Chapter 3: Cheat

"How dare you! You're only a wench that's been with over a thousand men!"

When Su Ran got away from him one more time, Gu Jiahao was completely furious, "What the hell? Are you pretending to be pure and innocent when you run into old acquaintances? Have you forgotten why you are here right now?"

"Wench, what's the difference who you serve? You appease me today, and I might pay you an extra tens of thousands of dollars and you wouldn't have to work for half a month!"

"Housemaster Gu," Su Ran interrupted him, "I think you have the wrong person if you are looking to expand your career. I am not here for work today."

If she was still the bad temperament musician Su Ran, she would have already crushed the smelly bug with one smack.

Unfortunately, she was on the weaker side right now and the situation did not allow her to do that.

Having said that, she turned around and looked at the young man standing behind him.

The way that Su Han was looking at her had changed completely, from the original distance and awkwardness one would look at a stranger to a gaze full of contempt.

Ahahaha, the instant son finally recognized his own mother after the reminder from Gu Jiahao.

The second that Su Han figured out who she was, he even felt a pang of disbelief.

Even though the two of them had lived under the same roof for 12 years, they have had very minimal contact with each other.

She wasn't a good woman.

That was the only thing Su Han knew of "Su Ran".

Even though Su Han didn't know that Su Ran was part of the Su's, or all her "accomplishments" when it came to the male and female leads, he has an idea of what she did for a living.

While "Su Ran" saw the son as a smudge in her life, Su Han also felt shameful for being her son.

Ironically, he actually felt a sense of warmth from her when she was walking toward him earlier.

Did that guy just say it earlier? Perhaps this woman only dressed like this for her working needs?

Wow, she was so good at faking it. He almost bought it.

Unfortunately, everything came crumbling down the minute he recognized who she was.

When Su Ran got close to Su Han and reached out to him, he took a step back in disgust and avoided her hand.

Gu Jiahao did not miss the exchange between the two, immediately, with a look of disdain and absurdity, he looked at Su Han, then at Su Ran.

"Oh I see, Su Ran, this was what you mean by 'not work'. You have grown tired of serving your customers at the club, and now you want to switch to something more refreshing."

After he had finished saying that and before Su Ran could say anything, Su Han stared over at his Gu Jiahao's direction angrily.

Perhaps he was right about Su Ran's "work", but for that guy to portray that kind of relationship between him and that woman enraged him.

He didn't want to have anything to do with her at all!

As for whether there were other reasons behind his anger, he didn't have the time to give it too much thought right now.

"You…" shut up….

Before Su Han could say the last two words, he was stopped by Su Ran. She had taken a step forward and blocked him with her own body.

"We wouldn't want Housemaster Gu to worry about my work. If you have that kind of free time, perhaps you should worry about yourself first, after all …. Your work is every bit as demanding as mine," said Su Ran slowly, with downcast eyes.

Hearing that, Gu Jiahao's look darkened.

"What do you mean by that?"

From the surface, there was nothing wrong with what she had just said. The tone she said it in, however, gave Gu Jiahao a bad feeling.

Specifically, he had a guilty conscience…

As though she had picked up his guilty conscience, Su Ran smiled and thought to herself; gotcha.

"Oh, nothing much. I am praising Housemaster Gu for your hard work. I am sure Leader Wang would agree if he finds out how you kept Mrs. Wang company when she had her hair done without any words of complaint."

Gu Jiahao might be the only child of the Gu's and their only successor, but Gu Jiahao was also an idiot when it came to running a business.

After senior Boss Gu had passed away, Gu Jiahao didn't want to lose his family business. To maintain his current lifestyle, he came up with the idea of keeping wealthy men's wives "company".

And this "Mrs. Wang" that Su Ran referred to was just one of his 7 to 8 wealthy wife patrons.

"Mrs. Wang" was his biggest client.

Su Ran was very glad that she read the novel from cover to cover.

This only came up in the extra chapters when the male lead found it out accidentally. If the male lead found out, that meant the female lead was also aware of this.

The female lead had subsequently used that as a leverage to control Gu Jiahao and made him a dog who'd bite anywhere she points. This also contributed greatly to how the female lead was able to later on help solidify the Song's foundation and became the housemistress of the family.

Su Ran felt bad about taking away the female lead's cheat when she had just arrived at this word, but if she didn't borrow the male and female leads' halos right now, she had no idea how else to get out of here alive.

Gu Jiahao would no doubt be even more careful about his little secret after a supporting character like Su Ran had called him out on it. It'd be hard to say whether the female lead would still be able to control him later on.

As to whether the female lead would still be able to gain the trust and loyalty of the Song's without this extra bit of help, Su Ran definitely couldn't say for certain.

But, thinking about it, the female lead had two children with the male lead and also the 360 degree protection by the male lead. Even if she wouldn't be able to become a female warrior, she should at least still be able to keep her status as the little princess.

Coming to that conclusion, Su Ran felt much more at peace with herself.

Recollecting herself, she looked straight at Gu Jiahao once again.

Sure enough, Su Ran's words had made Gu Jiahao change colors immediately.

"How… how did you know that?!" asked Gu Jiahao, his face filled with fear but he subconsciously lowered his voice.

"Didn't Housemaster Gu just mention that I have a lot of customers of my own?"

Su Ran didn't tell him that her information came from the female lead not because she was a kind person and didn't want to cause troubles for the innocent and noble female lead, but that as a cannon fodder who had already been phased out now, she really didn't want to have anything else to do with the male or female leads.

Gu Jiahao, however, was convinced and started sinisterly thinking about which one was it who leaked his secret to her.

At the same time, the way he was looking at Su Ran was not very friendly either.

"Hrm! It seems you have learned quite a bit hanging around those places for 10 years. You have learned how to blackmail someone, except that…." Grinding his teeth and with a proud look on him, he said, "Do you really think you will be able to walk out of here alive today?"

After all, with his unmentionable past, Gu Jiahao was an experienced villain and was able to quickly turn the table back on her.

Or so he thought.

As a vicious supporting character in a novel, Su Ran wouldn't be surprised by anything coming out of him.

She was surprised by what he said, but she feigned calmness and smiled.

"I forgot to mention. When I left my cellphone at the entrance, I also texted the cops that I was kidnapped. They should be here soon using GPS tracking.

"Of course," she said after a little pause. "A not-so-upstanding gathering plus the disappearance of someone of no importance is not a big deal." Even a family like the Gu's would be able to put a lid on it.

"Except I've heard that there was a promotion on 'Building a Better & Safer City" in City Bei recently. I seem to remember Leader Wang as the leader of this promotion."

"My life is more or less over so whether I live or die is not a big deal, but the Gu's…. what a bummer."

"You…!" Gu Jiahao wanted to rebut what she had said but quickly realized she couldn't be more correct. Killing a wench was not a big deal, but it'd be silly to bring troubles to himself.

Besides, since when did this wench become so wise? Or, was this a message to him? That someone sent her here to bring trouble to the Gu's?

As Gu Jiahao was staring at Su Ren and the air was filled with awkwardness, Su Ran turned to Su Han and said, "Let's go."


Su Han frowned.

Su Han might be young and inexperienced, but he was smart. He had already gathered from the conversation between Su Ran and the man that this so-called "we are just there to add to headcount to an upper-class banquet and make some friends" banquet wasn't what it seemed.

Not to mention that the appearance of Su Ran was like a bucket of cold water that had already drowned his earlier excitement.

He would want to leave even if Su Ran hadn't said so.

That being said, he might want to leave, but he didn't want to leave with her.

This time, Su Ran didn't give him the chance to reject her. She grabbed him by his arm and dragged him out of the mansion.

Recovering from the shock of she-found-out-about-my-secret and who-sent-her-to-mess-with-me, Gu Jiahao wanted to have Su Ran killed right now, immediately, this very moment. Unfortunately, like a snake being pinched, he couldn't move at all.

Finally, Gu Jiahao could only looked on venomously at the direction where Su Ran had left from as he plotted how he'd torture that wench to death once all the issues had been settled.


On the other hand, the two had walked out of Dongshan Court and Su Han, without hesitation, shook off Su Ran's hand.

Su Ran, having gotten out of the earlier situation alive, her back was drenched with cold sweat. The moment that she was able to catch some fresh air, she was finally able to let out a sigh of relief and her tingling limbs went numb instantly.

She stumbled when Su Han shook her hand off.