Most times, brothers are not in sync with each other. There is always a sort of rivalry going on amongst them. Or that's the case with most brothers in the world. But Audolf and Adalwolf are calmly seated in the courtroom, just like they have always been. Each other knows the strength of the other. It's safe to say they never argue because they are scared of each other and not for love. But they never showed fear to each other. 

Even when they have differing opinions that would require brothers to shout at themselves, they keep calm and do their best to control the situation. But right now, it is not such times that they are having differing opinions. In short, they are in sync. They are happy and it's something they must share. 

"So Horgan's daughter is here," Adalwolf asked. His voice sounds like it's in a bit of slur like he just woke up. But Audolf knows otherwise. His brother's days are ending.