Gin, who? 2

After Jodie left, I decide to cut my hair short and wore it straight. I colored it brown and maintained the relaxed finish until now. I started doing yoga and practiced eating vegetables since I later found out that exercising and eating food with less carbs is healthier. So, what are your plans now that you're in Paris?, Gin asked as if more excited than yours truly. I'm staying at the Ritz Hotel since my fiancé paid for it. But if you ask me, I'd rather stay in Hotel Beauvoir or in 132 Hotel to save money and worry, I laughed a little.

But Gin burst a loud laugh hearing this. Ha! Ha!...a woman beautiful as you don't deserve to say on cheap hotels, I would've done the same thing if I was your boyfriend, he added looking at me straight in the eyes. The Ritz is jsu as perfect as you, my dear!. I felt my face burning when he said the last phrase and I felt he was flirting though his eyes seem so familiar to me. Gin has a muscular physique, probably working out for that matter. His built is slimmer than the usual guys I see and I'm with.

Like Basil but He is smaller, sophisticated, smoother and... Hmm! Okay stop it Alex! I like it better when he has a beard, and there are bits of them growing under his chin. He is indeed a very beautiful man...Okay stop it! Alex, Alex Ehem! Gin said while I was busy dreaming about his looks and how yummy he is to me. He! He! Yup! I said biting my lip a little. It's definitely destiny, cause I stay at the Ritz too, Gin added happily. We can chat more after dinner. Hang on, I'll get my platter at the other table and join you.

Would it be okay, Alex, can I join you for dinner?, he asked politely with a shy smile. What can I say, this guy is so cute, who am I to say no...Yes! I would love for you to join me for dinner, kind Sir! I said courteously with a smile.

So, your fiancé isn't with you? How come?, Gin asked curiously. I don't mean to pry but yeah! Well He is a Captain of a cruise ship he's away on an a trip to Asia. We see each other every six months though. And he calls me via phone every day maybe to check up on me. Really! Hi! hi! I gave a small laugh. How about you? Are you on it for business or leisure? What are you doing her in Paris? I asked indignantly. I'm so curious about this beautiful man in front of me. And to be honest, I've never been so interested about someone since Jodie.

I'm here for a quick vacation. I just finished a good deal with a certain company and would be producing albums for artists with Warner. So, I'm going to be very busy for the next two months. And I wanted to unwind first, breathing in the cold, fresh air of Paris before heading for work, till I drop dead after. He! He!, he said jokingly but seemed hurt after saying the latter part.

After dinner, Gin and I ordered coffee and went up the elevator to see the top floor of the Eiffel Tower. I didn't know that Paris is so beautiful seeing it on top of this amazing tower. Hmm! I silently whispered to Jodie, "I'm here now babe, I miss you and I love you..." Gin seems so into Alex, and he is really. If Alex only knew who he truly is. She would jump for joy or not, seeing him.

See you next time! Oh! How about this Saturday? Gin asked anticipating a positive response. While giving a hand to call for my service. Okay! I'd love that, Saturday then!, I said gladly. How about my place? Gin asked happily. Sure! I'll be writing stuff about Paris anyway. I'll be locked in my room with my wine in front of the fire place munching on my chocolate chip and cookies. until I die alone but happy, I added sarcastically as a joke.

Ugh! Ewe okay he! he! Gin agreed laughing shaking his head. You want a ride? I asked kindly. No, thank you! I want to walk and breathe the fresh a little, you go ahead!. Thanks for the wonderful evening, Mi Amore! Gin added bowing in front of Alex as he bid goodbye to the girl courteously. Alex laughed but suddenly realized how Gin said the phrase and remembered Jodie. I was looking at Gin while my service pulled away from the tower. I'm sure, I can't be wrong. Jodie, is he you? I asked wishing that she reincarnated inside the body of this beautiful man, Gin.

Oh babe. I laughed my heart out though in deep thought of Jodie. What if Jodie did came back to be with me? Gin is really funny and all about him is like a reincarnated soul of the woman I love so much. In a flash I remember Jodie, her funny antiques, her jokes and sweet sarcasm. Gin was still standing from where our car left off. I looked back to check on him, and suddenly I felt a little sorry for him. What is his story? I wondered. I want to get to know you Gin. I will know you. I've got to know more about you, I said determined to uncover the mystery behind the beautiful angel named Gin.

I am still standing as if frozen from despair, deep remorse. A...! I want o tell you badly how much I miss you. I love you so much, but how can I tell you about me, the new, strange, me. I am a freak to many. I am different but not much. Yet I am a man now, Alex, a trans-man. I am like every woman though having a sexual organ of a man. Will you understand me? Will you accept who I have become? Now that a lot has changed?, Gin in his thoughts, asking himself, while taking a walk to God knows where. My heart is breaking as I went back to my place.

Ritz is so beautiful, very elegant with all the white and gold trimmings around my unit. I would rate this 5 star hotel a perfect 10 if I'm asked to.

In my room in front of an oversized mirror I checked on myself. Look at this body,! I said while taking off my suit and long sleeved top. What is the need for a bra when I don't have breasts anyway, Gin said with disdain. These little stitches that covered my chest are yet to be seen since I'm growing hair on my nipples. My body changed, my abs were the same but more muscular now with my upper body part and firmer down to the stomach. Jodie!, Jodie!, Jodie! I can't recognize you anymore. Who are you now, and who are you becoming? Alex surely didn't. Now, that I have this manly feature, and contour. You would definitely be surprised I have a penis too. Oh my God! The one thing I hated most to have is this. I so loved my body, my looks as a woman. I was adored, loved and desired by many. Now, who would want to have someone who had dozens of surgery to look like me, exactly like a man who I needed to because of the accident.

After my sulking, I changed to my normal pajamas and jumped to bed, breathing heavily. I can't stop thinking about Alex, so I let her drown me of her memory and dreamed my way to sleep.

Lucky Eight Lounge in Granada Hills was burned down to the ground due to the forest fire that accidentally hit California last July 18th, 2019. I, Jodie Moon, a famous singer and artist suffered second degree burns from waist down to my thigh. My manager Marcus died protecting me as he suffocated covering my ass from smokes and falling debris.

I suffered from the burns and the trauma but most especially, missing my dear manager who gave his life to protect mine and leaving my baby Alex because of my horrible condition. I resigned from my recording company though they didn't have a choice but to let go someone who looked like a Frankenstein from the Barbie doll I once looked who everybody loved. I had so much money anyway, so I decided to build a production company and changed my name, identity and personality. I went from one business to another and built an empire in a year hooked up in magazines, apparels or clothing lines and make up brands.

And these made me very filthy rich. Along with the royalties I still receive from my songs and old album. The videos from my last tour in Asia and Europe are still aired on you tube so I get some on them too. I also recently received awards for Best New Pop Artist of the Season and a Lifetime Achievement Award last August, 2022, since I was declared dead after the incident. It made me cry since I couldn't accept the award because, yes, I pretended to be dead, right. So my family accepted them for me.

Every one cried and commemorated my death by even holding a benefit concert for me. It felt unbelievable, disgusting and I regret the fact that I am still alive yet witnessing a tragic event wasted my life and my career with one quick snap of a finger. I am lying to my family, friends, my Alexa and to the world. I want to scream that, I am here, I am alive and I love all of you! However, I'm dead and will remain dead to my looks and talent (though I can still sing in a lower tone, unlike before with that angelic voice which babies even liked to sleep listening to).