Allies or Enemies

"I can't believe you people. He's a fucking demon. You can't trust any of them, look at our world!" Jonas snapped. "He will use us and then we will be dead." Jonas had started in about Savon from the moment he disappeared with Louis.

"He's had years to do it." Neil said quietly. It was a hit to his pride to admit it. How he really regretted sounding like this man. He hoped that he hadn't sounded that bad. He figured that after Cameron's death he did. He'd deserved the punch to the face. Savon had put up with years of it from him and his father. Right now Neil could barely take the week of listening to it from Jonas, what a pompous asshole.

"Biding his time."

"He killed them both." Kayla said.

"We would have gotten Vincent."

"Yeah, and not one of you would have come back." Todd said. They had moved buildings and where waiting for Savon and Louis to return. They'd told them to go ahead and move. It wasn't going to take that long, a couple minutes at most.

"I'll bet that he doesn't bring Louis back. A complication."

"Fuck you." Kayla said. "He hasn't done anything wrong. Last I checked he hasn't torn you down for no reason, or even tried to hurt anyone here."

"Says his whore." Kayla couldn't believe what she just heard and her mouth hung open slightly. "Not going to deny it, you're just as brainwashed, worse. What benefit do you get from it?" Jonas said snidely.

"Hey! Watch yourself, there's no reason we should keep you with us. Talk like that to her again and I'll have to hurt you." Todd said darkly.

"Why would I deny that I'm with him. I'm not ashamed of it." Kayla snapped. "He's more man than you are. Just because you suffer from incompetence and potency issues doesn't mean you have to tear others down." Joans gave her a very dark look. "You're just a scared little man unwilling to see what's right in front of him."

"You don't know me bitch. Besides talking to you is a lost cause. Probably can't make your own decisions with out being told." Jonas said he'd stepped closer to her. Todd stepped forward but Kayla waved him off. Let him get in her space, he didn't intimidate her.

"He's not here right now. I've made up my mind that you are a spineless asshole. Paranoid and scared of everything that you would kill an innocent person just to be sure rather than give the benefit of the doubt. Everything you have said about Savon is wrong. I'll bet my life on it, each and every time."

"Of course you would so long as you are his favorite fuck toy. Once he gets bored you'll be expendable." Kayla clenched her jaw.

"Go fuck yourself. I'd kill you myself, but you aren't worth the effort it would take. You are the one that can't be trusted. Maybe you're the one that was tossed aside by a demon. Liked being the pet to much and then tossed aside like trash." Kayla said, she wanted to strike out at him. They were close enough. The hate was rolling off both of them.

"I would never sink so low as to let a demon touch me. I'd kill myself first. Unlike you." The sound of others walking toward them sounded.

"He's not a demon, and I'd rather have him than end up with a man like you. A worthless piece of shit."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Make me!" Kayla shouted back at him. The others moved forward to pull them a part, but they all paused at the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Kayla's head snapped to the side. The sting of his hand was sharp and painful. He'd hit her hard with the flat of his hand.


Savon came back with Louis, having followed to where the others had gone. He could hear arguing and looked around but no one was near enough to hear. They were in the abandoned buildings. It was still to early for the soldier demons to really be moving around. To much light for the shadows.

He heard what Jonas and Kayla were arguing about as they entered the building and walked toward them. They were facing each other and the malice was thick. He didn't like how close they were. But was thrilled to hear her words on his behalf. That she'd say such things with the rest standing around.

They were almost to them when Jonas raised his hand and hit Kayla hard. Her head snapped to the side and she just stood there like the rest of them in complete and utter shock.

'Now we kill him.' The dark voice said and he moved forward, but he wasn't the one to reach him first. It was Todd, and he hit him hard across the face. Right in the jaw and Jonas stumbled to the left and fell to the ground. Todd was on him and the others moved to pull him off of Jonas who started to fight back. Todd had the height and was quicker and stronger. He was literally beating the shit out of the man. Kayla stepped in front of Savon.

"It's okay, let it go."

"Like hell it is." He said to her in a sharp voice.

"He's not worth the effort. Personally it would make me angry that you think he is worth the time." Savon looked down at her, and a bit of his anger left him. He turned her face to look at it. A large hand print was there and his anger spiked again.

"It's not that bad."

"I don't care, no one has the right to hit you."

'To touch her.' His voice added silently.

"You fucker, hitting women. You're no better than them!" Todd shouted and he was pissed. None of them had ever seen him so worked up. He was normally easy going.

"Let go." Todd said jerking out of Neil and Tina's grip. "I'll kill you myself you lay a hand on a woman like that again." Todd said moving off.

"We've made to much noise we have to go." Tina said, and they all agreed. No one helped Jonas up or checked him. He moved off with his group and they went to leave the city. Savon just watched him the entire time thinking.

They did it fast, leaving. they'd gotten Vincent, but not Lust. At least they'd gotten the other acolyte. The fog was thick and agitated as they left. Kayla was in the front passenger seat with Todd behind Savon who drove and Pat behind Kayla.

"Thanks by the way." Pat said in a tired voice. It was weak but honest. "I don't know what you did," He paused taking a shallow breath, "But it feels a hell of a lot better." Savon just glanced at him in the rearview mirror. He just gave a slight nod.

"How are you?" Todd asked Kayla who was staring out the window lost in thought. She'd never been struck like that before and her anger wasn't gone yet.

"Me?" She said touching her shoulder. All that was really left now was a large red and partially scabbed area. It itched as it was still healing.


"Fine. Been better, but at least I don't have a hole in my chest." Pat gave a weak smile, and Todd looked at him a bit of the edge to him wearing off.

"I can't believe him. I hate men like him, anyone like him." The anger snapped back to him again and his fists were clenched. "Should have let me keep going."

"Yes they should have. I would have stepped in if someone hadn't stopped me." Kayla glanced at Savon, his eyes were still on the road and squinting a bit from the light that was growing brighter. They were very, very lucky so far that no one was coming after them.

"He isn't worth it."

"Should just kill him." Todd said looking out his small window, and Kayla could see that there was a lot of aggression there and she wondered at it. He wasn't one to act that way. He was always calm, easy going, normally with a quick witted remark.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asked him, and Todd looked at her. His light brown eyes meeting hers.

"Todd, I need you to calm down. Your anger is affecting me." Savon said and Kayla noted his grip on the steering wheel. He was white knuckled and his eyes brighter.

"Sorry." Todd said taking a calming breath.

"Want to talk about it?" Kayla said, she glanced at Pat who had passed out it would seem where he was. His head leaning against the back window. Todd made a sound.

"You'd think that with all the madness and evil in the world humans would learn to destroy or channel that part of themselves." Todd, looked at his hands for a moment. "But I guess we are just the middle ground between what is good and what is bad."

"That is my guess." Kayla said. She was looking at him from where she sat in the front seat, turned slightly.

"To make a long story short, my father killed my mother. Beat her to death. We never were part of those humans in the cities. He just had a short fuse, hit her all the time, me too if I got in the way. Which I did a lot."

"I'm sorry, that's horrible."

"Not like you could have done anything about it. I came back from helping gathering food. It was before I came to be with Drake's group, I was sixteen. My father was in a rage at something stupid like normal." Todd said the word father with callousness.

"He started in on her, I stepped in to stop him. What really gets me is that she wouldn't leave him. I don't know if she was scared or just didn't think there was anywhere else to go. I tried."

"I'm sure she had her reasons. She must have loved him."

"She did once a long time ago. She'd told me that she didn't anymore. I think she just thought he'd find her where ever she went so she stayed. Any ways, he hit me hard when I tried to stop him. I blacked out for a moment, by the time I came around I got to see him crush the last bit of life out her. He came at me, I stabbed him."

"Did you..." Kayla started.

"Sadly no, but I got him pretty bad. Just left, found myself with Drake's group not long after. He found me once, maybe five years after it all. He looked unhealthy and miserable. Pathetic and I couldn't bring myself to even care."

"What did he want?" Kayla asked.

"Surprisingly he first asked for my forgiveness. I didn't give it to him. Call me selfish but I just couldn't forgive him for any of it. For a moment I thought he might attack me, but he wasn't a match for me by that time and we both knew it. He just turned and left."

"It was merciful of you to let him leave, to let him live." Savon said.

"Personally I think it would have been better to just do away with him."

"Probably." Savon said and Kayla gave him a look.

"Killing each other doesn't solve the problem."

"No it just gets rid of it." Savon said and Todd gave a bit of a laugh.

"Both of you, useless. How are we supposed to be better when you think like that."

"It's the way of the world." Savon said.

"Ain't that the truth." Todd added and turned to look out the window. Savon pulled over parking the car.

"What are you doing?" Todd asked and Kayla gave him a look as well.

"I have to..." He started and looked at Kayla who understood and gave a nod. Todd was completely confused and Pat was still out cold.

"Savon we..." Todd started.

"I'll be right back, five minutes." He said and got out of the car and was suddenly gone. He moved faster than they could see at the moment.

"Where did he go?" Todd asked, Kayla turned in her seat and looked at him.

"He had to...feed." She said with a sigh.

"He what?" Todd said looking out the windows. "Like... like the demons?" He said.

"Yes, but he's not cruel or mean about it. Well if it's a human he uses. He has to he's part acolyte. Do you think less of him because of it?" Todd looked at her digesting what she just said. He let out a slow breath.

"It doesn't change what I think about him, but that is seriously heavy information to just drop on a person." He said. "Does he use anyone where we live?"

"No he leaves, comes to the cities."

"Oh." Todd said seeming relieved. "Well that's not so bad, there's a price for everything right? Not such a bad one." Kayla gave him a smile and reached back to slap his knee.

"I knew I liked you." She said. He gave her a smile.

"You're not so bad yourself." The door opened and Savon got back in. Kayla thought his color was far better and his eyes looked far more normal.

"Tell him?" He asked starting the car and Kayla gave a nod.

"Does Drake know?" Todd asked.

"He's always known." Savon said and started off again picking up speed. He'd just gone up to one of the houses to get what he needed.

"Oh, well seeing that he still keeps you around..."

"Not worried that I've brain washed him or something?" Savon asked.

"The way I see it, if you have what does it really matter? You could brainwash me too. Wouldn't really matter and what would be the point? Kind of a waste of time to just control Drake when you could control all of us. Though I'd say that this little part of yourself might be better if left out of public knowledge."

"I would appreciate that." Savon said. He glanced at Kayla who was smiling and looking out the window. After that none of them really spoke, they just drove the rest of the way in silence. By the time they arrived back night had fallen.