Surprise Attack

Selina and I ended up in a hill overlooking California bridge. It felt so perfect and I couldn't ask for more but my love , family and girls beside me. I don't know what I'd do without my favorite people in the world, I thought while kissing Selina on the mouth and still smelling the winter's season's blessings, successes and riches. It's the 28th of December and Selina is very excited to spend New year with me and our new found family and friends.

While smooching and feeling the romance around the air and scenery, our watches blinked and the light was red. We know that red means emergency at the Academy. We both looked at each other and immediately rode back to the academy. It took us about 45 minutes since Selina drove as she could to check on what's happening. My God!!!, we both cried when we saw the academy on fire and about 20-30 ships from everywhere were firing at it and the girls were already fighting them, those who were left at the school this time of night. Benedicta who was still recuperating is now 50 feet tall and trying her best to cover the school from the missiles and guns fired by the enemies. Hailey's bio fluorescence are illuminating its green powers and kept on hitting the ships trying to land the school grounds. It's Terrovult and the villains that had been planning to attack has followed through and is here to fight us at long last.

Here we go!!!, Ready, babe!, Selina added fixing her fox powers, her feet running on her own track like a thousand triathlon runner. Ready!!!, Lyka said, pulling out her gadgets and started to turn on the button to send the ships and criminals to the past, in the dinosaur age. They would definitely love to share their monstrous appetites with them. Yahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!, both girls ran as fast as they could and fought alongside the Defenders.

Sir, we are prepared to attack. Your 30 planes are already boarded with 20 soldiers including the 20 worst criminals in the world who you've bought to join us with our quest to kill the Defenders, especially Cara, a lieutenant said with his back scene and the head of Terrovult is looking out through a glass window while the soldiers are marching their way inside the planes which are A350 military cargos.

A lady spoke on a speaker phone advising the head of Terrovult to answer an important call. Thank Pricilla, General Henry Abe (Ah-bi here! Yes....okay! Order the men to start the engines and we'll attack Angel's Haven Academy in 1500 hours. Lieutenant Marshall, you and your battalion will arrive at the school grounds at 1800 to 1900 hours. Yes sir!, you'll be hearing from us inside the Angel Haven's mother station as soon as we defeat the Defenders. I guarantee you that!, Lieutenant Marshall confident that they will win the war, this time.

I count on it or it's your head rolling on my carpeted floor, if you lose!, General Abe added seriously, waving his hand for the lieutenant to leave the room. Lieutenant Marshall frowned and thought that he could really kill General Abe and if he has the guts to do so he could've earlier when he had the chance. Shit!!!. I loathed that man!

Pricilla, come in here, please!, General Abe called out for the woman speaking on the speaker phone earlier. Yes, sir!, you needed anything, perhaps something, or someone, like, meee?

Yes, you!!!, General Abe said smiling with a tease with his hungry and scary, rapist look. Pricilla went over the man and touched is beer belly and chin. Pulled him towards her to feel her huge breasts and played with his goatee to arouse him. He never asked to have sex but she would always find ways to refuse or just satisfy him with blow jobs or maybe massages, touches that would make him feel relaxed, loved. Pricilla hated every bit of it but she needed to do it to save her remaining relatives in the army joined in the quest to attack Angel's Haven and the Defenders. He isn't much of a looker. He has a beer belly and has grown beard in his chin. He has hairs all over his chest and arms. He looked more like Brutos, Popeye's enemy in the cartoon series Popeye, who liked Olive but always wanted to sort of like rape her all the time he sees her.

But Popeye will always be there for her rescue. Pricilla is a doted assistant to the General but she only does this to find a perfect time to kill the said man for ordering the mass murders of her people in Germany and Slovakia. Pricilla Slav hails from Germany and she worked as a Naval Officer in the German-French Army League. But since General Abe took over the countries and the nations surrounding the European Union, she and her family along with millions of citizens never saw the light of day and freedom from corruption, slavery, death and injustice for the last decade.

No, no, no!, Pricilla said avoiding general Abe's advances, but now she couldn't since he is already undressing her top and skirt. She couldn't do it because she is about to puke smelling his smoke and alcohol filled breathe. General Abe is already inside her and touching her private part and making her wet as he goes around and finger her. He was standing in front of Pricilla when he shifted his weight and pushed her and fell to the ground, then moved slow to lay on top of the terrified woman. General, I think you're mistaken, I never do this with my bosses and ....., Pricilla still trying to stop the man from doing what he is intending to do. Then this would be the first time! I'm glad that I'm your first!, General Abe cried laughing devilishly.

Please, no!, Pricilla said and sought to catch something. She got a hold of the baseball bat that General uses with his children when they go out batting near the offices playground.

She was running out of time and took the bat, hitting the General hard on the back of the head as he fell down flat on top of her. Pricilla rested for a bit and tried to push the General away from her as hard as she can. With great success she was able to do it and the General was left unconscious and bleeding on the head when Pricilla ran out of the office building to her cousins about to leave the plane grounds to California for the attack.

Her cousin Mac gave her a soldiers uniform and her long hair was cut short so as not to expose her secret identity once thy reached Angel's Haven. Almost half of the soldiers that Lieutenant Marshall has are with him and Mac is one of his right hand to see to it that their attack to the academy will fail.

Mac and his colleagues secretly punches, hits or sprays sleeping gases to make the enemy soldiers pass out. The other 10 planes are General's criminals and they need to stop them in time for the said attack happens at the school grounds.

About 20 planes are the only winged carriers and cargos that lived through the attack. The A350 cargo planes reached California at 2200 hours and started firing at the school. But a force field were lit up and the other planes Pricilla's team tried to fire or burn down are also firing at them and then the Defenders came out of the ground and fought hard. The 10 planes tried to fly down but a huge monster at about 50 to 80 feet got a hold of two and threw them far away as the end of somewhere. Then a girl with green light all over her body grew bigger too and grabbed the other five enemy planes and smashed them gladly. I saw with my own eyes these enormous and powerful girls protecting the school with great might and pride. I was touched and I admire them a lot not that I saw them with my own eyes.