Call Me Mama


Evie gazed at the delicious meal in front of her. If she was living in her own world, it would be like eating at a five-star restaurant. It was complete with a fresh appetizer and a savory main dish.

She had even tasted a morsel and it is more heavenly than the most delicious meal that she has ever eaten in her entire life.

However, King Adamos was not around.

"The King said you can eat without him," the head of the chamber heads reminded her, while the other servants gave her envious eyes as she sat on the chair across from the King's. 

She must have seen her hesitation toward the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to eat luxuriously like the Royal family.

Indeed, it is overwhelming to sit in a throne-like chair at the Royal table and eat the King's meal. She could not imagine herself eating even in front of the governor.