The End of The Beginning

The extra months Samuel spent, were spent working and learning a few basics of other fighting styles. Anything Faleah could teach him about what to look for and learn from. There were dozen upon dozen of fighting styles out there and trying to learn them all was folly. But understanding the basics of many famous ones could carry oneself far.

The act of swinging a sword was simple. Anyone strong enough could do it, but only those who honed their skills would realize there were a near infinite ways to wield a sword with skill. The sword style Faleah had taught to Samuel was mostly comprised of the Elite Ranger corps fighting techniques. It was something rarely used by those who were not Rangers.

Samuel spent a lot of time planning his journey. "I want to apply to the mage college at the capitol. But I dont know if thats where I should start?" He asked Faleah one day. "Well you could always start out your first year at the Nicodravi academy. Before asking for a transfer to the big college, it gives you a higher chance of being accepted for sure." Faleah nodded.

Since practically anyone could become a wizard or mage with enough training, most academies accepted anyone who could pay the fee. But the big mage college is where things were really at. But they only accepted those who could show big promise, so previous experience counted for a lot to join the college. Magic was a part of every breath taken by most living creatures.

Samuel pondered on his choices for a few moments before deciding. "In that case I am probably going to join the mage academy at Nicodravi first and then apply to the college." He came to the conclusion that it was best to start small since he had no experience with magic at all.

Faleah had also taught him quite a bit about hunting if he ever needed it. All the things about skinning, cooking and discerning edible flora and fauna vs poisonus ones to stay away from. Thankfully the Republic had quite a friendly ecosystem. Mostly because the winters could become quite cold in the south. The most southern parts of the republic had snow all year round. Most towns and villages that far south had species that preferred the cold climate at least.

From all his hard work and careful spending of money he had managed to save two whole gold coins worth of copper. The admission fee to the academies were one gold.

He had prepared the rest for travelling expenses and food. As the remaining time flew by the day finally came where he was going to travel.

He was nervous and scared but prepared none the less. He had paid to ride along with a merchant caravan for a few towns and villages. He had woken up early and gotten a nice breakfast sandwich that he enjoyed at the old training spot where he spent some time looking out over the valley for the last time in a long while. The moment passed and he quickly returned to his room to retrieve all his equipement.

When he did return he found Faleah waiting for him in his room. She had a bit of a sad frown on her face but she smiled when she saw him. "So the day is finally here huh?" She said as she stood up. Walking over to him with a leather piece.

She motioned for him to turn around. "This is my final travel gift you hear!" She said as she started equipping a black leather armor on him.

"Should offer enough protection if you get into a fight with bandits." Faleah took a deep breath. "If only I could come with you... but I have my job here." She sighed. While Samuel admired the new armor that fit him perfectly and with the two swords on his back as well as a shortsword Faleah had outfitted on his side.

"Just promise me that you will come visit every now and again!" Faleah exclaimed as she ruffled his hair. Samuel chuckled and gave her a big bear hug. "Of course I will!" He let go and gave her a salute. Which she returned with a smile, she accompanied him as he went to say goodbye to the few people he had gotten to know. Before finally finding the caravan packing their goods and soon departing.

He turned to Faleah to say one final goodbye. But she put hand over his mouth, "This wont be an easy journey kid. I can only hope that you find what you are seeking, and I hope you wont forget about your old master from time to time! You promise me to stay alive and I promise to do the same alright?" She looked Samuel in the eyes to make sure.

Samuel gave her a nod. Making her remove her hand and giving him one last hug. A minute later he found himself sitting at the back of the last cart and giving Faleah one last salute and wave as the cart slowly put the distance between them. He felt one tear of sadness streak down his cheek.

He was finally leaving his one and a half year of comfort. Eager and scared at the same time he hoped he had made the right choice, he spent most of the journey in the cart dreaming himself away, hopeful for the future. The reality of the situation though was the fact that the journey would probably take him at least two months with a slow merchant caravan, they had many stops at villages and towns that lasted for days.

Which would have made the journey quite boring. But Samuel, who had never been to all these places looked around eagerly for the first week, before realizing it was the same thing over and over again.

However at the end of the second week. They arrived at the town of Frandu. That was built near a large river and forest areas. It was a slightly larger town than Nar which he had spent his time at for so long. It was also different in the sense that it was guarded properly by wooden walls. It still felt like a town where not many visited, but it was more active than the small town of Nar for sure.

There were also a ton of more farmlands close to the town. Making Samuel pretty sure that there had to be at least twice the amount of people in this town. Perfect forests and irrigated farmland. It was only a town but it had to be a farm land capitol. Forests could be removed to make room for more farmland while also providing the amount of lumber for expansion.

Samuel made sure to take in the sights of this small town during the few days they spent there. Unfortunately he found no faster transport that would take him further than the next town, and those transports were expensive. Since he had already paid for the caravan transport it was pointless getting another transport at that point. 'Maybe I will be more lucky at the next town.' Was all he could hope.

Still after a few days he realized the similar attitude this town was in nothing big ever happening. But that peace was reassuring. Samuel wanted adventure, but he had come to realize peace and quiet was cause for celebration for most people living so far out. The people of this town seemed to relish in the fact that they could live there in peace.

Samuel made sure to train every day in seclusion to keep himself from getting out of shape. Always to stay in top shape. Samuel thought about the fact that maybe, having someone to train with would continue to give him experience. So he had found some of the guards of the caravan and asked them if any of them wanted to spar with him so he could train better.

Alas the guards were not interested in breaking a sweat from their easy paying job. Two dozen armed guards were usualy enough to keep most smart opponents away. Only idiots would try anything and usualy they had to pay with their own life. Samuel did not care much for getting to know people, he was too much of a daydreamer and silent type for most even bother.

But after a few days passed. The leader of the caravan guards a middle aged man with a military style busscut and serious attitude took an interest in Samuel's training. "Hey kid! I dont think we've been introduced to eachother personally!" The large man approached Samuel. Standing over two meters tall.

Samuel had not paid attention to his height previously, he was a monster of a man. Sporting a greatsword on his back and several red war paint tattoos on his face. "Grenger Mountainborn! But you can call me Greng." He said while offering a large handshake. Which Samuel quickly accepted feeling the massive strength behind it. "Samuel, but you can call me Sam!" He quickly replied with a nod of respect.

Greng nodded taking a closer look at the young lad. Definitely seemed like his first ever journey, but he still carried himself like someone who had training. Between his build and equipment a silent look of approval appeared on Grenger's Face. "I had overheard you talking about needing a sparring parter lad, and I could use a bit of training to keep myself in shape as well!" He said with a wide grin that revealed several missing teeth.

Samuel nodded. "Yeah I want to become better and the best way to do that is against an opponent. Where regular training can keep you where you are at the moment." He quickly explained his ideas. "Alright well, I can certainly enjoy some spar matches a few evenings." Greng said - and so the journey continued with Samuel sparring sometimes against Greng, it was certainly experience lifting.

Samuel once again got used to getting his ass beaten many times. Greng was the perfect mix of a good technique and just brute strength. Samuel had a hard time beating that power so he had to play smart. By the time they arrived at the next big town the score was Samuel 7 - Grenger's 15 wins.