long he will be there for. I do worry what he plans to use them for." Drake spoke rubbing his forehead.

"Chances are not long, once he uses them for his own end. He'll sacrifice and then be gone." Savon said.

"Then we should go, set up shop near by. Find the best escape routes as we have to move fast." Neil commented.

"What were his plans for the humans?" Ian asked Kayla.

"I don't know exactly. Just that they had gotten a large number, it sounded like several hundred. From what I got it sounded like they picked very strong and talented demons too. Along with humans so they are planning something huge."

"There were many when I went down there. But I only saw one holding room below the building. There were a good sixty there, and I could hear and feel many more as well." Those that were in Hannah's group looked at him.

None of them had asked questions yet as to why Savon could feel these things. But he was getting very hostile signals from one of the men. He knew that this one hated demons with a passion. It wasn't enough for him to just kill them, he slaughtered them, mutilated them. He'd even killed several that they thought might be possessed. He trusted no one that said they had gifts, to him that meant they were a possible threat. Possible possession, and assuring him they had no possessed didn't change his mind set.

'We will watch him.' He was normally looking over the wounded that they had. Felt that with how weak they were, they were at risk of becoming infected, possessed. It wasn't like a virus, and there weren't any demons in the area. Clearly not what this man was thinking.

They talked for a while more before they broke up into smaller groups. Some going here and others there. Savon didn't really want the company of others though his gaze did move over to Kayla. However she was talking with Drake and he moved off leaving.

He made sure that no one was watching him and jogged off and into the woods. He slowed and found Kiore there. He was oddly glad to see the hell hound. He stretched and got up, the muscles in his back flexing and he gave a slight shake.

"I was wondering if you'd just forget about me out here."

"Didn't realize you missed me being around." The hell hound sat looking at him.

"You are not so bad as the others were. Didn't make me follow you into the city or place me in a cage. I like the freedom of that. I like this boring life at the moment, can go and hunt when I want. Sleep when I wish." Savon raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yet you badgered me as to why I like to live among these humans?" He chided. Kiore gave the equivalent of a shrug.

"It has grown on me this idea of waiting for things. I always saw others rushing to battle. Not planning. It was hunt down and destroy it now."

"Anything happen while I was gone?" He asked him.

"A few things. You might like to know that the humans grew very edgy when you were gone. Like they couldn't relax. They rely greatly on you." Savon just made a small agreeing sound. Not that they seemed to tell him that to his face.

"Anything else."

"The one named Anna. I'm not sure what to make of her. She left last night when most others were sleeping. I followed her. She walked for a good amount of time. She came to the main road and moved to an area that was near where the fog started."


"She had something in her hand, paper. No one met her, but she did leave the paper in a box of some kind. It just looked like an odd rusted box, and I waited until she moved back to leave. The box had a symbol on it. Like a hook and odd waving line." Savon's eyes narrowed.

"No one met her, came after her?"

"I stayed there a while. I was curious." He said. "Plus I figured you'd want to know, something did show up. A worker demon, he paused at the place and looked in the box. Left shortly after heading toward the east."

"Don't suppose..." Kiore turned and with a paw swatted a square piece of paper toward him.

"Normally I don't go above and beyond the call of duty. Just do as I am asked exactly." Savon could see that being a friend and treating this being as more than property was a very good thing. A very smart thing to do.

"I'm flattered." He said with a smile reached down to pick up the paper.

"It was hard to get that out without hands. Opposable thumbs, I'm jealous." He said. "A tail can work just as well however when the need arises."

Savon looked at the paper it was crumpled and dirty, but in decent shape. He opened it up and looked at it. He felt a very dark feeling go through him. He knew that she was up to something, not trust-able. Here was his proof. She was one of those humans promised so much to bring in a group of others.

Which those humans were indeed given what they were promised because they had to have a reason to do as asked. However in the end they paid dearly for it. Demons didn't keep promises long.

The paper had what looked like a hand written map, with several things labeled on it. There were markings in places that they had stashes in. Also a marking where they were right now with a few written notes on the number that were here and who she was with.

It seemed that she had been out of touch with whoever it was that she reported too because of the information placed on the map as well. There were places that human snitches were to report and drop of information. They all knew about it, the problem was catching them. Finding the places, chances were that demons checked the box regularly to see if anything was left along with other ones. He didn't get why she would want to go back.

However if she belonged to Vincent and Lust as the symbol would suggest, chances were she didn't think that this freedom would last very long. Which was true if she kept doing what she was doing. However he had no proof that this was hers. Other than Kiore and how was he going to bring him forward and still look trustworthy in their eyes? Hiding a hell hound was not going to be helpful to him.

Drake would listen, but he was one person. He couldn't just kick her out without looking like he took sides. That was a hard thing for a leader to do and still keep the faith and trust of the others. Savon needed more than this note. He was gone when she would have place it, so he didn't have a time line to lie about either. Damn.

"That bitch, I knew it." He said with disgust.

"Chances are she took the opportunity with you gone to do it. You said that you watched her, she must have noticed." He looked at the paper, she knew what he was. Well as much as anyone else did here, but she didn't mark that he was there.

"Fuck. Have to watch her more closely." He said.

"I could kill her for you."

"That won't work so well."

"Easy, It'll look like an animal did it." He heard humor in Kiore's voice. "Better yet, just eat her no body, no problem." They would still notice that she was missing and that would stir mistrust in the group or cause them to abandon this camp. Savon obviously couldn't tell the other if Kiore killed her, and what would you do if one just went missing? It would say everyone was in danger.

"Not so easy, just watch her. Only if she looks like she is going to give us up can you kill her." He said. "She won't go out now. She thinks she managed it, she'll just sit back and wait."

"You are such and odd acolyte." Kiore said.

"Thank you." Savon replied with amusement.

"It's the human part that messes with you I think."

"I don't mind my human part." Kiore looked at him.

"Clearly. You smell of human as well, that female." Savon gave a shrug, a crooked grin on his face.

"That I don't mind at all. Just jealous." Kiore gave a grumbling sound that wasn't anything but annoyance. "I need distance from the others, care to join?"

"Yes." He said moving to stand. Savon just turned and took off through the trees. His other half need control for the moment, and now it had a companion to tag along. It liked the idea of that.