Playing Along


Evie gazed at the King's hands. Powers coming from it? He could not have been serious. Her heart pounded like a lunatic in her rib cage.

Raindrops fell on her exposed skin, but it was not its drizzle that made her shiver. It was the thought that what the King is saying might be true.

She didn't notice machines nearby when the King 'changed' the weather.

However, Evie refused to believe. "Magic is not real."

Evie swiveled around and took in a deep breath as she felt her lungs constrict, making her breathe hard at that moment.

To Evie's astonishment, a snug furry robe draped over her, making her feel warm amidst the frigid atmosphere.

Then she caught the King's arms in her peripheral vision securing the garment completely covering her neck.

"You are shivering," he explained the sudden gesture, his warm breath grazed the back of her ear.

Evie's heart thumped like galloping horses in her chest.