Pawns and Queens

"If he wanted, yes I would. He doesn't so it's not a concern." Kayla said, at least she thought so. Savon didn't seem like one for kids. To be honest she wasn't sure she really wanted a child either. Look at the world that they lived in. The things that any child would have to live through. No she didn't want that, and she was okay with it.

"He's already marked you as mate. Like I said before, if I have to, I will find a substitute for him. He is part human." Astor said thinking. Savon may not want a child in theory, but he wouldn't go out of his way to prevent it. It was something that nearly all living things were driven to do. To reproduce. Humans might not consciously realize it, but that was a huge driving force.

"Being human has nothing to do with wanting a child."

"It means he may be able to have more than one." Astor said to her. Savon was a wild card, right now he knew that this human woman was the only one that his son seemed to find suitable. Fine with him. He'd make sure that she was pregnant first, and then use Savon just in case it killed him.

If it did kill Savon, he would have the next best thing to use. However only one time. If it didn't kill him, then it would take months for his strength to rebuild. The ritual would drain Savon to the point of death. By the time he could be used again, the child would be born. It could then be used in the ritual to add power and life to it depending on its worth.

"No." Kayla said. "I'd rather kill myself than be used that way." She meant it too, he could tell the truth of her words.

"You forget where you are. Here you are just a human and will do as you are told. I will make sure that I get what I want." The door to the room opened and Kayla looked at those that entered. Two women and one man.

Kalya knew that the female demon was Caren. She figured that the other woman was Jillian, and the man was Jax. He was older, perhaps fifty, where the woman looked to be no older than twenty nine or so. Compared to the other woman, Kayla thought that she was the better looking of the two. She was beautiful, with brown hair and eyes.

"As you requested." Caren said and gave a slight head bow, before moving to leave.

"Heal her wounds. Not a mark one her." Astor said standing and Jax kept his eyes down moving forward. He knelt by where Kayla sat and his hands touched her leg. She instantly felt an odd sensation going through her thigh.

"Only heal the one wound on her thigh and the other on her knee." Jax gave a nod at Astor amending what he'd said.

"Then check her physically." He gave another nod and Kayla wanted to move away from the man. Not that she was afraid of him, she just didn't like the feel of being personally invaded.

"What do you need me for?" The woman asked not looking at Kayla, but at Astor. She had a very warn sound to her. Like this was just to much trouble to be worth being here. Kayla wondered at who she was.

"Is she special?" The woman glanced at her, and Astor took hold of her jaw forcing her to look back at him. She just stared at him, like it was normal.

"How special, does she have a strong talent?" Astor figured that she was a unique human. It was why he brought Jill here, so he would know for sure. Humans were always the hardest kind for him to read.

"A moderate talent." This Jillian said. "Feels more latent, like she doesn't really use it all that often." Astor stared at her, and Kayla was trying to figure out how she would know that Kayla was special.

"Is what she says true?" Kayla looked at him, that she had a talent?

"Yes." Kayla said thinking of only that part. She had perfect control of her talent. Not that she used it all the time. She just answered the part of having talents.

"Get clothes for her to change into. She is about your size." Astor said, he didn't need Savon's woman sitting there with blood on her when he showed up. Jill moved from him, to the door on the right side of the room and disappeared.

"Finished?" He asked Jax, and the man nodded.

"Yes. She is healed."

"Physically?" He asked him. Kayla waited to see just what it was that he wanted to know about her physically.

"There are wounds on her from what I would guess to be a fight, with how they have formed on her body. She has bruising in various places on her, several on her hips and waist. My guess from someone's hold on her, from pressure rather than impact." Kayla would have felt more uncomfortable if she'd been somewhere else. She actually felt a bit angry at what he seemed to know about her.


"Not much else, at least damage wise. Her wrist, but I healed that as it was fresh and I assumed you wanted me too."

"Good, can you tell if she is pregnant?" Astor asked bluntly. Kayla felt a bit worried suddenly, please let him say no. Oh please. If he said yes, she might do something rather drastic like try and force a miscarriage. However the second that she thought about it, she knew deep down that she wouldn't be able to. She felt ashamed of jumping to that conclusion.

'Look where I am.' Kayla thought to herself. Jill came back in the room, moving toward her. She had new clothes.

"Maybe, I'm not sure. I get the sense that there is a great possibility there. She is sexually active, and right now she is most fertile." Kayla felt like he was giving her pedigree and putting her up for sale. At least he was impersonal when he spoke. Seemed like he did things like this a lot.

"When would you know?" Astor asked impatiently. He had things that he needed to get done. Plans that needed to be made. If she wasn't, then he was going to have to force Savon's hand in that regard. Jax put a hand to her midsection and moved it. Kayla let him, not like he had a choice and no reason to have both of them punished for her shoving him away.

"To know for sure I would need another week, however my best guess is yes. I don't see how she wouldn't be. I do not sense drugs or contraceptive in her system." Well fuck, that wasn't what Kayla wanted to hear. He could be wrong. That was his best guess and no one was perfect. Jill moved around the couch and set the clothes down looking at Kayla.

"I thought you could have only one child, or are you now breeding humans for something?" Jill asked. Kayla thought that her tone would get her a punishment, but Astor just looked at her. She had a feeling that he logged away all the things that Jill did and would make her pay later.

"This pertains to Savon. She may carry his child." Astor said. Kayla saw the surprise that the woman tried to hide. Astor looked at Jax.

"You are dismissed, go see to your other duties." Jax quickly left and Caren came in. Looking a bit dazed for a second. Clearly mind control had been used on her instead of calling out.

"See to her needs." Astor said to Jill. "She's not to leave this room. If she does both of you will regret it." He turned to Caren.

"Watch them, none leave this room or go into it. I will return shortly." Astor said leaving the room and Caren gave a nod. She moved out into the hall and shut the door guarding there. Kayla touched her healed thigh. No pain. She looked up at Jill who was studying her. Well now what? Was Kayla's thought