Jodie, my Crush 2

It's supposed to be a couple shoot but since I'm here with you, no can do! I did a couple of shots with him wearing cute shirts and skirts before I went here to do this pictorial with you, but that's it, she added casually. We're in good terms, why do you ask? Jodie said with face half-questioning. Just asking! Okay, rest now! See you at dinner, maybe? Or I guess, just chill there for now, you had a very long day! I'll call out dinner for you, I said with care. Thanks, that would be lovely, I will go to my room now, Jodie added feeling very tired, she disappeared from sight.

It's been a tiring but fulfilling day. I think I slept for a couple of hours and forgot about dinner. I just went out of bed to get a glass of water, when...a knock on my twelve midnight. Who could that be?. Yes?, who is it?, I asked politely still very sleepy. It's me!, an almost whisper said. Jodieee?, I asked quietly in a wild guess, and went to the door to open it. Hi!, what's up? I asked when I unlocked my door seeing Jodie in her see-through white satin night gown while I'm on my hello kitty pajamas (what a shame on my end! I want to disappear from where I'm standing).

Jodie insisted on sleeping over and she wanted sleep in my bed. Alright, then! I'll be on this side of the bed and you'll be on yours, telling her where she should position herself on my bed.

I think it's been an hour or two, I am lying on my side of the bed where Jodie kept on moving from one side to the other, until she hugged me. I know I was sleeping, I think I was, but Jodie seemed restless. When she suddenly spoke on my ear..'Kiss me'.

Ah, what?, I said quite confused and half-asleep, when Jodie faced me and moved closer to kiss my lips. I was so surprised but her lips were soft to feel, and was like wanting, needing me with how she caressed me with her lips. Wait! Jay, Jay!, me, catching my breath and telling her to stop. Jodie still kssing me when as if in a flash realized what she's doing...What? Why not? , Jodie asked as if worried. Jay! We shouldn't be doing this, we're friends, best of friends and have a boyfriend, and you don't want to do this, right?! I said confidently while explaining to her my side softly. I've been wanting to do this ever since, and I can see it in your eyes, you want me.

And I feel you love me with how you look at me! Am I ugly or not sexy enough for you? Jay said like a little girl pouting. Jodie!, No, you are the most beautiful and talented girl I've ever met, loved and respected. So don't ever think that. I know I feel different when I'm with you, and I have this strange feeling , crush or love maybe for you ever since we were kids.

But I didn't think you have a 'thing' for me! And how can we do this?, I mean, I've never been with a girl before and I..., me, not knowing what to do at the moment while trying to explain myself to Jodie (who is now angry with me, since her wanting face turned to a frown) Alright then! If you don't want to, fine! I'll go back to my room and...and, whatever!, Jodie added really mad. Jay!, Jodie! Please stay. I'll just hug you tightly until you fall asleep. No kissing, okay! I said lovingly.

Okay!, Jodie said calmly closing her eyes and slept. I was flattered really! When she said she loved me and she wanted me. With this I hugged her as if that not wanting to let her go, ever, not again. I slept soundly with my arms around her all night long.

Morning came. I woke up and found that Jodie's gone, but found Basil in my bedroom. Hey, Basil! Good morning! Have you seen Jodie?, while clearing my eyes with my fingers. Nope!, he said right away, picking up the camera and the video equipment on the couch. Okay, will set everything up and see you in about? Basil said waiting for my reply. Oh!, in 30 minutes...I'll be there!, I said bluntly doing body stretches, while walking towards the terrace, where I saw down the pool, Jodie and Vern kissing.

Hmm! That's why she left bed early, I thought feeling something prick my heart. I was about to walk away, when Jodie suddenly looked up and saw me. She still kissed Vern though looking at me with sharp, striking looks that could kill. And as if I did feel the anger in her looks. What did I do? I wondered what was that about, with Jodie being angry with me.

On the photo shoot. A bathtub shot. Jodie needs to be pictured wearing jewelries for a commercial. Necklaces, earrings and bracelets with pendants of letters, names, pretty weird designs such as chains, broken hearts and handshakes. Jodie wasn't looking at me and there I knew she's still angry with me. Though I don't understand why she was mad. But we need to make this a successful shoot since it's for her T.V. commercial for a jewelry company. She is paid so much for this advertisement. Jodie, Jay! Look at me. I said pleading for her attention. Look at the camera please, I added but she still won't look at me. Hey, babe! Jay! What's wrong? Where's Vern?, I asked innocently while ticking my camera scoring for that best shot. He's gone for the day, for a perfume shoot near the area, Jodie responded sadly. Okay! Yet why were you mad at me? Was it about last night? I asked very concerned.

Nooo! forget about it! Can I have a break please?, Jodie said emotionless while getting out of the pool naked, without waiting for my approval. I felt my heart pound and sort of blushed seeing her like this. Why? Jodie asked, you haven't seen a girl naked before?. Jay, please! Cover yourself, I said while helping her put a robe on. Basil! Come out here please, Jess, help Jodie dress up.

Let's have a break until one. We'll resume shooting at 2 P.M. Jodie felt ashamed and ran out of the room so furious. She hasn't changed, still a stubborn baby girl I knew before. Cute!!!, I thought smilingly.

Ring! Ring!, Yes, Hello!, Oh!, Eddie, how are you? Okay what about? Alright!, see you later then. I still need to do oe more shot with Jodie Moon. Yeah!, the singer. Okay, see you at eight.

At the resort's restaurant. Alexa and her friend Eddie were seen already chatting, laughing when Jodie and Vern arrived. Jodie saw Eddie and I. I was surprised to see her too, in anger Jodie pulled Vern close to her. The strange thing about it, she even asked the receptionist to get a table right next to us. I stared at Jodie and half-questioning her motives. She faced Verna and kissed him in front of Eddie and I. And since Eddie's a friend, I don't have plans on kissing or even making out with him. When Jodie and Vern walked past us and sat on their table beside us, I introduced her to Eddie and Vern shaked Eddie's hand gladly. Then we all went on our own businesses, that is, eating dinner. Jodie and Vern where just ordering their meal, when Eddie looked at me.

"Alex!, what do you plan to do after the shoot? Eddie asked plainly. Well!, I have my write-up deadlines for this month, so I'd be doing that after. Why?, I added seriously. So, what are you writing about? Eddie now curious. I love writing about nature, the places I've been to and experiences I encounter with the people I am with every day. It's very interesting and changes fascinate me, I said excitedly. How about you? I heard you've been traveling here and abroad? How was it, the experience, I mean?

Oh! yes. I love travelling at sea, but it's not that easy when what you're always seeing is the vast waters. As a sea captain and an engineer, it's not all fun, I assure you, Eddie smiling. But as if life at sea is a life in solitude with people in it. Aside from being in charge of a cruise ship and thousands of passengers dependent on me, It is a very noble job I learned to love doing ever since I started as a first mate, Eddie said proudly looking more handsome though a bit older than the last time I saw him. Clean haircut, brown complexion, with a tall nose, round brown eyes and lips complementing each other. Eddie is borne a gentleman and someone I can depend on always.

When my grandfather died he helped my parents with all the care they needed. He continued to support my family even if he didn't need to, and let me feel he is there for me. Every once in a while he visits and calls me when he has the time. And he never expected anything, not that I know of.