New Times

Good!, now we're good mates! I replied smiling, thinking that she has won this round. Haa!, but how many days until three years is up. This wouldn't be an easy school year for me. I am literally facing the worst person in my entire life and hell wouldn't be the best word to describe what I'm about to experience with Selina. God, help me!

Selina was brought up from a rich family and filthy rich parents that both graduated in Harvard Law School. But she was a problem child since the beginning and been to rehab for many years before coming clean like five years ago. And until then she never touched drugs or alcohol again. I also researched about her life style and love life. Well, she wasn't a good lover nor a perfect girlfriend but she always have her eyes for blondes and she had several girlfriends and boyfriends in her 17 years of teen-age life. Wow!, talking about her sex life, it's more than I could've ever dreamed of, she liked doing one night stands and getting high while having sex is her weakness. She is always has the heart for adventures and only fell in love once with Spencer, her childhood boyfriend who turned gay when they were 12 years old. His dad was a masochistic but their family was one of history's famous artists.

Spencer's dad is a pianist and his mom is still one of the New York's Times contributing writer and popular novelist who wrote books and novels. They were a perfect couple then but Spencer with his tall, handsome and footballer built, was dubbed muse of football instead of a quarterback when a photographer who are always sneaky and illegal, caught him and another colleague kissing in their locker room during the showers. Photographers weren't allowed to do that but since it was for the school paper, he insisted on taking the shot and accidentally exposing Spencer and his lover. Selina stayed with Spencer and in their relationship until they were 16 years old. They both told the media that it was just a rumor and as a blind item it didn't carry much weight in the the social media.

But two years ago when Selina and Spencer's engagement was announced to the world, his lover in the name of Jacob came crashing to their engagement party and sobbing, shouting hysterically about their affair and how will he go about living now that Spencer is engaged, all that ruckus. Selina's reaction was written on her face that she couldn't think whether to cry, hide or melt in her seat while watching her fiancé stop his lover from ruining their party in front of national T.V. That was the most controversial news that hit the charts embarrassing Selina's eiite family and Spencer's renowned parents including himself. With his heart broken and career falling, he took his own life by drinking a bottle of methanol.

The medical staff did what they could to revive him but it was too late. Spencer passed at the age of 16 years old and Selina was traumatized by incident until now. Her drug use and abuse didn't stop for when she started using it when she was only 12, she just rested from using medications when she felt happy or high on life and her riches. But when she suddenly felt sad or depressed she would resort back to drinking and drugs again to make her numb her pains and voices in her head.

I watched an anime film called Arcane and Jinx was definitely Selina, but talking to her now and seeing the true girl that she is, she can be Vi and I Caitlyn to protect and support her all the way. What am I thinking? It's hard enough that Selina is my unit mate and now mom wants me to get close to her to help her. Help her with what? Maybe from her insanity and crazy ideas about Revilum. I saw her earlier this morning, her eyes are raging from hate or maybe anger towards Reka, and it's disturbing. I love my aunt and mom yet what is Selina's story and why does she hate my aunt so much.

Okay, school starts next Monday and we need to be up at 5:30 am. Wow!, talk about military academies, they really are keen about the schedules and routines. The only difference about this school is we have music, arts, theater, business, law, science, psychology, medicine, language, etc. courses that we can choose from as our majors. But to those who have skipped high school since been outright recruited by the board. They need to pass mental and emotional tests to make sure their fit for the extensive trainings of the academy.

Selina passed the psychological test and was declared fit to join the academy. I wonder how she did that but she is smart, smarter than whatever my mom thought of her the first time Aunt Reka and her met at the school grounds hall.There was a commotion happening at the school grounds near the playground. Selina and Benedicta punching and grabbing each's hair obviously fighting over something, or maybe someone. Ms. Wilson, the English teacher running towards the girls who both have bloody mouths and now Selina is on top of Benedicta and was about to slap the girl beneath her, when the nice and beautiful teacher held Selina's hand. Selina, Benedicta, stop this instant and come with me. Maggie!, so good to see you, and you look so sexy in that outfit, as usual and always. Hmmm!, Selina said while trying to hold on to Ms. Wilson's hand and not letting go. Selina was about to kiss the teacher but caught a slap instead on the face than a smooch.

Some students saw it and where scared and in awe since nobody even a teacher have done this to Selina, ever. And if one did, the teacher would either be in prison or dead which was the all-time favorite rumor about how powerful and rich her family is, could get teachers in trouble for the mess which Selina did in the first place. Selina halted a bit and almost in tears when she looked at Ms. Wilson. I'm sorry Selina, you and Benedicta, come to our classroom and we'll talk about this as civilized beings. Maggie Wilson is the famous hot teacher in English that this all-girls school have been talking about the whole summer.

She just came in a couple of months ago but as if the students couldn't help staring, teasing and fantasizing about the Scarlet Johansen look-a-like a instructor who the girls would rather want to get sex ed. from than English lessons.

What's wrong with the two of you?. My God, Benedicta, you/re older than Selina, and you know better than to pull a scene like this!, Ms. Wilson scolding the girls while they're standing away with their backs from each other.

What happened? Please, enlighten me!, Ms. Wilson added while handing them tissues to wipe off their bloody noses and mouths, waiting for one of them to explain what went through their minds and ended up literally trying killing each other.

Benedicta called me insane since I told her that I'm in love with you! So what will you do about it? Selina arrogantly said now walking passed Benedicta and standing in front of the confused teacher. Benedicta, is that true? Ms. Wilson asked looking at the stunned girl and then looked back to Selina who nodded a bit with her eyes telling her to agree and leave the room immediately. Yes, Ma'am! That's just about it!, Benedicta replied with her voice cracking a little. Okay, I'll let this pass but next time that I see both of you trying to kill each other again I'll report you the Guidance Office. Apologize to Selina, Benedicta and you to Selina!

I'm sorry.....! Benedicta said like it's coming from her ass. Sorry too, bitch! Selina said and smiling and licking the blood coming out of her lip, her eyes turned yellow and looked at Benedicta like she wanted to eat her. Excuse me Miss! My chauffer is here! Benedicta immediately said and left the room as fast as she could. Selina, I hope this won't happen....a.., Ms. Wilson was in the middle of saying the words when she turned to face Selina she was shocked that the girl has changed into a large dog, a wolf maybe and the teacher lost her composure. Selina pushed Ms. Wilson and pinned her on the blackboard. Won't happen again Ma'am! But can I taste you first before I take an oath not to have sex with you! Selina added and touched the teacher's hair, smelled it a little. Ms. Wilson, terrified, closed her eyes and breathed deeply then opened it again and saw Selina standing in front her smiling wide like it never happened and as if she was just dreaming.

Maybe it was just a dream seeing Selina turned into a wolf. This school is so strange that's why she liked going here. She has secrets of her own too that kept hidden for many years. St. Bertha School is an all-girls grade school with unique and exemplary students from across Central America attend in. Selina always see to it that Ms. Wilson is safe. She always guard the teacher from afar when she goes home riding her classic crimson bicycle. Ms. Wilson always felt that someone or something is following her but she just shrugged a shoulder and kept going until she reaches her front porch. Selina was obsessed about Ms. Wilson that she can easily intrude her home but wouldn't want to yet with bionic eyes she can see through the walls.