Episode Five

The Prospectors are all the things that the Mage and Elementalists are and are not. They can do everything trick and magic there is. The balance good and bad, and they alway remain noble to the purity of this world. Prospectors always wear clothes that are light colour, which consists  of gold,silver and white. Gold is worn by the seniors of the Prospector's clan, silver is for the disciples who has completed there test and trials and the white are worn by the younger upcoming disciples who just started their training. They are always punctual, respected and honest."

Kai pouted. "It sounds to me like they just sit around and train and study without having any idea of what it means to have fun. Those poor young disciples, how I feel for them, the boredom of not socializing for leisure."

Li Jen flick Kai in his forehead, and Kai pouted,rubbing the spot she flicked.

   "Kai, the Prospectors are serious disciples. They aren't just swordsman, warriors and spell casters. They are also purifiers. They can purify anything that is corrupt." Li Jen sigh, and spin a still pouting Kai to face her. "There was this Prospector, he was the best of all the rest. He was born with a special gift." Kai ears perk up after hearing Li Jen's words. "He was the only Prospector that could do reincarnation. He was born with a source of purified energy that is referred as the lotus aura. It was sealed deep into his core. This ability made him do great things, and there were forces out there that wanted it...wanted him."

"What happened to him." Kai ask, curiosity lace in his voice.

"He was betrayed. The Prospectors were the only ones of everyone on the cultivation scale who could contain the blood moon orb. It was said, if anyone who touch this orb, they would be curroupt by the source of the evil Mage who transformed his soul and magic into the orb. The only thing I know about the master of all Prospectors, is that he was envied and betrayed by his dearest of friends. And the orb was stolen and handed over to a general who got corrupt. They tried taking the master's aura, but he didn't let them have it."

Something deep down in Kai's core twitched, he can't place his hands on the feeling. But every time Li Jen mentioned the master prospector, a sense of familiarity wash over him.

"There was a war, and the seven kingdoms tried to protect their people. By putting up walls and barriers and putting up protections wards and talismans. That is why we are forbbid to go to places like the forbbiden lands."

 Kai hummed in understanding. "How do someone know that they are a prospectors and not a Mage or Elementalist?"

   "Oh, that's easy. They are all filled with purity aura, which can only be seen by Prospectors."

'So what I saw earlier were purity auras. But, Li Jen said that only Prospectors can see purity auras. So how di-'

    "Kai, are you listening?" Li Jen ask when she saw the distracted look on his face.

"Y-yes. Please tell me more about the prospectors auras."