
Thane stood in front of her. Elisia blushed when he took off all his clothes. She giggled while staring at Thane's naked body.

"Did you just laugh at me?" He frowned.

She bit her lip and smiled. "I love seeing you without clothes on. It's making me and Asra excited."

He smirked. "Then let's have another long night later."

She chuckled and then winked at him. "I'm looking forward to it."

Thane shook his head because of her naughty gesture.

Elisia couldn't take her eyes off him. She wanted to see how he would transform into a wolf. And then, she heard a snapping sound like bones slowly breaking. Thane's eyes turned to red and she saw sharpened teeth growing from his mouth.

Then he kneeled on the floor while his hands touched the ground. A soft growl was heard when his long snout grew forward. His whole body was gradually covered in black fur while his hands and feet turned into paws. His iron gray claws extended from his large black paws.