The wedding announcement has been sent out to all Edinians and Kings of the Elysian Empire. As expected, there were varying opinions about the union.
Some were doubtful about it, but most were glad that their King had finally found Hyouka, their prophesied Queen.
Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood. Even the commoners brought out their savings to buy food at the market so they could celebrate with the King during his wedding day.
However, there were some who were not as happy for the two as they were. That includes Echid and his fellow royal, Clio.
"Are you certain that this is where the Ancient Witch lives?" Clio asked, a hint of nervousness could be traced in her voice.
Her hands, which were holding the huge black cloak over her head, were trembling, too.
Echid totally understood. He was as agitated as she was since they were both disobeying an Edinian law for the first time.