Meg's Past & Present

Meg drove the car back to their home in California. Gin was released out of the hospital and was advised by his doctor for his regular check up every month. Alexa and Gin sat together with Nate at the back seat. Jade sat beside me to help on how to work with GPS and how to drive home from the hospital to Sun City. I drove the family's 4–wheel drive pick-up and parked it inside the garage when we reached home in the middle of the night. It's been a long time since I went to visit our ancestral home in Sun City. It's a long drive but it's worth it. Gin and Nate were chatting about the old times when getting off the vehicle. We bought a wheelchair just to make sure that dad won't exert too much effort walking. Nate pushed him and still chatting about the times when he and dad played soccer and all. It's just nice to have this family get together and I hope next time it's about a happy and fun event not when someone got sick or died. I helped mom get out of the car and Jade held mom's arm to be the one to escort her to the house. I checked on the stuff needed to carry inside the house and most of them are dad's medications and his personal stuff mom brought before to the hospital. I held two or three bags with me and tick the button keys to turn the car's alarm on.

Good!, we're all good, I said to myself and walked to the front door of the house. Alexa asked if Jade needed a room and she will fix the guests room. I told her that there's no need and that I'll fix my room so Jade can sleep there just like old times. But now as my girlfriend and not just a best friend on a sleep over. Mom smiled and kissed my cheek. Nate was already in his room, snoring. Poor brother, he was so tired taking care of dad. I wonder if dad would tell me who Alicia is in his stories?, anyway, he's sleeping now and mom is beside him making sure he is comfortable in the bed. I advised Jade to take our things upstairs in my room while I fix the dining table and wash the dishes, while throwing the boxes of our left over pizzas and pastas. I placed the left over pizza and pasta inside our plastic canisters that goes to the fridge.

Then, I turned the lights off and checked on the doors if they were locked. I was so tired that I gave several yawns walking up the stairs. Jade is already taking a shower when I plunged on to my bed even though I am dirty and wet from washing the dishes. Jade came out of the bathroom and seeing me all wet laying on the bed, she jumped at me and made more wet since she hasn't dried herself up yet. Stoppp!!, ohhoho, babe, you bitch baby!, I said and tickled her which made Jade move and wet our bed. I love you and thank you!, I cried when Jade stopped laughing and kissed me on the lips. Since you're naked, I should take advantage of this moment to...hmmmm, you smell good baby!, I want you now!!!, I added and felt aroused when I saw Jade's bare body and smelling good. I wanted to bite and eat her now. Nope, babe, you need to take a quick shower first before the sex, Jade said as if commanding me to do it. No...I want you now...I added hugging Jade and not letting her go. I turned the hot water on and it's ready for you, come on baby, Jade persuading me.

So, I carried Jade with me and I took my clothes off and went inside the shower with her. Jade was laughing and stopped when I seriously gave her a pleading and I desire you look. We both kissed and I moved my hand to touch her back and butt. I also used my other hand to hold her face and then moved to touché her breast and her pulled her closer to feel her skin so warm towards me. Jade got surprised and gave a quick giggle when I carried her in my arms and pinned her on the glassed wall of the shower area. I'm still kissing her mouth when I pumped on her hard. Then I let her down and positioned her on her back and bit her neck and back. Jade was already giving a sigh of arousal. I touched hers and went inside again and again while making sure her clit is within my reach. Jade groaned in pleasure and when reaching the climax, she faced me and wanted mine to penetrate her, so I gave her that and pin her hard on the glassed wall again and finished with so much love and cums, that Jade didn't know what hit her. She was so dazed and laughed after, kissing me on the mouth. I love you!, Jade added while feeling weak in the shower.

I cleaned myself and then carried Jade again in my bedroom. I dried her body and finished drying mine when Jade wore bath robe and laid in the bed. She was sleepy and I was too, so I just took my old robe and wore it too and laid in bed beside her. I wrapped my arms around her and slept which because I was so tired I didn't know, how or when the time I shut my eyes off. I just woke up the next morning feeling happy but my body felt very sore like I went to a war or something. Yup, it was the SEX again that made me want to lay in bed with my baby, I said remembering what happened in the shower and Jade. Jade is still asleep beside me and looking like an angel, so pure and innocent but bitchy at times, I thought and laughed while touching my girl's face and lips. It's just six in the morning and I still want to go back to bed, but today's the 29th and tomorrow's dad's birthday, we need to prepare and do everything today. Jade needs to get back to London in time for her show and I don't want her to miss her show because of me.

While googling stuff for dad's surprise birthday on my laptop, I saw a story about a woman bitten by a snake on the neck. Her name is Veena Vadra, who some people call a witch or a demon. I couldn't take my eyes off her because she is beautiful but there's something about her that sort of magnetic and alluring that I doodled the documentary section for her personal background and the news about her true identity. Veena is still alive today and never knew that she has the ability to see the future. When she was a little girl she dreamed of dreams that she the saints and angels speak to her. She even saw something about the world such as the past when people were melting like candles which she was so scared to explain because it was the bombing in Japan. Then, one more when she saw people suffering from excessive heat and they were dying from drought, poverty and sickness like what's happening now in the desert and hottest parts in Madagascar, Africa and others.

She was also interviewed by Times Magazine about Covid-19, that made Veena cry because she saw in her own eyes like a day dream America and the world annihilated but she didn't know that it was Covid. She cried until one of her friends consoled her. She said that she felt the pain, remorse and the fear that the pandemic have brought us until now. One time, Veena revealed in one of her you tube videos about a true to life dream because when she was having menstrual cramps, she sort of died for seconds and went to a place where church calls purgatory or where the cleansing of souls go to. Here she said that she saw people praying, asking for forgiveness and being delivered to somewhere good and eternal. She also added that the place was prohibited for a person like her since she's still living, one woman asked, why are you here, you aren't supposed to be here you know!. Then she saw other people she knew and knew her, some like traveling on vehicles to go somewhere and others riding or swinging from some place and waiting for their turn to maybe die or wait again for an absolution, when, they don't know.

Veena did self-isolation when she thought she had Covid, because she lost her taste in food and had a cold that lasted a day. She felt body aches and coughs. So, she thought that not only that having menstrual cramps made her see purgatory, maybe she was really that sick to have visited that place automatically. But since, it's not her time to die, she went back and lived to tell the story. Veena said that when she started meditating and doing yoga, she felt heated up from the back to all the parts of her body. She even saw in a dream that a snake is about to bite her on the neck that she was willing to take for the sake of love, self-sacrifice and saving the world, maybe.