Challenges 3

Watching the movie. It is the part where Rose didn't want to leave Jack, so she jumped off the life boat and ran towards him saying, "you jump, I jump remember?". Alex finished two or three glasses of wine, I saw, cause I was staring at her the whole time, though stealing a stare every once in a while. She munched the strawberries and cherries away, plus not to mention the popcorn I heated, Hmm! She didn't even left me some. Ha ha, this girl. I so love this girl who is now fast asleep, like a baby. Awwe! She is so damn cute and sexy. I think she grew her boobs more, cause when we were kids, they were flat. Of course, I was just admiring her beauty, you guys!....Hmm! how can I tell, I can see her breasts since her robe is loose and her tight shirt surely is so thin I can see her nips….Ah! stop Gin, stop it!, I said to myself while trying to divert my attention to Alex's irresistable face right now. I turned the television and DVD player off and knelt in front of Alex. Her face is so calm and sweet like an angel. She is still so beautiful as I remember her in high school and that night when I made love to her, which I really didn't want to end ever, not in my wildest dreams.

As if she never aged a bit, unlike me who suffered with those five gruesome years I spent in and out of the hospital for my surgeries. Alex is still hot as ever. Hair color is still dark brown, long, wavy and soft. Her eyes so round, closed with those long eyelashes. Brows, dark and full. Her nose is not so tall but perfect for her tiny face. Lips, small, not so thin but luscious. Chin, perfectly curved for her small face, which I can cup with my hands completely. I am looking at her face now, so close that my nose is almost touching hers. My God, I really want to kiss her so bad I want to do it now and can die after. I am about to steal a smack, when…Ah! Gin, thanks for tonight, I really had a great time, I will go back to my room now…I…. Alex said as talking to her sleep. "No, it's okay Alex, you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch", me, begging her to stay. But Alex didn't hear me, I think, cause she's so sleepy she instantly dozed off after. So I carried her to my room and I went back to sleep on my couch. I was so tired but happy tired since I am with my baby. I slept without thinking about what will happen next after this. Just like old times when I was still Jodie. I would sleep over to Alex's room and cuddle with her. I didn't know that time that I'm in love with her. It's just I always feel safe with her around and I love her sweet smell so much, I want to eat her literally.

I tried to fix the left overs but I was too sleepy to take the glasses back to the kitchen. So before lying down the couch I gave Alex a small smack on the cheek, Goodnight, pretty! And went back to sleep on my comfy, soft couch…Ahhh! At long last….But how can I tell her my secret. Hmm! I'll tell her tomorrow. Yup, right, tomorrow! But I can't sleep, I wonder why. So I decided to go back to the room and lie beside Alex.

Oh my God, she was sleeping soundly on my bed, and she's so adorable. As a gentle man or woman I wouldn't try to do anything stupid to betray her trust in me. Yet I love and miss her so much, what should I do? I stood out from the bed and head back to the couch. It's already 4 am and ahhh!, f*ck, I kept twitching from left to right, my mind and body wanted to touch Alex and…I drank the remaining wine on the bottle. And I think that is the answer, I suddenly felt drowsy and dozed off immediately.

Alex wakes up and seems out of focus where she is. She pulled one of the pillows and smelled it. It smells like Gin, minty, fresh and sexy. Hmm!, what's this? A photo, it's blurry, ha! A girl's photo, who can this be?, since it's a bit dark I really can't see it clearly. I don't want to turn on the lights since Gin is probably sound asleep by now, that would be so rude on my part, since I'm just crashing here, hmm! Remembering now that she is at Gin's suite. Hmm! while clearing her eyes with her fingers. Oh! I wonder what time is it, seeing the bedside clock that it's just five in the morning. I slept for five hours, not bad, I guess the wine really kicked in. How many bottles have we drank, two or three? It's still a great feeling able to sleep since I hadn't had much since Edmund's death and there's a lot in mind lately, I guess. Alexa said walking out of Gin's room. I am like tip toing to make sure Gin doesn't wake up. Poor thing, he is lying in the couch, I added as I pull the comforter and tucked him in, the one he brought last night for me while watching movies. I took the wine glass from his hand, awe!, maybe he can't sleep since the couch is very uncomfy, if she only knew what's in Gin's mind and it wasn't the couch he's worried about but being with her. While trying to clean the mess on the mini table in front of the couch, I am about to carry the glasses to the kitchen when I sort of stepped on something.

A green bracelet? Hmm! I remember this, but, I didn't know that someone can have the same bracelet like what I gave Jodie years ago. Well!. Alexa didn't want to think too much and placed the jewelry on the center table. I stayed bent with my knees on the floor and since Gin's face is near mine. I checked on his features. He looks familiar, without the stubble short beard!!!. Ahh, no! It can't be. He looks a lot like Jodie, in the flesh, but more masculine and all. Gin is Jodie!? I think I drank too much I'm losing it. Huh! Anyway, I always see her in every one. I remember the times when I miss her I tend to think she's just here with me and or she's in her tour and will be back for me, someday or one day. Okay, snap out of it Alex! It's just crazy to think Gin is Jodie, saying to myself while taking off my clothes and getting ready to take a shower. Since Gin is still asleep, I can't ask permission to do this. But I feel so sticky or uncomfortable so I needed to really take a quick one and jog. I'll just meet with Gin after and get ready for breakfast at 7 am. I realize that it's been a month since I started writing my article about Paris. I haven't finished a thing or two, so I have to do this or I'll never finish it in time for Christmas. While running in the sidewalks a couple of blocks near the hotel and then going back, I saw Garden of Ritz (in Grand Luxury Hotels) and rested a bit, sitting in one of the benches to collect ideas and information to write about this beautiful place.

Gin wakes up and gets up from the couch, walks to open the glass door to the terrace to let the cold fresh air come in the room. It is already eight in the morning and dialed the phone to order breakfast. Alex, what would you like to eat today?, Alex, A…, Gin shouted, thinking Alex is still asleep. He walked towards his room, bathroom but Alex isn't around. Where can she be? So he ordered for eggs and toasts with coffee and hot chocolate just to make sure that if Alex's return she'll have breakfast with me. In the kitchen, while washing the wine glasses, he saw a little note from Alex on the counter saying: : Hi Gin, thanks for last night. It was so sweet of you. I didn't bother to wake you up and yes I used your shower by the way. Maybe we can have dinner later, name the place. I went out for a jog and gather ideas for my next article at the Ritz hotel garden. See you at eight later then. Alex explained leaving a smiley face after.

Alex is so engrossed with the scenery that she wrote a lot of the beautiful things she experienced and currently see now in Paris. The people, the places, where you can only feel romance and a lot of loving. Hmm! Love and falling in love, when will I fall in love again? I wonder!, Alex sighed on a deep thought.

I wonder!!! Gin also thought, after reading Alex's note... Let's meet at eight, later, Alex. Yes! But where can I… ah, how about in "Le Ruisseau Burger Point, in Paris- Le Marais?". Fast food can cheer her up!, Yep!, yes, yes yes!, Gin galloped happily. He immediately checked and spotted the burger joints address: 22 Rue, Rambuteau, 75003, Paris, 3rd Arr. Temple. .2 km. from Centre Pompidou, with telephone number : +33 143 700221. I'm definitely sure, Alex would love the place and the food, Gin added excitedly.