Potential Candidate - Part 2

Samuel nodded, "Thanks!" It felt very unreal to him that it had already been so long since his journey began, so long since his parents had been killed and his village destroyed. But it was a journey that continued, although time felt like it was slowing down as he was learning all the things about magic.

Tere and Erica quickly wished him a happy birthday as well and the day went on like normal. Samuel added to his list that learning how to make healing potions like that would be amazing, they took away injuries at incredible speed and were real life savers.

The remaining two weeks of time passed real quickly, Samuel and Erica spent most of their time training what they had already been taught, to become masters of the craft one had to spend quite a lot of time. So they did, but now both of them and their mentors spent a lot of time eating and talking together as well - slowly becoming a small dysfunctional kind of family, or at least a pretty good resemblance to one.

"Don't be afraid to show of your abilities at the college, but do remember that the closer you pay your cards to the chest the less your opponets have a chance to beat you." Bregane had told them both.

The final day of semester was over, both Erica and Samuel had to return their academy clothes and keys and anything that might belong to the academy. Both of them were given robes that belonged to the college instead, blue fancy robes where their student rank was shown as first years. Tere showed them both how the robe had a transform function that turned them from robes into better student clothes that very much resembled the old academy uniforms. Almost like a suit and shirt with fancy pants instead of a heavy robe.

The robes did in fact not discriminate between gender, which made Samuel chuckle at Ericas lithe form with a suit and tie, until she punched him on the shoulder - that shut him up about the matter. The day started out pretty well, they returned their things, changed into their new clothes, had some banter and breakfast & then followed their mentors to the teleportation room.

This time all four of them stepped on a teleportation circle that Samuel and Erica had not used before, the teleportation went as smooth as the other times, it just lasted longer which Samuel thought the distance was to be blamed. When they had arrived in a few steps, they had gone from the northern most Region Capitol to the actual Capitol city, almost.

As they soon learned was the fact that the mage college was on a floating island far above the clouds above the capitol city, when their teachers told them they had become too stunned to speak. 'A small floating city far above the capitol city' the idea flabbergasted them both, most people who applied had no idea.

It was apperantely a very well guarded secret, considering not even the citizens living in the capitol had ever noticed. Applying to the college went through the mage offices on the ground after all, and most people would never think of a floating city but probably a secret place outside the capitol or even below.

Samuel and Erica saw that there were several others their age arriving in the large teleportation chamber that was enormous compared to the one in Nicodravi academy, that one might have hosted about 20 circles where as this place had at least a 100. Missing the amount of armed guards and mages standing patrol did not miss Samuel's eyes.

There were also clerks running all over the place as most people arriving started queing to get out of the chamber. It was going to be a long wait Samuel and Erica sighed inwardly, but alas it only took them about half and hour to get out.

The most important thing they did was verify their identity and application, and then having the students sign a non disclosure agreement about this place and all things they learned from it. There had been breaches before that were all covered up. Bregane had whispered most of the details to them to make them understand how serious it was to be studying here.

The majority of the crowd moved in the same direction to what looked like a huge outdoor assembly in front of a small stage. There were hundreds of personel that helped guide them and pointed in the right direction.

Samuel and Erica were stunned again as they realized most of the ground had been built in white marble. Samuel had no idea about the buildings though, but Erica pointed out the buildings as being of an ancient elvish design mixed with newer architecture. "I had no idea you were such a fan of old buildings." Samuel whispered to Erica and she proceeded to punch him on the shoulder again.

She certainly knew how to shut him up quick. Tere and Bregane couldn't help but smile at their relationship, they had started out with a similar one back in their own days unbeknownst to the youths.

Seeing how most of the assembly seemed to have gathered, Samuel and Erica looked around at all the people, there had to be at least 500 or so people there, the majority of them were wearing the same clothing that they were, while the rest seemed like teachers or assistants.

There was plenty of chatter as many seemed to have arrived to the college together and had already stood in groups or just chatting and others were extremely excited to be there. Erica saw quite a few interesting looking individuals, while Samuel was uninterested in the rest of the world and simply waiting for the 'ceremony' to begin.

A few more minutes was all it took before a really tall dragonfolk person walked up on the stage and stood overlooking all the people assembled. His scales were shimmering azure blue and really mesmerising, he quickly raised his hands for the crowd to silence and as soon as it did, very quickly he finally spoke.

"Welcome all new students!" His voice boomed like thunder making it so everyone could hear him easily. "You are all part of the lucky few that have been accepted to the mage college of Kar! I welcome all of you who stand here before me today! To all of you I am headmaster Vazal Boo!" He gave the crowd a small bow.

"All of you stand here to show your worth, by learning from this very college for three years, everything you can learn about magic and so much more. Many of you will probably continue your studies here after the first three years are over, and join our ranks of assistants to further your studies. While some will go out in life with this knowledge and hopefully make the world a better place." The headmaster looked over the crowd and his eyes seemed to stop at a few places before returning to his speech.

"But this is only for those of you who succeed, so I implore you all to do your absolute best and shine like brightest of suns. There are many specializations to choose from as you advance the years, and many different classes one can take. I hope you all choose wisely!" The headmaster snapped his fingers and cherry blossoms suddenly started flying through the air.

"Time is a fleeting thing, so without further ado - the rest of the day shall be spent with you all being shown around, as well as being shown to your sleeping quarters. You all were given a class on your application forms and should remember them by heart. Your respective guides will be gathering with flags so you know where to assemble." The headmaster finished his speech and a few whistles went off closeby where flags were flying in the air.

The classes had been named according to the last two numbers of the year. 70A-70F There were roughly 40 students per class, but Samuel quickly realized that he had seen no class name on his application form and quickly turned to Bregane who motioned for him to be quiet as most of the students headed off to the flags.

Another flag was raised with 70G but it was further away from the others. Bregane and Tere took their apprentices and made them walk towards that flag, Samuel and Erica noticed that all the students heading to that flag had a mentor of their own with them. There were about 64 people total which meant that there were 32 students in this class.

'So this is the candidate class' Samuel and Erica inwardly thought at the same time. The flagbearer waited for everyone to assemble before leading the class into a separate building a little walk away. They entered what looked like a a large college or university style classroom. Where they were given guidance to take seats. Samuel and Erica took seats close to the back but not the furthest back.

There was enough place to house at least 50 seated students, so there was plenty of room in between most people. Meanwhile all the mentors had taken standing position in front of the ginormous blackboard behind the lectern where the teacher would be normally.

Some of the students started whispering between eachother and all the mentors patiently standing there waiting, a short wait and the headmaster arrived. He took his position behind the lectern and looked at all those assembled, each and every one of them. "Welcome again students. You all are supposed to know why you are here, but just in case you do not." The headmaster started waving his hands almost as if he was going to cast magic. But it was obviously more of a rant.

"You are all chosen potential candidates because you are all special and have bigger potential than others, Therefore the college has decided to invest extra resources into your training! You will still be free to do as you choose, but feel free to study to your hearts content, you will be taking normal classes like everyone else. But you will also take classes from your mentors as well as extra classes once every week you will also be assembled like this to train further." The headmaster gave a bow to all the students.

"Now I have plenty of things to do, so the teachers will take over in my stead! Do not squander this chance you have been given is my final piece of advice!" The gigantic dragon humanoid said and then took his leave. While another teacher stepped up to take the vacant spot.