Episode Twenty Nine

Everyone stared in shocked at the sence that just happened in front of them. Sue-May burst into a ear piercing bawl, causing her husband to catch her, when her feet gave out. 

    "Y-you insolent woman!" W-what did you do!" Wang Guang shouted in despair. Holding his wife as she cried into his chest. 

 Li Liu Jia stood there in shock, her eyes never leaving the pile of ashes on the floor. Realization down on her, and she dropped the bow and back away slowly. 

   "Mother?" Li Jie muttered in disbelief. "I know you are upset, but that doesn't give you the right to kill someone else's child without proof."

Queen Jia shook her head, flashing her hands as if that would help get the feeling of her releasing the arrow off her fingers. 

Yes, she is very angry with Kai about her daughter. And yes, she wanted to see him punished. But not dead, so she doesn't know what possessed her to take the bow and arrow from a guard that was next to her, and strike the boy. And she didn't know that he would go up in flames either.


    "Your wife killed him." Huang Bao looked at Wei and said. "She even use her powers to set him a blaze." 

   "N-no, I-i didnt to that. I-i mean I shot him…b-b-but it was a mistake." She quickly defended herself, especially when she heard so much agreeing among everyone. "I-i didnt set him a blaze either."

    Qing yuan knelt down, and examining Kai's ashes. A blank expression on his face, as he he pick up some of the ash in his head then watch it flow through his fingers and back in the pile. He felt a presence behind him, and he saw through his phreephical vision that it was just Kai's father. 

They knelt there for a minute, listening to everyone going back and fourth on what happened. 

   "So you know?" Wang Guang ask, and Qing yuan nodded. "We never want him to know until he was ready, but with the circumstances. I guess we can't keep it a secret any longer." Wang Guang sighed, looking down at his son's ashes. A sad but content look on his face. "How much time does he have left?" 

   "Five minutes." 

    "Oh."Huang whispered. Not bothering to hold any more conversation with the young prince. 'For a young man his age, he act like he has the whole world on his shoulders.'

   "Be mindful what you say after this. Do you see that man standing behind us in the corner?" Qing yuan discreetly used his head and pointed in the direction he is talking about, and Guang act like he is sobbing deeply. Slowly look where Qing yuan had pointed, but he saw no one. 

   "There is no one there." Guang mumbled, which made Qing yuan chuckle. And Guang confused. "What is so funny?" Guang ask, feeling insulted that the young prince was making a mockory out of him.

   "He is here, trust me. He knows who Kai is, and he tried to kill him a few nights ago." Shui explain.

   "He's the one that caused the fire?" Guang ask.

   "Yes, and he is also working for Fong Woo."

   Fong Wen's son?"

    "Yes. So please be careful of what you say about who Kai is actually is. And next time, be mindful of what you think about a Prospector. Especially one that is a prince. And I do not have the whole world on my head." Wang Guang scratch the back of his head in embarrassment. He should have known, Prospectors have special connection with souls, so they have connections to the mind as well.

   "Oh, I am so ashamed. But don't we need to get this show on the road?"


        Zhang gripped his fists in anger, and walked up to the royal family. "You, you deliberately wanted to do this! You people don't care about people like us. You just think about yourselves, and I hate people like you!" He yelled.

     "You just wait a second here!" Li Jie got in his face. "How dare you come up here and-"

   "And what? She killing my brother and setting him ablazed? Only someone of cultivation status could do that, and quite frankly. We all saw her with the bow in her hand."

    "Who are you to talk about my mother!" Li Jie yell.

   "That she is a cold blooded murderer!" Zhang yell back.

   "I didn't mean to shoot him. I am just so tear and angry over my daughter, I don't even know where she is. And before I knew it, my hands is on the bow and Kai bursted into flames." Li Jia cried.

Qing yuan stood up and cleared his throat. "We all feel for your queen Jia." He bowed. "But you have committed a serious crime."

   "No, I didn't mean to kill their son."

   "But your highness, you are not understanding what I am saying. You didn't just kill their son, but you just shot Master Wang Feng-Huang's son."

There was a series of gasp throughout the room, and all eyes are on the Wang family.

   "H-he is lying!" Li Wei yelled.

Qing yuan smirked as he kneeled back down beside Kai's ashes. "I am a Prospector before I am a prince, and you all know that Prospectors can't lie. And why would I, what benefits would I gain." Qing yuan raised his voiced, which is surprising to everyone. But being called a liar, is just a serious offense to a Prospector.

    "Fourth brother Bao, what kind of nonsense is your boy spewing?" Wei angrily turned king Bao and ask.

  "I don't know what he is up to, but I am sure he has a valiant reason for it. And besides, Wang Feng-Huang did have a child. But we don't know what happened to it."

      "I can tell you want happened." Guang spoke up, and went over to stand beside his wife. "He has grown into a brilliant young man. Quite cheeky, but faithful and caring." He hug Sue-May, and they both look at the ashes. 

   "Dad?" Zhang mumbled to him, and May looked at her parents in confusion. 

   "I am sorry for lying to you my children. But as you know, Kai is adopted, but I haven't told you the story behind his adoption." Guang took a deep breath before continuing. "You see, Master Wang Feng-Huang was my younger brother." Another series of gasps could be heard throughout the room.

  "That's preposterous!" Wei shouted, his face in turmoil. "If he had been your brother, how come you aren't a cultivator. And how come that bastard of your isn't-"

   "With all due respect king Wei." Guang spat with venom. "I won't stand here and listen to you disrespect my son. He might not be mine by blood, but that doesn't change the fact that I grew him and natured him until your wife took him down!" 

Wei growled dangerously at him, but Huang Bao place a hand on his shoulder, telling him to calm down. 

   "As some of you know, and by some, I mean all the Prospectors in the room." Wang Guang glared at Li Wei. "Feng-Huang wasn't born from a cultivating family, but a middle class mediocre family, with two physicians for parents. My mother was a caring woman, who would give the last of what she has to someone who truly needs it. She was pregnant with my brother, when one night she was coming home. Now she wasn't a woman who wanted any fancy carriages, because she liked walking and exploring what the world has to offer. So, one night she was coming home, and she spotted an odd looking bird lying in the road. With a soft spot for everything, she went up and checked on the bird, who had a broken wing. Not knowing where to take the bird, but intended to help it. So she took him to an abondan shack and nursed it back to health. Later, she found out that it was a Phenix. And because of her nobility, the Phenix touched her stomach. And three months later, Feng-Huang was born. And later as he got older, we realized that he was special. When the war started, Feng-Huang knew that he wouldn't make it, so asked me to watched over his wife and his unborn child. I failed his wife, but couldn't fail my brother again. So when Fong Wen sent his darkness for his baby, because he thought that he had passed on his lotus aura to him. His wife scarifice herself, and left the baby in the cottage they were hiding out in. The next day I received a message that she had wrote the night before, and I went for my nephew- no, my son. And we felt the Phenix kingdom and came here. Throughout Kai's life, we haven't seen him show any sign of special. And we always thanked the heavens. And now, I had failed my brother again." Guang hang his head low, but he was actually looking at Qing yuan for confirmation. Qing yuan smiled at him and Guang nodded in understanding.

    "So you see, i didn't have to lie. And I couldn't even if I wanted to. I just saw his aura, and I saw that his aura is linked to Master Wang Feng-Huang."

   "Son, why didn't you tell me?" Bao ask.

    "Because I wanted to be sure first." Bao nodded, same proudly. 

   "Well, as touching as that is. He is still guilty, and my daughter has been found. And he is also a pile of Ash on the floor, ready to be swept away by the wind."

    "Father!" Li Jie shouted at his dad. His view of everything has been changed. He was only seeing anger, that he really didn't attack the matter properly. Looking at it now, he always thought that Kai was a little different. And he would also never hurt Li Jen, he cared about her wellbeing too much. And with what he had heard now, his views has changed.

   "That is where you are wrong Li Wei."

   "What are you talking about?" Li Wei ask.

   "You see, Kai is from the Phenix kingdom. And he has his father's genres, which was given to him by the Phenix spirit. So, like the Phenix. When he was being pierced with the arrow, he bursted into flames, only to raise up out of the ashes." Qing yuan, Sue-May and Guang smiled when a sudden wind picked up and suril Kai's ashes around. A bright light emitted from it, and Kai appears in a laying position in Qing yuan's arms.

   "He is really Master Wang's son!" Was the only thing that could be heard throughout the room.

     The first thing Kai saw as he gasps awake was Qing yuan's eyes. They don't have that stern look they usually has, but soft and warm. He also has a small smile on his face. 

   "So, this is how you really look." He whispered to Kai. "Charming." 

    "Look like you have some competition there." Shufen nudge Taio in the side, before laughing mockingly at him.

Taio just shurgged him off, and looked sadly at Kai and Qing yuan. 

   "Welcome back son." Guang and Sue-May hugged Kai in a tight embrace. "We missed you so much.

   "Kai." Zhang walked up and said, his face as cold as a lake in winter. "Do you ever do that again. " He burst out a laugh and run to hug his brother.

Kai looked at all of them confusingly. "Where did I go, and how am I still here?" He questioned.

   "Simple, you rosed from the ashes dear boy." Bao answered. Which still didn't queched Kai's curiosity.

    "What does he mean?" He turn to ask Qing yuan.

    "You are going to Cultivation school."