I have been in the oil industry for many decades and as a wolf that turned to a woman I have been offered by prestigious groups such as Iluminati, other factions and organizations to use my money and talents to better the world. I have been using my influence especially my money and built foundations, organizations and businesses to aid people, especially women of color, indigenous, poor, uneducated and the LGBTQIA+ communities, and they have been doing great, living the best time of their lives and their families, which I would always want and help to make for them forever.

Over the years young girls have been recruited in sort of like schools. They are brought up and educated by a group called D'EYE. Here a woman named Cara manages the organization where young girls aging from 9-16 years will need to study, eat, sleep and be trained for combat. These girls will be the future superwomen of the world. Some of the girls here came from poor families all over the world who can't afford to raise them. Or others were just brats/delinquents who couldn't be tamed or disciplined by plain iron hand and serious talks.

The difference in these schools are, they only take girl students and would follow health protocols including drugging them to be submissive and be controlled. In a male dominated society, the year 2021 was

the birth of a new era where girls turned to powerful women through strict discipline, following a routine and training to become soldiers of truth and passion. People were skeptic about hoe D'EYE rule the girls in that school. Some neighbors would here insane laughs or cries and some other times, several girls would be either locked up or left outside in the cold to learn something, maybe how to behave and all. It was a cruel and cold system but the girls learn how to fend for themselves and understand the value of discipline and following commands, orders. The drugs injected to these girls make them invincible, smart, brave, calm and beautiful.

They remain powerful until they've grown old and suppose to die. They age smoothly and never get sick. Though some irregular findings are experienced like girls laughing excessively or emotions, desires are heightened such as sexual drives and the need to fulfill these desires. So, even if they don't have male partners, they would eventually hook up with a fellow girl class mate or colleague when they have graduated from the school. Sex with these girls is their way of communicating and expressing their desires, wants, needs and power to claim and reclaim their lost selves, dignity and sense of innocence.

Sexual intercourse is taught in this school for them to understand that it is a biological need and is not evil. Tests have been done to girls who have been deprived of sexual pleasures and they turned out to be needy, selfish, moody and unsatisfied in life even if they have accomplished many things. Those who have active and healthy sex and social lives are living more normal, happy and successful in every aspects of their inner and outer life.

When Megan became the leader of the Revilum pact she tried to break the barrier of coldness and indifference in the world through education, medical studies and military trainings. Reka didn't want D'EYE to rule over the world and treat human beings like robots or toys, so Revilum created robots,

AI which can protect humans and all living beings, things on earth. In between years 2021-2030, people have tried their best to create a long term goal resolving climate issues and degenerating human bodies due to pollutions and chemicals we get from artificial/preserved foods and meats. We learned to innovate and plant vegetables, fruits and other crops on our back or front yards and on terraces, lofts, inside and outside of our homes.

In this world it wasn't the androids who were twisted, malicious and violent but the humans, we, were the ones who explode with anger, corrupt others with our maliciousness, being unfaithful to our partners and aren't fair in many things concerning jobs, opportunities or successes. We are the ones to blame for the world being corrupt, sexual, more adept on the physical features of a person than the heart and condones injustice.

Yet we will try to change that, but how? Here's how, just have a heart to feel for others and I think even leaders or politicians of the world couldn't cheat, be corrupt and greedy. .

Now, androids have been living with us for years and they look like real humans. Some can eat, sleep or dream. A world with norms, rules and laws. A robot is more likely to be a human who only follow the leader and do everything in their power to obey and do good. However, there are people who dream and wanted to succeed, be happy in their life that deviating from the norms and being extreme, unusual or crazy made them rich, famous and influential.

Reka and Meg continued to become good friends and Jade gave birth to a baby boy named Ismael. Reka gave Jade a gift and it is a new home in the country side of Detroit. Since androids can be seen everywhere, Reka bought two AI's as homemaker and household companion for Jade and her baby. Meg was so delighted with the gift and hugged Reka tightly. She kissed her too on the mouth to show her sincerest gratitude.

With all things going as planned for Revilum, D'EYE has agreed to meet with Reka for a truce and some projects she wanted the organization to hold for the future of the world. Cara will meet her at Revilum headquarters and will talk about the changes she wanted for the schools and the girls attending them.

Artificial Intelligence is an economical, digital and safe way on making household chores easy and fun to deal with. Robots have been described in storybooks and history that they couldn't feel or interact with humans. But the truth of the matter is, they can feel with the memory and recorded emotions their makers gave them to use. Though our androids nowadays look exactly like us and has skins as soft as ours. They can certainly feel heat, cold, pain from a prick or a broken leg and all.

Professor Einstein Weber made sure that Weber Robotics would be able to provide every household conventional and real-life human like androids for moms, dads and children to accompany, help and provide for them the attention, care, respect, support and love they needed as a household companions. Androids have been integrated and set in its advance stage to be able to create art like music, drawings, paintings, and be part of the business industry, politics or in show business. They are everywhere and have girls or boys liking or loving them. Androids have married humans and it's been going on for ten years now.

Just like we have Las Vegas to get married in, androids have RoboChap where they can visit and get married with a priest and all that's needed for the ceremony. I have a friend named Susana and she married a guy bot named Sam in that chapel. It's almost the same with our weddings and receptions but the difference was that Susana is kissing a humanoid. I got the chance to shake Sam's hand and it was warm and soft. Like he isn't an android at all but a real human being, Reka told Meg when she talked with her on the issues concerning D'EYE.

Meg was so amazed by androids and can't wait to meet and have a chat with them at home. Jade and little Ismael are at home and having a great time with the bots, Ana and Michel. The other elders and leaders of Revilum pact migrated to other cities like Italy, Germany and North Pole for reasons of recruiting new wolves for the pact.

Through-out the ages, our kind have been sought after, tortured and killed, thought we really couldn't believe and know the reason behind such cruelties. Alexa and Gin are still alive but are older than what we can only imagine but still living happy in the suburbs of California. Meg said her goodbyes to be with her family, which is also my family when I married Megan. We are a new breed of family that are more free, passionate, conventional and legendary.

Who says I want to be a hero or a legend that people venerate or see as god. I never wanted to be a leader just someone who wanted to influence others to be good and do good for everyone, not just for the ones we love but most especially to those who are strangers, poor, unloved, alone and in a sorry/awful state in life. Ever since I was a little girl I always pity the poor, the beggars, children begging for food or home, and people who live under bridges, streets and dirty or smelly. I didn't have money when I was a child, I only had enough and that I still share my food or coins for those who are hungry.