Episode Fourteen

Married!" Kai yelled in disbelief. "To him?!" He looked from king Li Wei to the handsome young Prospector he had encountered. 

After Kai's mother told him everything, he had stormed into Li Jen's room to get the only thing he owned in there, and that was a book about a couple who were soulmates, and died a tragic death together. They were two cultivators who met while wandering the world alone, and they protected each other from all the obstacles and misfortunes that life threw at them.

Kai had walked in on Li Jen reading the book, and from the few paragraphs he had heard her read, he had become fascinated with the book. So he was truly and grateful when Li Jen had given him the book. Not only did he admire their cultivation skills, but their love shines brightly even though they were polar opposites. Two skillful men fighting to take the lead.

So anyway, he had also decided to take off the necklace and leave it on Li Jen's bed. But Li Jie barged into the room before he could carry out his plan. And that's how he ended up here, right now. In the conference room, with king Li Wei smiling from ear to ear, and the young Prospector whose face is so serious that Kai feels chills down his spine.

   "Yes Li Jen, married." King Li Wei said, looking at his daughter's shooked state and wondering why she is being like this. "Why are you so surprised? You have known about this since you were old enough to understand what love is."

Kai stood there flabbergasted, his mouth open and closing. Lost for words, as his heart thudded in his chest. 

'So Li Jen knew all about this, and still ran away, leaving me with this burden?' Kai said inside his head. His thoughts run a mile a minute. 'How could she do that, how could she call me her friend but yet she did this to me? What am I supposed to do, marry this guy? He isn't even my type- well maybe he is, but that's besides the point. I am not getting married and that's final.'

   "You are getting married, and that is final." King Li Wei sternly commanded, after Kai had put up a fight.

    "But father," Kai pause, because the word taste bitter in his mouth. Only person he should call that word is his own dad. "I don't even know who he is. And….why is he so serious." He whispered the last part to Li Wei, but the young Prospector heard and turned like a robot and glared at Kai.

   "Nonsense Jen, you have known prince Huang Qing yuan since you were six." 

Kai stare blankly at the king. "He is king Huang Bao's son from the Winter Sect kingdom, aka, the kingdom of the whites." 

Kai shook his head, and stare at the king with a raise eyebrow and a blank stare. "Still don't ring a bell." Kai said with no emotions at all, and walk away from the king and out of the conference room. He didn't care anymore, he also didn't give two sense of who they have in store to marry Li Jen. She didn't want to get tie down, so why should he. He just want to get out of the palace and back to his old self.


   Kai huff and puff as he walk to Li Jen's room. He needs to escape, and he needs to do it now. It's almost sun down, and his mother will meet him by the Eastern gate. So he needs to get his baring together, and he needs to do it now.

On his way to the room, he heard echoes of footsteps following him from behind. The person was trying their best to be subtle, walking like the air is carrying them. But for some reason he heard. He has been noticing some strange things that is happening to him lately, like him floating in mid air over Li Jen's bed and there was bizarre incident that he could of sworn when he hover his hand over the wash pan of water, it shifted from side to side. But he tried again, and nothing happened. So he convinced himself that those incidents were all dreams, but what he know wasn't a dream, is the crow he saw the night before. It was picking at his chest, but his eyes had snapped opened and he woke up in the wash basin. He thought that it was another dream, but when he look down, the water was blood and there were scratch marks on his chest which suddenly disappeared.

Now back to the situation at hand. Kai picked up his pace and quickly hid behind a corner, and wanted for the person to pass by but no one did. He suddenly became paranoid, thinking that the royals found out his secret and wanted to punished him. His heart started to beat a mile a minute, and his breathing became laboured. Kai clutched his chest, but his own hand felt like lead and it fell back to his side.

   'Ok Kai, calm down. You are just assuming that they and out and is after you.' And besides, they wouldn't be so quiet in their approach. They would have sent guards stampeding everywhere, searching for him.' He tried to reassure himself. 'So if the king and queen isn't chasing me, then who is?' He inhale then exhale deeply, before sticking out his head and peering around the way that he came. But he didn't see anyone. 'Whew! It was just all in my head, I really need to get out of here.' Kai smiled to himself, but started to panic again when someone covered his mouth, pull him back into the shadow of the corner he was hiding in and place a sword at his neck.