Chapter 6- Refocused

After Jett's racing thoughts settled, he retrieved his phone from his pocket and was astonished to find that he still had a signal amidst the chaos. A mix of relief and suspicion washed over him. "Of course," he muttered bitterly. "Those corporate bastards and the government assholes would never let go of their control. They probably have contingency plans in place. Well, their foresight might just work in our favor. We need information, supplies, and weapons. This sudden turn of events is overwhelming, but we can't afford to lose focus."

Taking a moment to compose himself, Jett turned his attention to his younger brother and uncle, both eagerly awaiting his next move. Their eyes mirrored a blend of curiosity and apprehension, trying to decipher the transformation they witnessed in Jett's demeanor. He exhaled deeply, his voice steady and determined. "Marcus, have you noticed? We still have a damn signal. Check the news sites, social media—anything that can give us insights into what the government and corporations are feeding the public. They won't let us remain ignorant."

Marcus nodded, his fingers swiftly gliding across the phone's screen, diving into the depths of the virtual realm to uncover the hidden truths that lay beyond the crumbling world outside.

Turning to his uncle, Jett's gaze softened, his voice filled with concern. "Uncle Gabe, reach out to Ivan and Nicole. They might be safe, or perhaps they've lost their phones amidst this madness. Don't abandon hope just yet. And try tuning into your old radio. There might be resilient survivors out there, broadcasting messages of solidarity and survival. In times like these, unconventional methods might hold the answers we seek. Time is of the essence, my friends. Though it feels overwhelming, we must face the reality that this storm is far from over."

A brief silence hung in the air, allowing Jett's words to sink in. He observed the bewilderment etched on the faces of his family, a mixture of astonishment and admiration. They struggled to reconcile the image of a man who had crumbled under the weight of despair moments ago with the composed leader who now stood before them, guiding their next steps with unwavering resolve.

"I'm going upstairs to check on Ma and Aunt Jewels. I'll be right back down to assist you guys," Jett announced, his words laced with urgency.

"Alright, Jett, go check on Mom. But be mindful of her delicate state. This whole shit show must have rattled her to the core. We weren't here when she woke up to that voice, so imagine the confusion and fear she must have felt, especially knowing how sensitive she is" Marcus explained, his concern for their mother evident in his voice.

"Marcus is right, Jett. Approach her gently if she is awake, give her the space she needs and don't try to rush her. We must be understanding of her emotional state," Gabriel added, his voice filled with a mixture of caution and compassion, attempting to temper Jett's sense of urgency.

Jett let out a sigh of resignation, understanding. He took a deep breath, gathering his composure and reminding himself to balance urgency with sensitivity. "Alright, I'll be cautious and not rush. But please, let's not forget the gravity of the situation. We need to be prepared for whatever lies ahead," he stated, his voice carrying a sense of determination.

With a firm resolve, Jett's footsteps echoed through the entry hallway, resounding like a battle cry against the encroaching chaos. As he ascended the stairs, his anticipation heightened, fueling his determination to protect his family at all costs. The wooden steps creaked beneath his weight, as if echoing the tension and urgency that hung in the air.

The corridor on the upper level stretched out before him, adorned with family portraits that had weathered the test of time. The dim lighting cast eerie shadows along the walls, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. Jett's gaze was fixed on the right side of the corridor, where Marcia's room awaited him like a sanctuary in the storm.

As he entered the room, the air felt heavy with a mixture of apprehension and the scent of familiarity. The pale moonlight filtered through the partially drawn curtains, casting an ethereal glow on the surroundings. His mother's room was adorned with cherished family photographs, memories frozen in time, offering a glimpse into their shared history.

Julia, his aunt, was seated by Marcia's bedside, her eyes filled with concern and love.The air was infused with a mix of nervous energy and a touch of innocence, as if the room itself held its breath in anticipation of what lay ahead.

Julia looked up, her eyes mirroring a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. "Jett, thank goodness you're here," she said, her voice quivering slightly. "We've been trying to make sense of all this madness. But right now, our priority is Marcia's well-being. We'll stay strong together, won't we?"

"Absolutely Aunt Jewels. Don't worry everything will be alright" Jetts assured her as he made his way to his mother.The room was filled with a sense of vulnerability, a reminder of the fragility of their lives in the face of the unknown. He took a moment to observe her peaceful form, her features etched with a blend of weariness and confusion.

"Mama," Jett whispered softly, his voice carrying a mixture of tenderness and concern. "It's Jett. I'm here, Mama. I know things are chaotic right now, but we're going to get through this together. Just rest for now, and when you're ready, we'll face whatever comes our way."

"I'm going back downstairs to assist Marcus and Uncle Gabe. Thank you so much Aunt Julia for watching over mom.Trust me, we'll get through this."He reached out to gently touch his mother's hand, offering a silent reassurance. With a lingering gaze, Jett retreated from the room, closing the door behind him.The weight of responsibility pressed upon his shoulders, but he refused to succumb to doubt.