Chapter 3- Result Explanation

[ Based on our evaluation of your plane, we have determined that your plane quality is rated as a D. This rating is given to planets that have the lowest quantity and quality of Origin energy, if any at all. Such plane's are often barren, desolate, and devoid of life. The beings who inhabit these planes are generally weak, and their lifespans are typically short. They lack any supernatural abilities and are at the mercy of their harsh environment.

Your plane's landscape is typically dry, and lacks the powerful energies that can be harnessed to improve the quality of life for its inhabitants. Any energy that does exist on your planet is usually harmful, and cannot be harnessed by the native creatures. As a result, they must rely on natural resources to empower themselves. This also means that your plane has the lowest quality of resources available in existence, making it difficult for its inhabitants to improve their circumstances.

Furthermore, beings from planes with higher ratings may view those from D-rated planes as inferior, and may seek to exploit them for resources or subjugate them for their own gain. Once they have merged and they have not improved further. It is important to be aware of this and to approach interactions with caution.

However, even with a D rating, there is still hope. The origin essence can provide a means for you to overcome the limitations and improve your standing in the future. With enough determination and effort, even the weakest of beings can rise to greatness and achieve their dreams.]

[ Your race is classified as Nascent, which means that its inhabitants possess only a basic level of intelligence. They are not yet capable of fully comprehending the complexities of their environment, and thus, their technological advancements are limited to only what is necessary for their survival. However, with the minor evolution that comes with the fusion of the Origin crystal, you will gain access to information about the Embryonic stage, which may allow for greater comprehension of your abilities and environment. It is worth noting, however, that we have detected a small amount of Origin essence in a handful of individuals from your civilization. While this is impressive given the lack of Origin energy on your planet, it is likely due to an external force beyond your plane, perhaps even from ancient times.]

[ It's fascinating to note that due to the rare and unique outliers in your plane, the quantification of the legacies that can be derived from your plane's is incredibly diverse. Despite this, there are still not enough potential legacies that originate solely from your plane to develop a comprehensive set of trials for everyone. Therefore, your legacies will be generated with the legacies already present in the Origin Plane, which have been developed by other races over time. This infusion greatly enhances the quality and potential available to everyone, including your own race, but it means the Legacies available in the origin plane will be copied and there is a high probability of multiple individuals possessing similar abilities in the future.

As Humans, although your race is one of the most adaptable based on the ease in which your biology can be manipulated. You are generally placed in the mid-to-low range of the quality of your base strengths.

Therefore, even with the infusion of legacies from other races, you should be on par with or stronger than most species in terms of strength and capabilities. With that said, your legacy's potential and quality will be significantly greater than that of the other races, which will give you a distinct advantage.

However, this also means that the difficulty of the trials you will face will be much greater, and the probability of failure will also increase. Additionally, this infusion of legacies will increase the variation among your race when gaining legacies, meaning that some individuals within your race will be able to progress significantly further and faster than others.

As such, only those with exceptional mental fortitude and innate talent will be able to rise to prominence and achieve greatness in this highly competitive and dangerous environment.]

[ As a result of the unexpected quality of your race and planet, you will be given a unique opportunity to grow your strength for 5 years before your merger with the Origin Plane. This is already a significant amount of time. Especially because none of you have succeeded in forming a core. As well as a testament to the potential that has been uncovered in your civilization.

During these 5 years, you are encouraged to make the most of the resources available to you, to push the boundaries of what your civilization is capable of, and to prepare yourself for the upcoming merger. This evolution will be unnoticeable for the most part, but in the final 10 minutes it will become extremely painful. Even minor evolution qualitatively changes the human structure, and as such, elderly, babies, and critically ill individuals are at a higher risk of death during this process.

However, the rewards for surviving this evolution are immense. Your race will be granted access to the Origin Plane, with all of its resources and possibilities. As well as the choice to travel between your plane and the origin plane You will be able to compete with other races on equal footing, and potentially even surpass them with your newfound strength. It is an opportunity that should not be taken lightly. ]

[ Your journey begins in ]

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

[Fortune and may the ORIGIN guide you]