

It feels good. Where did I feel this again? I couldn't remember but I know that I already feel this long ago.

Huh? Wait! What happened? Ao-san and I are touring around the school… and I can't remember what happened… wait! Ao-san kiss me.

"Huh? Where am I?"

As of now, Kosaki is in the infirmary room, laying on one of the beds.

"Is that a dream?"

She said as she touch her lips.

"No, it isn't."

Suddenly a voice of a boy can be heard on her side.

"Wha– Ao-san."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes… wait! you said it isn't a dream!"

"What dream?"


Her face suddenly turns red and felt hot that it reaches into her head, making her feel dizzy again.

Well, earlier after she goes into his top, Kosaki feels dizzy and got loses consciousness so Ao put her here, in the infirmary room.

He wanted to ravage her today but he isn't the kind of person who would stand too low to ravage a girl without her consciousness.

"Say to me… Can you tell what happened earlier?"

Even though she feels dizzy, she still wanted to know if something happened to him.

"After we go into the storage room, you suddenly collapse so I take you here and the rest of the story is what you can see now."

"I see!"

She felt relief that what she remembers is only a dream.

'But why did I dream that? I like Ichijou-kun so it's impossible for me to—'

{Do I really like him?}

'…Eh? I… do I really like him?'

While thinking this, she looks at Ao.

'Eh? What is this? Something hot and pleasant feeling is streaming into my body. Also, is he that handsome? Why I can't look away from him? That dream…kiss… his lips is… No! What are you thinking? But… No! I like Ichi— … Huh? I like Ichi— huh? why am I hesitating? what happened to me? ......Do I really like him?'

Hearing her thoughts, Ao wanted to laugh but he stop himself because he don't want to make the misunderstanding of her own feelings change right now.

She is in the progress where she doubts if she likes Raku, thanks to his power. Also, the kiss that she thought is only a strange dream. Another is the fact that he helps him earlier, which makes another big impact on her feelings. Last, the seed that he planted in her heart 10 years ago is now taking a shape of a plant, making her feelings for him stronger than she feels for Raku.

Even though they know each other today and the plot makes a strange barrier for her mind, nobody can stop the misunderstanding of her feelings right now.

He won.

And this is the first step. After all, his big sis, Chitoge, is the main heroine of this world. If he wanted to destroy the plot he need to either make Raku not fall in love with her or take her.

"Is there something wrong, Kosaki-san?"

He approached her and he put his head to her forehead to know her temperature.

"Ah… no!"

She raised her voice as she immediately makes a distance from him and cover her body with the blanket that she hold since earlier.

It might be in an instant but Ao saw her smile and red face, showing that she fall for his trap. A trap that she would want to never ever leave even if he wanted to free her.