Reminiscing the Past

Okay! Shower might help….Alexa added trying to forget about what happened and buried her self in the tub to kill the heat and cool her body, plus clear her mind off this Gin. But how? He reminds me of Jodie and how she made me feel so special, good and sexy inside and out. Ohhh! Babe I miss you and Gin is like taking over me, my body, my mind and heart. Everything that is left of you, my memory of you seem to fade with the kiss, touch and hotness of this angel, I bumped into and I can't get enough of him. Alex now feeling Gin's kisses, touch and breath….uh!!!!, Alexa said closing her eyes and breathing heavily… Alex! Alex…Gin calling her. Ye, yeah!!! I'm here at the tub, she added feeling strange. What will happen now, I think we will be awkward from each other after what happened, I hope not!. Oh! Okay! I thought you went somewhere, he! he!. About this morning, I am so sorry! I hope we can be friends again or what, after that. I didn't mean to take advantage of you, since you are missing Edmund, Jodie, and….

Gin explained while walking to and fro in front of the bathroom door. Alex is smiling and as if pitying Gin after hearing what he said. He is sooo cute!!!, she uttered relieved that Gin is a good and awesome guy after all. It's ah, It's okay! I am fine with it, Alexa said walking to the bathroom door naked, Shoot! The towels on the right side of the bed, she thought. Ah! Gin, can you please hand me the towel near the bed…Alexa opening the door and peaking where Gin is now standing, shocked seeing her half body, breasts exposed totally. Oh! Okay, he said running to the bedroom to get the towel and as if smiling on the beautiful thing he saw back there. Here you go! Gin said covering his eyes… Ha ha! I don't think you were that shy when your hand was touching mine with full gusto, Alexa added laughing, teasing. Ah! Yes that!, I apologize. Really! Gin sounded honest and as if begging for her understanding.

Don't worry Gin, I will not HOLD it against you…I am sorry too I was really tired and I wasn't that much of fun or romantic to you, Alexa added half smiling now. No, you were fabulous my dear and I really want to…ah!!! Gin said happily looking at Alex, but her face changed, as if asking him what about the thing we are going to do???, Oh! Ah, yeah, breakfast, I'll order breakfast. Is it okay for me to stay here for a while, while you are recuperating from everything. If you don't mind, I can pay for a room next to you, if they have one near you, to protect you since Edmund is…. Gin added, his tone a bit worried now. Alex cutting in, yes please! I want you to accompany me. It is okay with me. But is it okay too if you stay here with me, there is another room there, you can use that. Anyway I'll be leaving to Paris on Saturday, I just need to set my dinner date with family tomorrow before my flight. I really miss them too. Oh! how about you, aren't you going to visit your family? Oh! you haven't told me about them, I think! Alexa in wonderment.

Well! My family lived in Syria, but they moved here 13 years ago. I was ten when we left the country because of the war. Gin added sadly. Oh! Okay! I'm sorry to hear that!, Alexa now sympathizing with Gin. But you're not going to visit them? Alex asked wondering. No, not yet, we are not in good terms, why I left Manila and went to California and France for my business. I lived alone until now. But got the hang of living alone, sadly, but more convenient on my end. I wouldn't worry of someone leaving behind or someone running after me , or of some kind…ha! Gin said, his voice revealing an empty feeling which sums up his life and what he went through after his surgeries. And Alexa felt it, his emotions, so strong that she wanted to cry with him.

She didn't know why she feels so much for this guy, when she just met him a couple of months ago. Alexa walked closer and put her hand to Gin's left shoulder to comfort him. As if, he needs more of it now than she. Gin holds his head high and looks back to Alexa, then suddenly feels the urge to kiss her again which he did and Alexa permitted. They both kissed and felt as if they are perfectly sync with each other, and knows where to place their hands to please and tease, their bodies now so close, giving comfort to their hearts aching, longing, needing…. Ginnn….! Please, please, stop!!!. Alex then said realizing that she is in mourning. That she needs to mourn for Edmund's death and not making out with this beautiful and irresistible man. Yes!!! Gin replied understanding what Alex wants. Okay! I understand, as he stops kissing her lips, now just holding Alexa's face with his hands saying. I am here, I won't leave you! I want to be more than a friend for you but I will wait until you are ready to accept me.

I will not replace Jodie or Edmund in your heart. But I will be the guy to not give up on you until the sun doesn't shine, to care and love you with all that I am and will become!!! I know money is not an object for me but I know you want true love and someone you can depend on. I want someone who I can love and grow old with and I hope it is you Alex! I know it is too soon, but I just want to let you know how I feel about you ever since I saw you in that plane…! Gin added lovingly, so excited to have this conversation with Alexa which he wanted to do ever since he came back from California Hospital as Jodie, and kisses Alex on the forehead. Alex with a little cry, nods and hugs him saying, Okay! Thank you so much Gin!

Gin left to buy some clothes and food for lunch. Alex is now thinking about what Gin said and how things between them just started with both not knowing they are falling for each other, suddenly. Hmm! It is so sudden….then I need to wait and heal from Jodie, Edmund and my past. And I will do it now! Alexa said with conviction. She then went to get her bag to check out her phone messages , she has a lot of missed calls from her mom, maybe about the dinner tomorrow. There the envelop Edmund's dad handed to her during the funeral services at the church, fell from the bag. She sees a writing at the back with her name on and opened the envelop in curiosity. To Alexa's surprise, she sees a piece of cheque signed by Edmund, that he is giving her P500,000.pesos, as supposed gift for her on her birthday and for their wedding preparations. Alexa's tears are now flowing and she can't stop crying. Indeed, Edmund loved her and wanted to surprise her on her birthday by marrying her. Putting the cheque on her chest and hugging it, Alexa, cried her heart out and laid, curled herself down the bed like a baby.

Gin offered to come with Alexa on her family's dinner date at their home in Manila. But she refused since Gin needed to go back to Paris and will be booking his flight for Saturday excluding her. She managed to tell Gin about the money Edmund gave her. But Gin decided to postpone his flight until further notice and is willing to help her out in finding the perfect home she knows Edmund would like her to have, a car and everything she wanted in life. Alexa was still tired and all the more speechless from everything that has happened, like in flash Edmund's here and now he is gone like a memory from my past. I haven't totally healed losing Jodie, and now this!!! Life has been so cruel and I don't know how to put my worst luck into words. Yet, I am thankful for Jodie and Edmund, for showering me with all the love and happiness. Though they are not here, their beautiful memory lives in me and forever cherish them in my heart.

Gin has a lot of connections. One of his friends just moved to the states tha she left the house for sale. A two-storey home with full amenities like a movie, play, music rooms, and furnitures, a swimming pool, jakuzi in the masters and bathtub in the other bedroom, a parking garage on the basement and a guest room on the first floor. The swimming pool is at the front overlooking the mountains of Antipolo City near Cloud 9 bar and restaurant. How cool and breathtaking is this place. Hmm! I love it Gin, we will take it, I mean I will take it!, Alexa said checking herself and smiling happily. My family would definitely love this view! While savoring the air and the magnifent view where trees and greeneries are seen from afar. Okay then! Since Brenda's a close friend, she said she can give to us only for P200,000.

She was planning to sell it but since I am close to her, she can give it to that amount without the taxes and she will be the one handle the papers, putting the house under your name, Gin added enthusiastically. You are more excited of the house than me! Alexa cried curiously. I wonder what you will give her in exchange for her kindness, hmm! A date maybe? Alexa prying and looking at Gin intently waiting for him to answer. Ha! Ha! Oh no! She is a very close friend since I was Jo…., err! Ah since I knew her from a hospital in California when I had a very serious accident a couple of years ago. She was my nurse and we have talked about this place. I really wanted to buy this for someone I love then as a gift during the time I am there and been in to trips. Yet well! It didn't happen. I called her recently just to say hi! And she still insistently offered me this house because she and her family now lives in the states.

She said she will be visiting and I told her she is still welcome to use the guest room since it is still her home, Gin added feeling emotional now. Oh! Gin, thank you. Yes, she is very much welcome. Oh! my God my own home! Ah! Gin can you help me buy a second hand car please. Well! I know how to drive a little but still nees to have one when I visit Manila for travel purposes for my blogs. Hmm! Okay, I'm on it, hold on. I'll call a friend of mine for it. Wait here! Gin said and up he goes dialing certain numbers and now talking to someone on the other line. Hmm! Alexa, is looking st Gin, and her eyes almost popped out of her sockets, when she tried to think of the place she saw Gin before. Yes! Jo…..Jo…Jo-dieee!!!.

He looks like Jodie if she is a man, Alexa now confused while focusing her eyes at him. Then Gin smiled at her, Alexa turned her back on Gin so he can't see her face horrified at the idea. What if! What if!!! He is Jodie reincarnated…Oh no, no! I don't believe in that theory. Hayyy! Maybe I am just tired. I need to rest now, before I lose it, my mind , I mean! He! he!. Gin!, Alexa shouted, I will be taking a nap at the masters bed room, I am really exhausted from the trip…alright?. Yup! I'll be done here for a bit. You will have your car by tomorrow, Gin said adamantly. Oh! wow! You really are an angel, 'a beautiful angel and that's a fact', I added in a thought, as if teasing me again to bring back that steamy moment at the parking lot with GIn.

Ehem! Okay, a time on the jakuzi would definitely help to freshen and cool me down from this hot desire, hi! hi!. What? Did you say anything Alex? Gin asked as if hearing her say something. Oh not really! I said I'll be using the jakuzi now to relax … I added playing innocent. Okay! I'll join you in a jiffy! He! he!, Gin said in a naughty laugh. What!? Alex added. Oh!, nothing!!! I said I'll be using the tub later in the other room, so much for the jakuzi romance, haay!!! Gin added as if feeling he lost big time from a card game. The Volkswagen top down will be delivered in three days. This is what I can do to make my Alex happy. If she only knew how much I miss her and wanted to touch her, love her. For all these years that I have longed for her embrace and kisses. Haaaa!!! How can I tell her that I am Jodie? Haah!, Gin breathed a long sigh. I need to take a long bath for this!! He added as he went to the room on the first floor to start the hot tub and all.

Gin is on the tub, eyes closed feeling the water touch his skin. Now he is more than relaxed. When the bathroom door opened, huh! Who's there?, Gin's eyes widened when he saw Alex in a bath robe, trying to loosen it up and walking towards him, with a sexy smile. Gin, as if in a panic wanted to get out of the bath. His scars are seen, and being naked with Alex would not be a good idea now. So he hid himself with the bubbles, while Alexa is now joining him inside the tube, her foot going in, both legs folded in front of her at the other end of the tub. She sees Gin shocked and as if could not look at her straight into the eyes.

With an intense look from a hungry teasing woman, Alexa will move slowly in front of Gin, and he will bury himself, his body to hide in the bubbly water of the tub. Ah! Alex, think this isn't a good idea!, Gin said looking away from Alexa. Uh! I….I just want to thank you for everything that you have done for me recently, and….. Gin cut in, "you don't have to, I did it because I wanted to and because….I…, he added strongly but with blank emotions. Oh! I…I thought you wanted me as much as I wanted you!, Maybe I was wrong…I will leave you then, Alex said hurt and felt ashamed coming in to Gin like that. She felt that she degraded herself and went out of the bathroom in anger. Alex…Alexxxxx! Gin, went out of the tub and looked for a towel or robe and since not able to find anything, ran after Alex confused, sorry, naked and his body dripping with water on the bed room floor. I tried to apologize to Alex but she locked the master bedroom's door and even if how many times I called on her, she didn't answer.

Oh, man! She's surely mad and how can I surprise her with the car now, I added feeling stupid on why I didn't agree on what she wanted. I have waited for a very long time to be with her and now it's all ruined. Stupid scsrs, stupid lies, stuoid me!!!! I thought to myself, screaming with hate and disappointment, and sadness, loosing the one opportunity I have with Alex. I need to make it up to her and give her what she want, tonight.

I texted Alexa and asked her to join me for dinner. Since I bought a tuxedo in black and white, this is the perfect occasion to sweep my love off her feet once and for all. I organized a romantic dinner near the pool. Checked on my internet recipes for a not so formal dinner. Cooked pasta, bologna with pesto sauce and lots of cheese, Alexa loves cheese. Red and white wine on the holder with lots of ice. And my note, apologizing for the incident earlier at the tub, which I want to redo again later tonight in the masters bedroom, first off in the jakuzi. I unlocked the master's bedroom and saw Alex still on her bathrobe asleep like a cute baby.