The Type of Acolyte

The group with Savon went down the hall and to the double doors there. Savon stopped in front of them and felt where those were in the room. Vincent was in the bedroom area, the other was in the kitchen area. He looked at the group.

"Go for Vincent. To the right, in the bedroom." Savon mouthed to them and the whisper was barely audible to the human ear. They just gave a nod getting it. Savon grabbed the handle of the door and pulled out one of his blades along his back. His eyes going instantly bright and pushed the door open. He wanted the door to make no sound and was surprised when it didn't. He was high strung and stressed at the moment. He chalked it up to that.

'We should really learn more about ourselves.'

'Right now, not such a good time to experiment.' Savon said and moved into the room. They moved fast and quietly, but unlike him the humans couldn't be totally silent in their movements. Savon came to the opening of the kitchen area and had his other weapon pulled and waited.

He heard the barest movement as the one in the kitchen was now completely aware of the others in the room. However he didn't know that Savon was there. Savon had kept himself unknown, a mistake that nearly cost the man his head, no realizing that Savon lay in wait.

Savon swung moving from the wall and the weapon in his right hand coming forward. He just missed taking this Acolyte's head by centimeters as he came to enter the other room. He'd bent back just enough catching his mistake just in time. However not good enough as the blade in Savon's left had swung around and sliced the shirt and flesh across his chest.

The man made an angered sound and jumped back into the kitchen, Savon following him. He came at him fast and furious not giving him time to think. Savon had to give the others time. The others he could hear fighting as well. This was an acolyte he could tell by his eyes, by his scent and demeanor. Right now it was only the two of them.

Savon swung down and the acolyte rolled over the counter and onto the other side of the center island. They stood looking at each other. He was bleeding. Savon wasn't and clearly that was a hit to this one's pride. A half breed had bested him.

"You are the half breed whelp that Astor wants so much." He sneered.

"Apparently." He said and moved fast coming at him. The acolyte grabbed a metal pan of some kind that was solid and sparks flew as Savon's weapon collided with it and dented the pan. Nearly splitting it in two. The acolyte threw out his hands and Savon went back skidding to a halt on his back near the wall.

'He used his mind.' Savon realized. He'd never been attacked like that before. There had been a couple demons that had tried but failed. Savon knew the hit should have been harder than it was to him. He felt his acolyte part block it as reflex. Assessing the situation, it took in what this one had done examining and deciding how it was done. Figuring out the method used. Something it always did and was good at. His ability to learn and adapt was uncanny.

'If he can do it, then so can we.' Savon hopped back up on his feet. Twirled a blade looking at him.

"You are unique." He said, eyeing Savon like he was some very odd creature. He moved watching Savon's moves. Both of them heard the sounds of fighting. Could smell blood, but they were each other's main problem.

"You are like Astor, one of those that reads lies." He said it like he was confirming it. Savon didn't respond.

"You know so little about yourself. I can teach you those things." All bullshit Savon heard before.

"Perhaps, but you would just kill me like Astor to bring the others over. I know you are stronger together." This was the acolyte in Savon speaking. It would be under no one. It was stronger and would not be held back, treated like a child. How dare this acolyte talk to him like he was the one to teach.

"You don't have to be killed to bring the others over." He said. "I am Porui," They spoke in the language of the dead now. This, Porui, clearly seeing just how much Savon knew. Just how much his blood was worth.

"That matters little to me."

"Your life matters to you, and you are not invulnerable to my attack. You may be an acolyte of lies, but I am one of mind. I can do things you cannot and vice versa. Let me show you."

'I am not an acolyte of lies.' Growled Savon's inner voice. 'That is Astor. We are more.'

"Doesn't matter what I am. There is no reason to talk with you." Savon came at him and Porui, dove rolling and coming up having grabbed a weapon that was against the wall. A long sword.

"You are throwing what I would hand you away." Like he cared. This one was just looking at Savon for his value at the moment. Trying to distract him.

"Nothing is freely given. Your words don't ring true to me." Savon said.

"I will drag you back to Astor a bloody mess if I have too." He snarled his eyes going a bright copper and his teeth sharp. His features twisting slightly. This time he attacked first coming at Savon.

They fought hard and fiercely moving from the kitchen to the living room. Destroying nearly everything that they came in contact with. Both were bleeding by the time half the room was gone. It had only been a handful of minutes. Savon's shirt had tons of slash marks in it and blood, but his wounds healed faster than they had before. Porui's healing at the same speed. Porui's hands looked like horrible dragon claws. The skin a rusty color, and his features not human either.

Porui hit him several times with his mind. The second time that he did it Savon went back but not very far. The third time, he only slid back and didn't fall down. Each time that Porui did this Savon seemed to get better at blocking the attack. Like he was learning as they went. Like he was absorbing the talent.

"You are not normal." Porui said angered. Clearly unable to figure him out. He came at Savon and swung. Savon parried the blow, and got him in the arm. However he was fast to react and got Savon across the side and up part of his back.

The blade caught on his shirt as Porui pulled back ripping most of it and blood hit the floor from them both. Porui's was nearly black blood, Savon's was a deep red.

Savon grabbed the shirt and ripped it off tossing it. It would only be in his way with the way that it was hanging on him. Through Porui's shirt Savon could see a bit of marking on him. Where his real form rested on his body. This human form was not what he really was, just a vessel here on Earth. Different than Savon, Porui didn't have a second voice in his head. He was what he was.

Savon's marking was that of his acolyte. Porui's would be where his true form was as he needed human flesh to survive on this planet. His form in hell would not work here for very long. It was a very dark green looking color from what he could tell.

Savon's marking was over his left side like normal, but completely turned around. Now the head of the skeletal creature that made up his acolyte was over his left part of his chest. Along with what looked like a clawed hands. One wing curving around his side and then the rest down his back. The main part of the body down the left side of his back and spine. The tail curving low and to his right side. Covering the vulnerable parts of his body. That would protect him. Make him like a real acolyte was. Hard to actually wound and kill physically.

Porui held out his blade but his gaze moved slightly over the marking. Savon saw the way that his gaze fell. Like he'd been told some very unpleasant news. If he wasn't mistaken he looked almost nervous at the sight of him and the marking covering most his torso now.

"Astor is your father." He said in something like a reassuring voice. Someone hit the wall in the other room. It sounded like a rather harsh fight. Savon couldn't let his mind wander. However it did just slightly but he saw Kayla flash by the entrance looking okay and he felt relief and then cut it off. He needed to focus here.

"So?" He said waiting for what he needed. Gripping his blades and waiting to strike.

"You're marking is not of his line." Porui said with venom in his voice. What the hell did it matter if his marking was like Astor's or not?

"Talking gets us no where." Savon came forward, their weapons hitting.

"Do you know how he came here?" Savon was not going to give him the time to talk and gain ground.

"I don't care. I'll cherish the day that I have his head in my hand." Savon's voice was deep and not his own. His eyes nearly emerald. Porui kicked and Savon stumbled back a bit.

"That ritual that was performed so long ago was meant for our strongest to come here!" He shouted in anger, in a rush. Like Savon was being ignorant on purpose. "Millions died to bring him over, that shows the power. You are being absolutely foolish!

"Good for him." Savon said. "How Astor got here doesn't matter to me."

"It should." Porui countered blocking his blow. It was stronger this time. Savon changing the way that he fought to get at him. It was only a matter of time. "He wasn't supposed to be the one that was to come over first. He killed the one that was to come here." Porui said clearly trying to get Savon to pause in his fighting. Savon just looked at him as he spoke, waiting for an opening.

"You don't even know our story. You fight me when you fight the wrong side. Humans are worthless. Their only use for feeding and whatever we want. Demons are not much better. You are part acolyte and I can see that horrid part of you that is human. How can you stand it being in you?" Porui spoke to the dark part of Savon, not the human.

"Without the human I will not be alive. He is me and I am him." Savon said but his human part was shoved down. The acolyte angered now. How dare this one who was lower than him speak to him so, question his choices. He'd nearly died. Hung in limbo in eternal torment until he'd heard the cry of a child with human and acolyte blood to attach himself too. The part that was human in him seemed almost shocked at these thoughts that had never come before. Memories that the acolyte had repressed. Yet it didn't matter now, it hadn't been important for his human half to know and see.

"Let me help free you from the human part, it pollutes you. It will make you weaker. You have forgotten who you are." He tried to coerce. Savon held out a hand his eyes flashing neon green and glowing a bit. Porui hit the wall hard denting it like an invisible punch had landed. Plaster falling down and a crack going up the wall. His own skill used against him.

"I am not weak. I'm far stronger than before!" Porui stood up staggering a bit. However looking at those green eyes he could see that this one did not see the world the same as him. He was polluted by the human mind that he had in him. Porui needed to persuade it. This fight was not going as he wanted.

"Astor killed you to come forward. You were supposed to come over. We were to serve you, we are so much stronger together and you are a learning acolyte. The only one left. Powerful, more so than Astor, but your human part holds you back. You need to remember this."

Savon felt that darker part of him trying to remember things that had happened. Trying to piece them together. He remember hearing the child cry out. That he needed the part that was acolyte or he would die like the others. No other acolyte could be part human, none could learn to survive with the part so opposite their nature.

'With out me you will die.' His human part said. 'With me you are more than you could ever have been. He is polluting you with the lies now, distracting. You may be what he said, but Astor knew that the real power would be to control a learning acolyte. If that couldn't be done, then he had to kill you.' Savon's human half understood exactly what was happening here.

'Astor doesn't know that is what we are.' Savon's gaze tracked Porui. He was looking for a moment to strike, but hadn't tried yet. He was hoping that what he said would get through to him.

"The only thing you can't learn is to be human, because you are not. It weakens you."

'No. Lies. He will take us to Astor because he has too. It has been commanded of him. He will tell Astor what he thinks we are.' Savon turned and went at Porui again. This internal struggle was going to cost him, he needed to focus. Not have his two halves at war. That was the skill Porui possessed. He had talents of mind, and he was saying the right things to try and unbalance him mentally.

'Later we will discuss this.' He said to himself. 'Right now we focus, ignore him.' Both sides agreed and pushed out the doubt or they would falter. Once again undoing what the other attempted. Truly there was no other creature like Savon. Even Savon did not know all he was capable of.