Episode Two

Kai laughed as his body shook from the adrenaline rush. What he did back there came as a surprise to him, because only chosen people, or people born with the majestic aura can do tricks like those. But he wasn't born with the majestic aura, so what was that he did back there? The question had Kai scratching his head in confusion, but it quickly faded away when he heard the beating of the drums again.

Something important must be going on." Kai whispered to himself.

The drums only beat when something or someone important is entered into the royal court.

Kai hurried to the front of the courtyard, and pushed through the crowd that was starting to form. He got to the middle of the crowd, but got blocked by numerous guards and warriors with their grand and sharp swords.

Kai took a step back, crouching down and peeping in between the legs of the warriors and guards. He became captivated when he saw about a dozen men walking three by three in a three straight lines, the three at the front wore long light golden robes, the middle three in light silver robes and the three at the back that looked the youngest out of the group, wore silky white robes. Each of them carried swords that matched the colour of their robes, but to Kai's eyes, they were custom differently. His eyes widened in amazement when he suddenly saw different auras engulfing the men. But what caught him off guard is the way the aura pulls him towards it. It's like something struck him in the chest, and sank deep into his soul. He clutched his head, as he became light headed, and a dizzy spell took over his body.

"Wang Lei" A majestic female voice suddenly echoes throughout his mind. "Wang Lei, destined to be.." the voice echoes again. 

Kai suddenly finds it hard to breathe, and he pulls at his collar as he gasps to find air to fill his lungs. His eyes started to roll over, and he felt himself falling backwards.

    "Kai...Kai." The voice echoes again, but this time, calling his name. 

Kai felt himself falling even further, until he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and he could finally breathe again.

He felt the tap again, and he spun around, only to come face to face with a worried looking female version of himself.

"Princess, my apologies." He bowed, showing his respect to her.

The worried look shifted from the princess's face, and a stern look took over as she slapped his arm.

   "How many times should I tell you not to call me princess nor bow to me." The princess hit him playfully again.

  "Oh, and you hitting me is right. I was only showing respect." Kai said childishy, with a pout as he rubbed his barely sore arm.

   "Oh Kai, you are like a little brother to me. So it will always be Li Jen for you." She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

Kai smiles at her, remembering the first time he met Li Jen.


    "And remember, none of your naughty tricks you like to play at home. Understood?" Kai's mother said sternly to him. It was Kai's first day as a stable boy, and his first time at the royal palace. His mother had recently gotten him a job to work in the stable, in order to keep him out of trouble during the day when both his parents and older brother and sister are away at work.

Now they are standing outside the gates, and his mother is giving him the dos and don'ts.

    "Please Kai, listen to what I say." She looked deep into his dark brown eyes. "Listen to Won Jun, and do as he says." 

   "I shall not let you down, mother." He tip up a bit and place a kiss on her forehead. "Mother," he pulled back with a pout. "It should be you tipping in order to give me a kiss, and not the other way around." He said in his childish voice.

His mother laughed, and pulled him in for a hug and whispered. "Don't worry my dear boy, you will get there soon enough." 

Kai let go of his mother, and they turn and bow to the guards as the guards open the gates to let them in.

   "Ok Kai, this is where we part until later." She squeezed his hand tenderly. "Please, no tomfoolery." He nodded before leaving his mother.

'Mother will see, I won't let her down.' He thought to himself with a smile. But not twenty minutes after meeting Won Jun, did he start with his mocking and childish behaviour.

   "Wang Kai, get back here!" A red face and hay cover Won Jun shouted. Running around looking for the culprit, who's mocking laughing echoed around him.

   "Caught you, you little rascal!" Won Jun angrily grabs a hold of Kai's shirt. 

   "Please Won Jun, don't tell mother." Kai begged, shedding a few crocodile tears as he went along.

"Should I show sympathy for what you did?" Won Jun sneered at him.

Kai's face broke out in to a grin, and pluck at straw of hay from out of Won Jun's robe. "Surely you can't punish me Won Jun…..sir." He gulp when Won Jun shook him violently. "I was only doing my job that you strictly instructed me to do. You were just caught in the cross fire of me mocking out the hay."

   "Your mother will hear-"

    "You cruel old man, not my mother." He twisted in Won Jun's hold and made a quick escape. "See you later old man!" He laughs, as he turns to face Won Jun, not noticing the world in front of him, and collides with something soft and delicate. 

He sense the danger, and span around in the nik of time to catch who's to ever he had collide with.

   "Princess!" Won Jun shouted in alarm.

'Princess.' Kai thought, as he looked down at the radiant beauty in his arms. But that's not what caught his attention. No, it was how much the princess looked exactly like him. It is like looking in a mirror. The only difference is that the princess is more delicate and dressed in better clothes than he is. And his half korean features that is not prominent, but made itself known.

  "Princess, my apologies." Won Jun hurried to where the princess was still in Kai's arms. "He shall be punished right this instance." Won Jun said, still bowing and not looking up at the princess.

"No need for that Won Jun. I am pretty sure he didn't mean to collide with me." The sweet melodious voice of the princess, snap Kai from his trance, and his eyes widen when he saw that he is still holding the princess in his arms

  "Your majesty, I am most so-" the princess holds her hand up, stopping Kai from completing his sentence.

   "It was a mere accident. Nothing to apologise," She looks at Kai with a sweet smile. "Or punish for." She turned and gave Won Jun an once over.

The princess straightens out her dress, and motion for Kai to follow her.

Kai smiles cheekily at Won Jun before running after the princess.

   "How may I assist You, your Grace?" Kai asks in his most polite voice, just like his mother taught him. He didn't want to come off as disrespectful and get in even more trouble.

  "Li Jen." The princess said.

   "What was that your Grace?"

   "Its name. Li Jen. Not your majesty or your grace. "

Kai stares at her dumbfounded, and Li Jen laughs at his confused state. She thought that he's really adorable, and also how much he looks like her. She can't deny the fact that she saw all that went down with the young boy and Won Jun, and how it brought joy to her face.

    "Li Jen." Kai tested the name on his tongue. "It's a beautiful name for you…..I mean Li Jen."

Li Jen smiled, ruffled Kai's hair and a couple straws of hay fell out. "May I know your name as well?"

   "Of course. It's Wang Kai."

Well Wang Kai, I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new to the royal palace?"

Kai automatically bow to the princess, which comes natural to him, because of what he was taught by his parents.

   "Kai, no bowing." The princess scolds him in a playful manner

   "My apologies prin-Li Jen." He caught up on his mistake. "I just started working in the stables this morning. My mother is a cook in the royal kitchen, and she brought me here to keep me from….ah...how would I say it, ah extracurricular activities." He winked and smiled cheekily at Li Jen.

   "Well Kai?" The princess turned to look at him confusingly. "Kai is a-"

    "My mother's last name. She wanted me to have something of her family, so she gave me her family name as my first name." Kai smiled proudly, and Li Jen couldn't help but pinch his cheek.

   "Well then, we are going to be very good friends."

And from that day on, Li Jen and Kai became really close. It was like Kai became a part of the Li family. From most times getting invited to royal feast, and getting tutored by Master Young, one of the best tutors throughout the seven kingdoms and beyond. 

Kai is everything Li Jen saw in herself, and even more. Kai is special, and Li Jen felt that much in her bones.

End of Flashback