Episode Fifty Seven

Betrayal is probably one of the worst thing anyone can feel. Especially when the betrayal is from a close family member.

You better watch out Kai, because Wang May is coming for you. And she is out for revenge.

'Well, the damage is done. There is no need to blame ourselves. All we have to do now is find Kai and Shui, and do all we have to do. And be prepared for the fight that is coming.' Feng-Huang thought, as he looked at his fellow cultivation brothers, who both nodded in agreement.

     Zhang hands balled into fists, all of that his father said, his ongoing crying and his mother's lifeless body flashes through his mind like a slideshow. He grits his teeth, as his body rocks with anger. He looked to the side towards his sister, and all he could see but red. How could May be so heartless? Yes he knew that she wasn't one of the best people when it comes to generosity, especially towards Kai. But he didn't know that she was completely heartless to ignore a warning like that. And because of her selfishness, his mother-no, their mother is laying with her heart ripped out of her chest. Because of her selfishness, Kai and Shui are in danger. Because of her selfishness, people got hurt. And because of her selfishness, so many more people are going to die. The anger pool was so deep inside that before Zhang could realise what he was doing, a loud sickening slap ricocheted off the marble walls. And he slowly lowered his hand that was in the air, palm wide open and stinging. He looked up, and saw May looking at him. Her eyes wide with hurt and disbelief in them, as her hand cupped her right cheek. Zhang looked up and saw his dad and uncle look down at him in surprise,  which mirrored everyone else's expressions.

He slowly got up, his feet shaky from how exhausted his body felt. And turned to walk outside, but stopped and his body tensed when he heard May's voice. 

    "Brother, y-you s-s-slapped me. Why would you do that?" Tears streamed down her face. "I thought you would at least be on my side."

Zhang slowly turns around, and scowls at her. Can't believe she would say such a thing. "You really thought that I would support you? After the way you are blaming this catastrophe on Kai, when you are in the wrong!" Zhang's shoulders shook, as he gummed. His face got redder and redder with anger by the minute. "You have no respect for others, look at how you are speaking about Kai in front of our uncle. He is Kai's biological father for crying out loud. Don't you think that he feels some kind of way because of your nasty words?"

   "Yes, you are right. He is Kai's father, and he is the one th-"

    "Enough!" Zhang shouted, startling May. Making her cower a bit. "You have no right to speak that way, and it doesn't matter who his father is. Our parents raised him as their own. All my life I have been calling him my junior brother, and I won't ever take that title away from him. But you, my biological sister. And yet, I am ashamed to even consider you as my younger sibling. May I not be lying when I say, you disgust me." 

May gasped, wiping her tears when she realised that no one would even stand up for her. How could all these nobles just stand here and watch as she gets insulted and beaten by her family. Aren't they supposed to protect the innocent and helpless? She removed her hand that was cupping her cheek, and Zhang immediately spotted the bloody handprint on her cheek from where he had slapped her. Her other cheek also had a handprint from where their father had slapped her earlier. Anyway, she wiped all her tears, and a nasty look appeared. 

    "Do you think mother would be happy with how you and father are treating me?"

    "Do you think mother would be happy about how you have been talking about Kai?" Zhang spat back. 

May should have known better that their mother didn't stand for disrespect, especially when it comes on to Kai. She loved Kai so much, until even Zhang sometimes got jealous. But he understands, his mother had a lot of love for kids, especially younger ones. And he had heard the real story of how his father had found Kai. He was left in a cottage by himself, only a day old, hungry and crying like there is no tomorrow. So Zhang can understand why she had kept Kai so close to her. But May never understood, yes she felt like her mother didn't love her as much as she had loved Kai. And May could never be more wrong. Their mother loved them all the same, and she would walk through fire for them.

 "Even in death she will treat Kai like he is better than me. Maybe she got what she desv-"

   "Don't you dare finish that." Zhang grit his teeth and pointed at May, who suddenly held no sadness or grief. 

    "Why are you getting angry Zhang? Did my words hit-"

    "You!" Zhang shouted, about to run up on May, but Li Jie popped up out of nowhere and held him back. A hand sliding around Zhang's waist, and the other smoothing out his hair. Whispering calming words into his ear.

May saw the gesture and everyone can see the envy rolling of her in waves. She stomped her foot like a child, denied her favourite candy, and glower at her brother. "Oh, so that's how it is. You and Kai are the only ones who should live the good life, get together with cultivation princes, while I am stuck with nothing."

Zhang's eyes widened, and he frighteningly shoved Li Jie away from him. Making Li Jie laugh when he saw Zhang's neck, cheeks and ears getting red.