[R18] Claim

Thane felt his heart beating so fast. He was staring at Elisia and he couldn't take her eyes off him. He couldn't understand the reason why her scent suddenly became stronger.

Then he felt his wolf howl for the first time.

'She's mate!' His wolf said.

'What?' He asked, confused.

'You were wrong. She's the one. Our mate! Claim her!'

He didn't expect his wolf to say that. It never wanted a mate so there was no way that it was just a joke. There's no time to waste so he would just ask his wolf about it after.

Elisia wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. He could feel the warmth coming from her body. And he was the same. They were both feeling the heat of their closeness.


He was surprised and so was she when they both whispered the same word.

"Did you feel it?" Thane asked.

Elisia nodded and smiled. "I know the answer now. I don't want to lose you because you are mine."