Girls in the Academy

Lyka felt horrible. She is like being torned between her mom's advice about Selina, that she'll be a big distraction and heart break for her. Well, I like Selina, but I'm not really sure if the feeling I have fro her is true love. Maybe, I'm just infatuated with her and since she is nice to me, I try to pay her kindness with respect and love but in a friendly manner. I don't really know and I don't understand myself either, Lyka now on her bed, tossing and turning. Then when she turned and looked at Selina, she get this butterflies inside the pit of her stomach and couldn't breathe normally. When she thinks of kissing her, she wanted to faint and always caught off balance. My God, what's happening to me? Do I love Selina? Am I falling for her, or not?

Dyke, puss sucker, butch, trash, ey! What are you looking at? You like girls huh! You don't like cocks like mine? Selina! My darling sweet!. Why not it's better than pussy you know!, a teen age boy said while grappling Selina by the arms. She was resisting his touch and harassment. But the boy kept on trying to force himself to her.

Brad, Bradley Cooper!!! What in the hell are you trying to do with the girl?, a man's voice echoing in the open space of the back lawn of the school. Come here this instant and leave Selina alone! Ms. Orange go to the clinic and afterwards come by my office later. Selina nodded with a cut on her forehead when Brad tried pushed her from the back and bumped her head on the brick wall. Brad, you will advise your parents to come by the office on Monday and will have a nice talk about your behavior. Being expelled will not be the only thing you're going to worry about, Mr. Orange will be alerted about this incident, and you don't want to mess on Selina's family like that. U..uh! You poor boy, you're going to be sent to Timbuktu, if not to hell, that's for sure.

Thank you Mr. Jonas!, the mugged girl said politely and while the principal is still giving his sermons to confused, scared Brad. Selina's brow moved up and down, then, she looked intensely straight on Brad's eyes, with a motion of her hand like cutting her throat and sticking her tongue in death. After that Selina teased Brad who is so afraid not only with his parents knowing what he did bit more over, Selina's dad, who he didn't know is the most powerful and influential person in the city.

Those were just few of my experiences in a co-ed school and then when I transferred to an all-girls, bums and bullies were also there to either harass or hurt me. They just wanted to get their hands on me and most importantly my bod and charms, hehe!. Anyway, it's not like I was a nice or obedient kid then and now, but I have learned to fight for myself and protect my own interests, my territory, who and what I own. And Lyka is one of the girls in the academy that I already own. Though, she still didn't know it yet. I don't' know if she'll agree or disagree with me but I can't help it, I like her and wanting to be with her is what I have always dreamed and willed to get, by sweet talks or not. But she will need to yield to me or else...or else!!!!, Selina thought looking at the star up in the sky, while lying on the grassy ground of the front lawn of the training ground.

Or else....what? Benedicta interrupted Selina's quiet solitude. Stop it Bene, you're not here to give me lectures but one of those cigarettes to smoke and chat!

Yeah, you're right! But Selina, Lyka is human, and to top it off, she is the granddaughter of the most fiercest leader wolf in the pact or Revilum. I'm just looking out for you sista!, Benedicta added while lying down across Selina, her head touching her friends. Well, I know that, but maybe Reka would accept me and we just move on with our differences. I kind of love the idea of yielding my powers and my rights to her and to all those close to her, like her family. I'm that weak because I like her too much, in fact, I think I love her more than myself or my life now.

You'll get over it, Selina! She is just one of those who you wanted but left you like Jorgy, Melissa, Rei and then there's Maggie, ah, sorry!, Benedicta cried but when Selina heard about Maggie's name, her face darkened.

I cursed my dad and I was almost close to be being disowned for the last stunt I did, trying to kill myself jumping the tallest bridge in Sta. Monica. But dad ordered for a military plane and a cruise ship with inflated balloons to catch me if I fell. Well,. I thanked him for that, but I still hated him for killing my supposedly partners in life. It's so fucking crazy, he, being so jealous and overprotective. Shit!, he's like more of an insane boyfriend than a dad to me.

Selina, do you remember that many times your dad saved you and the several times I scared those who wanted to touch your butt or fuck with you? I know he might be harsh, pessimistic and insane in his ways letting you see how much he cares for you, but heck, you know that he loves you, unlike me. My parents got divorced and my dad couldn't even look at me without being startled because he's so scared of what I am, Benedicta said and has got a good point in each and every angle of past situations he was in for my sake. You are damn right about a thing or two, but Dad still needs to know his place. I'm a big girl now and can take care of myself. He should be taking care of his women and all instead of me, Selina replied.

At least he is still there for you! Selina, you're lucky you've got your dad, mom or friends. I don't have a dad anymore and my mom is always busy with her company that I think she loves her business than me, Benedicta feeling lonely and abandoned. Don't worry, Bene, I'm here for you. I am your fucking mama bitch girl pal. We're besties and best friends care for one another forever. So, I got you girl!, Selina added smiling at Benedicta while handing a cigar which she placed green stuff on a tiny thin sheet of paper then rolled it up and lighted it. She usually have candies that has it in them to chew and get high from once and a while to cure her anxiety, then, bumped her fist with Selina who took the cigar off her fingers and smoked the pot.

Silka and I worked in a candy store like five years ago. We were given a small but neat lodging inside Mendez's residence in a mansion in Manhattan New York. The candy store has all sorts of sweet, sour, salty, long, short, weird, bear, worm, burger etc. shapes that Silka loved to chew and eat whenever she sells a piece or more of them. I hated working there because Ricardo, Mr. Mendez's youngest son would hit on me almost every time whenever he had the chance without Mr. Mendez looking. Silka, on the other hand, loved to stay and chat with the customers especially Tina who is the only daughter of the business tycoon who was known to be a lesbian and loves young girls including my sister.

They had all this slang terms, words when they're talking like their from another world when they're together. I only had a good time selling candies when one the Mr. Mendez's eldest would come and visit at the store once a week to check on the sales and marketing of the little suckers. Guillermo, what the maids call him at the mansion, is a ladies man, but he got stiff and cold when the woman of his life ran off to another man on the day of their wedding. Since then he became aloof though still kind, he never spoke or pursued a girl until me. He was always quiet but whenever he sees me his eyes would sparkle, his smiles would be visible and he would offer me their sweets at the store or sometimes bring with him milk teas or different kinds of sodas just to make me smile and talk to him. I never wanted to work here but when he would come and make my day, I would always thank the gods for him and our job at the store.

One time at break time, Guillermo asked me to come with him and he said that it was a surprise, so I did. I'm not good in receiving surprises so I prayed that it's worth it or else Silka and I would split the god forsaken place and work somewhere else. Ricardo got angry when Guillermo and I went out and told his dad about it.

Guillermo took me to Victoria Gardens amusement park and saw the rides. I have never been into one but I was so excited that I want to try all the rides. Guillermo's face lighted up and he bought many tickets. We started to ride a rollercoaster and did it thrice. Haha! It's a good thing that we ate breakfast like very early and would have threw up because of the twists, reverse and side way turns of the coaster.