Complicated Women


During regular days, Adamos was here in the Royal Chancery, alone, with tons of files and papers. Most of the time, he would have fallen asleep as he finished his tasks until past midnight. 

But now he has two companies. And both were like clashing storms against each other. If both would lose control, books would be flying in the air by now. 

His hand unconsciously lifted as it had been itching to touch Lady Evie's shoulders, but to his dismay, she stepped back, drawing a line in between them. 

Adamos gulped a lump in his throat as he understood why she would be that way. His irate eyes darted to Clio who appeared like she was possessed by a seducing spirit. 

If she is not a woman, he would have used his powers to push him away. But she is not just a woman, she is also a Duchess and a longtime friend.