I love you 3

Uy, pare!, babae o!, ang sexy!, the guy with a cap said to his friend. It's really a wrong idea wearing this skimpy two piece, Jodie, this is your fault, why give me such sexy swimsuit. I think it's past midnight and I don't see people walking or strolling down the beach anymore. Anyway, I was about to walk away from the drunkards, when.. The guys with a beer belly grabbed my hand and said, Oo, nga, kahit gabi, ang puti mo, halika sayawan mo naman kami....he addeId, laughing hard. I wanted to scream but I can't I was so scared. The guy with a mustache then took his top off and hugged me. When suddenly...

Loko, kayo ha! Bitiwan mo ang mahal ko!!!...,out of the blue I heard Jodie's voice from behind punching the guy with no shirt on thus laid flat on the ground. Then pushed the fat guy with beer belly who eventually ran off scared like he was sober in a marathon. He was followed by the man with a cap which I think he lost who slowly got off from being knocked out while brushing his face off the sand and the shame.

Jay!, oh!!!, I said in relief, thinking what would become of me without her saving my ass off, once again. Thanks!, I added hugging her tightly. Are you okay!, Jodie asked very concerned about Alexa. That guys face was made out of steel, ouch! I think I hurt my knuckle, she added laughing on the side. Your love huh!, I said, where did that come from?, I said shyly but loving the idea of her calling me her love. Ah! He! He!, I just said that because I was so scared of those guys built. Like they're wrestlers, wow! Same with the shows I watch on T.V. Anyway Same with the shows I watch on T.V. Anyway you're safe now, don't worry!, so, we better head off, maybe it's never a good idea we're still up, Jodie added worriedly.

Yes and we've got one more shoot tomorrow, you need to be up early too, right?, I added, walking passed Jodie, but she stopped me by getting a grip of my arm. Wait, Alex, sorry about the other day!. I just don't know how to react and so overwhelmed I couldn't believe you were with me. And I was so scared what if something happens and all. Because I wish this never ends, the thing we have between us, Jodie said like praying for a miracle. Jay! Don't say things you'll regret saying one day and wish you didn't at all, I replied hurting. No! I love you Alex, I do and I will do anything even move the world to make this..us work, Jodie added now holding my face to pull closely to hers. How can we?, if you're always on tour, you're partnered with other famous celebrities, temptations are pretty scarce, Jay I don't think I can do it or will be patient with you, us and our secret, I said nearly in tears.

Let's swim, and not think about this for a moment, please!. I'll race you, ha! Ha!, she said running to the water playfully with a sudden shift of mood. Alex turning her head from side to side in disapproval but laughing, decided to run after Jodie, like when they were kids. They played in the water like no one's watching. But Verne was watching from afar. His eyes were heated with anger and jealousy. He thought of a great idea to separate these two angels apart, forever!!!.

I can see Jodie, for the first time, I see her, the real her. We are hugging each other now and I feel her heart beat, her body close to mine. We decided to go back to the hotel, but now Jodie invited me to her suite. She asked me to wait in the living room while she fixed her bedroom.

Wow!, her closet has all sort of clothes, that can literally be auctioned to charity and help our poor humanity. I was still up, I can't sleep since I'm not used to sleeping on other's room or bed. I went back to the bed and checked on Jodie's face. She's so cute when she sleeps. I continued to watch her chest move up and down and moved closer to hear her breathe. I was tempted to kiss her, soft, puffy lips. Lips sooo pink, I want to bite it again and again.

I did actually, and.. Ouch! Jodie woke up greeting me with a questioning look, her eyes trying to open up, and What are you doing", she said grumpily but now smiling, you crazy bitch baby!, Jodie added laughing and hugged to cuddle me. She tickled me all over while I laugh profusely then said, I don't want this to end. I love you baby!, my baby, babe! He! He!, babe, Jodie said repeating the word over as if tasting its sweetness. Yup, my bae babe! I'm yours forever!! Mwah!, I whispered to Jodie's ear lovingly. I love you too! You had me at Hi!, I added romantically. Jodie's eye brows moved up and down sending me a clear message she wants me for breakfast. No! no! no!, we need to finish your photo shoot babe, I said hesitantly.

We can do it tomorrow, please!, baby! I will fly back to California in three days for my album launch and I want to be with you, babe please!?, Jodie catching my arm and now hugging me tightly on the waist. She kept on kissing me on the lips, neck and face...Babe! Okay!, okay!, I said smiling at her lovingly. But I thought you'll head to Dubai first? I asked curiously. It's a last minute change from a personal message I received this morning. Marcus was trying to call me but I was so sleepy I cut his call. He advised that we are needed in Cali for a private show.

So yup!, Want to come with me? It'll be so much fun, especially because you're there with me, please babe! Jodie added as if begging.

Baby! I love to but I need to be with mom, she needs to be with someone to care for her since she had her heart bypass a month ago. Even if she doesn't say it I know she needs company. And she says hello by the way, I added sweetly, touching her lip. Okay I'll visit you and MOM then when I come back, Jodie smiling with a hard stress on the word MOM. 'And Verne will be with me since he has a pictorial in Caiifornia for three days I think.

But don't worry baby since my show is just a one day thing I'll hurry back in time for your birthday, Jodie added kissing me again in the lips, now, hard, longing, wanting. Okay! Okay!, I'll tell Basil and the staff to take a day off, and we will just resume tomorrow. I'll call them now!, I replied I replied kissing Jodie back on the cheek and moved towards the phone. Baby, please fill the tub, I want to relax there after the call, thanks!, I said to Jodie, her with a sudden teasing, evil smile on her mouth. With me laughing silently, while dialing the phone to connect with Basil and Sanjay's room.

When I came back to check on Jodie, she's already in the hot tub with flower petals on the water, candles lit everywhere, and she beautiful as ever. Babe!, she called out to me as if I'm a little girl being invited to come and play. I took my robe off and pulled up my hair, and joined Jodie in a two-person tub, I might say that because we can fit together inside. Tiles all over, fully refurnished room overlooking the beach. Blue water surrounded the resort and us from every-where.

And I'm here with my love, my one true love, who I dreamed of being with, is now with me, literally, In flesh and blood. She, a popular star, beautiful, talented, exquisite, kissing and making love to me in the grandest hotel in the pacific I call paradise. What can a simple woman like me ask for!

Jodie moved over when I went in the tub. I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back. While bathing, Jodie soft scrubbed my back and talked about many things, about our memories when we were kids. She told me everything she felt about me, us. And told stories about her travels, that touring was fun, though can be tiring, still it was magnificent. A magical experience she had meeting her fans across the globe. Aside from the luscious mixed emotions she feels when she's with me. I love the every detail of her adventures and experiences she tells me.

I love everything about her. Jodie told me her secret that changed her life forever, thus changed my perception of her too. When she started singing on small-time bars at the Metro, one producer discovered her, gave her opportunities such as permanent gigs on hotels, events and private engagements. She was young, innocent and beautiful, she fell for the producer same as the man who made her famous.