Episode Thirty Five

The bamboo came so fast, that Kai didn't even have time to dodge it in time. It struck him hard against his back, and he fell to the ground in pain. He has been training non-stop for three days now, and his body is in so much pain. The good thing about it all, is that his Prospector's abilities are kicking in. And he has obtained his rapid healing ability, but even with the advance healing, the pain gets worse every single time. He has even been getting extra training, because he is way behind everyone else. And the fact that the Prospecting disciples have to go to a different part of the land that the school is located on, can be a hassle for someone like Kai who isn't used to waking at five in the morning and going to bed when everyone else is long asleep. He hasn't even gotten to go on that tour with Taio as yet. From the first day Qing yuan had pulled him from the room, he and Taio hadn't had a proper conversation. He leaves before Taio wakes up, and most times when he comes back Taio is asleep. He had made a couple friends, especially when they found out that he was the master Prospector's son. Nah, when they found out that he was dressed like a girl. The females most found it cute, along with some of the males. Saying it wouldn't be hard to dress him like a girl again without the transformation spell, because he already looks and has the physique of one. Others said that he is shameless to do such a thing, and also said that he broke one of the rules of being a Prospector. Never tell lies, always be truthful. It made Kai feel ashamed, but then he remembered that at the time, he wasn't a Prospector. He wasn't anything so he has nothing to feel ashamed about.

   "Wang Lei, watch your footwork! Wang Lei, move faster!" Master Zhou yelled, as he wack Kai with the mentioned bamboo from before.

Master Zhou is the oldest master at the Prospector's school, and also the best out of all the rest. He is the one who has been training Kai after the main training had ended, and he hasn't been easy on him. He has Kai running from the plains up to some hills with loads tied around his waist, he has him walking on high poles, which are centimeters apart with water down below. Right now, he has him doing speed and agility. And it has not been fun for Kai, especially with the bamboo. But what stings Kai the most, is that Qing yuan is there. And everytime he messes up, he can see the disappointed look on his face.

    Ah, speaking of Qing yuan, he hasn't left Kai's side since they started school. He waits on him in the morning and they walk together, eat together, study together and he walks Kai back to his room at night. The only time when they are apart is in lecture, because each disciple has to sit with the clan, sect and kingdom they are from.

    "Lift your foot higher!" Master Zhou shouted out of aggravation, when he got tired of Kai not doing what he said the right way.

   "Ow!" Kai whined when he jumped, and at the same time master Zhou hit his ankle with the bamboo and he fell to the ground face first.

   "Kai, are you ok?" Qing yuan ran up to him and asked. He knelt down on his knees and ease Kai up into a sitting position, and checked him over.

   "He is fine, young prince, he just needs to focus more and follow my instructions." Zhou rolled his eyes at the pair, when he saw that neither of them was paying him any mind. 

     "Can I take a break, my feet are hurting from me tiptoeing over those poles earlier." Kai begged Qing yuan with pleading eyes.

   "No!" Master Zhou shouted, making Kai jump. But Qing yuan seems unfazed by his yelling. Maybe it is a day to day thing for him.' Kai had thought the first time he saw Master Zhou and his shouted went unnoticed by everyone. "He will get no break until he gets his balancing technique right."

   "But-" Kai tried to protest.

   "No buts! Wang Lei, get up." 

Kai made a grunting sound, but still did not move.

   "Wang Lei, I said get up and back to training!" Master Zhou shouted, his face red with anger. And Kai could literally see steam coming out of his ears.

    Two hours later, Kai ran from the training ground and over a railing as he puked his lunch that he had five hours ago into a flower bed.

    "Let me guess, you got master Zhou and prince too serious as your trainers?" An amusing voice said from behind Kai.

Another wave of nausea hits Kai again, and he hurls into the flower bed again. 

    "Don't worry, you will get through this…eventually. After the throwing up, bloody toes and heels and upcoming nightmares, which you haven't started to have since you are just experiencing the first two." The person said, pointing to Kai's boots which have blood soaking through them. But Kai hasn't even noticed, let around look at the stranger as yet.

 Kai coughed and dry heaves. It is so embarrassing throwing while someone is watching, and if he could choose. He would pick being tortured Master Zhou's harsh training, than being here right now. He doesn't even know who the person is, because he is too embarrassed to look. He does know that it's a guy though, because of the voice. And he is also a Prospector, because only Prospectors are allowed to enter into the courtyard of the Prospecting school.

    "There, there. Get it all out." The unknown Prospector walked up to him and started to rub his back. 

Kai took deep calming breaths, before he turned and looked at the guy who saw him being a shameless, embarrassing and disgusting guy at that moment. And he must say, this guy is fairly handsome. With his dark brown hair, which hangs loose around his shoulders and down his back. His flawless skin that glows in the evening sun, his robe which doesn't quite match the dress code of Prospecting school. But what Kai found funny, was that, despite how his robe was not neat. His white boots were clean, and looked like he had never worn them before. Kai's eyes travel from the Prospector's well defined legs to his lean but muscular upper body, and to his dark brown eyes that shine with playful mischievous 

   "I finally put a face to the infamous Wang Lei, aka Kai. And also, master Zhou's new victim." He chuckled with humor when he saw Kai's terrifying expression. "Haha, I am joking. Master Zhou may come on too strong, but when it comes to Prospector's skills and abilities. He is the best, and you are going to learn a lot from him."

   "I only hope so." Kai said, as he winced from his sore feet. "My poor feet." He cried, looking down at his boots with blood stains at the tips and ends of them. "How am I going to get to my room now?" Kai whined with a pout that the young Prospector found cute.

   "I could take you, you know. If you want me to, because we just met and everything." The Prospector said all flustered, which made Kai smile.


   "That won't be necessary." The young Prospector jumped when he heard a stern but familiar voice behind him.

 He turns around, and plasters a fake smile on his face. "Cousin." Kai looked over at Qing yuan with a shocked look on his face. 

    "Yes, Wang Kai. He is my cousin, Huang Ling." Qing yuan muttered. 

   "Oh, that's right. I haven't introduced myself to you. But now my cousin has, so, nice to meet you Kai." He held out his hand for Kai to shake which Kai was going to do but Qing yuan blocked it with his own hand.

   "Why-" But Qing yuan interrupted him before he could finish asking his question.

   "Because he is a rule breaker, and I don't want you adopting his despicable behaviors." Qing yuan clearly knew what Kai was going to ask.

 Huang Ling rolled his eyes behind his cousin. "Oh come on, Prince too serious, I am a good person. And by the way, not everyone can be law abiding like you."

   "Shameless idiot." Qing yuan mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for his cousin to hear. "Come on Kai, I will bring you back." He turns his back to Kai and squat a bit so he can climb on to his back.

Kai's cheeks, neck and ears turn red. As he looks from a smirking Huang Ling and down to Qing yuan's back. "N-no, you don't have to. I can walk." Kai declined softly.

  "Cousin, look. You are making him blush." Ling laughed.

Qing yuan turned his head to look at a blushing Kai. "You have been in more shameless positions than this, so stop being foolish and climb on." Kai shook his head, which got Qing yuan a bit annoyed. He stood straight and Kai close to Kai, and grabbed his hands and wrapped it around his neck before putting his own hands under Kai's knees and wrapped his legs around his waist. And turned from his cousin and started to walk away without uttering a single word to him.

   "Bye Kai, and would you kick his sides like if you were riding a horse for me." Huang Ling laughs, as he watches the two get further away from him.

Kai didn't say a word, he just blushed and hid his face in Qing yuan's neatly combed hair.

     They arrived back at the main cultivation school, where they saw a crowd gathered in the courtyard. Qing yuan walked over to see what all the commotion was about, with a still blushing Kai on his back.

   "What is happening here?" He asked, as he got to the front of the crowd.

   "Your highness Qing yuan." One of the disciples from the Honshu mountain Sect now to him. "It's Hu Delun, he has returned." He pointed to a ragged looking young man.

  "That is impossible." Qing yuan muttered.

   "Why, who is he?" Kai asked, when he saw the worried and scared? Expression on Qing yuan's face. 

   "That is Hu Delun, a Mage and a disciple from the Honshu mountain Sect. And he went missing….after he ran away to go and fight Fong Woo." 

Kai looked up from Qing yuan, and slowly towards Hu Delun. He had heard about Fong Woo from Qing yuan and his father, and how his father is the one that killed his mother and wanted his father's aura. Kai's heart started to beat fast, and his stomach churched as he made eye contact with Hu Delun.

   'Something is definitely wrong here.' Kai thought, when a strange feeling washed over his body. 'Should I tell Qing yuan how I am feeling?'

Kai still locked eyes with Hu Delun, unable to look away. As the strange feeling because stronger.