Chapter 15- Legacy Trial

As the timer approached the ten-minute mark, Jett pondered whether he would endure the same excruciating pain or if he would receive energy from the origin crystal.

In the next second, his question was answered. Without hesitation, he dropped to the floor, assuming the position his grandfather had taught him. Unlike the previous time, he could actually sense the energy permeating his body.

Jett realized that he had no control over his body once the process began. This time, however, it felt different. It was as if the energy was purer and more refined, not causing any noticeable physical changes but transforming his previous energy into something more refined. It was a mysterious sensation that eluded his understanding.

As the timer reached zero, his consciousness gradually fades into darkness once again.

[ anomalous being detected, re-forging trial, and re-randomizing better rewards]

[ Scanning suitable legacies….]

[ Discovered Five suitable Legacies]

[ Human chose wisely, and this choice cannot be altered in the future. Each legacy originates from a different plane, with only one originating from your Earth. You will encounter the races of the other four worlds in the origin plane.

1. Fortem

2. Elemental Mimicry

3. Conjuring

4. Warding

5. Dominion

Choose now Human!]

Jett couldn't comprehend what was happening. It was such a bizarre experience. These texts continuously appeared in his mind unlike the voice from before. Which he had heard in his mind previously.

He didn't know what choice to make. He was unfamiliar with any of these names. He could make guesses, but it didn't help, since he couldn't decipher their full potential.

[ Given your uniqueness this is an exception. There will be no detailed answers. Now choose!]

The text before him seemed to pulsate with a mysterious energy, beckoning him to delve deeper into its secrets. He couldn't help but entertain the thought that perhaps this was more than a mere trial, but rather a direct communion with a higher existence.

As Jett carefully perused the intricate descriptions of the abilities, a profound sense of curiosity enveloped him. Each power held its own allure, promising great potential and untapped possibilities. Yet, one particular legacy, Dominion, resonated within him on a deeply personal level, igniting a dormant desire that had long been concealed.

Dominion, he realized, offered him the opportunity to wield absolute control and authority. It was the path that would enable him to shape the world according to his own vision, to establish his rule and leave an indelible mark upon history. The prospect of leading with unwavering power and influence stirred a hunger within Jett, fueling his ambition and fanning the flames of his deepest aspirations.

The choice before him was not merely a matter of acquiring strength or mastering a particular skill. It was a pivotal decision that would determine the trajectory of his life, the path that would lead him towards dominion and the fulfillment of his craving for control. With every passing moment, the allure of ruling over realms and shaping the fate of those beneath him grew stronger, eclipsing all other considerations.

And so, driven by this deep-seated desire to rule, Jett made the resolute choice to embrace the Dominion legacy. He recognized that this path would demand unwavering determination, ruthless cunning, and the ability to navigate the intricate dynamics of power. It would require him to rise above challenges, manipulate circumstances to his advantage, and command the respect and loyalty of those who would stand in his way.

[Very well brace yourself, your trial begins in Now! ]

Jett stood at the entrance of the inheritance ground, a formidable gateway leading to the mysterious realm. With each step he took, the atmosphere shifted, revealing a haunting landscape veiled in mist and resonating with disquieting voices.

Undeterred by the eerie surroundings, Jett pressed forward, his senses assaulted by the anguished cries of tormented souls. These ethereal specters materialized into menacing figures, hungering for his life force. Acting on instinct, Jett lunged at the apparitions, only to be bewildered by his futile attempts. His limbs passed through their intangible bodies, leaving him momentarily stunned. In a swift motion, he propelled himself backward, creating distance to gather his wits.

As he collected his thoughts, Jett felt a peculiar energy permeating the surroundings, beckoning him to comprehend its purpose within this trial. Curiosity sparked within him, and he began to channel the energy into his own being, initially with a modicum of control. With each nimble maneuver to evade the apparitions, his mastery over the energy grew, allowing him to absorb greater quantities. Yet, he sensed there was still much more to harness.

After what seemed like an eternity to Jett, a breakthrough occurred. The intricate web of energy finally clicked into place within his mind, granting him access to its most basic manipulation. It was as if a puzzle had been solved, and newfound understanding surged through him. With focus and determination, he directed the energy towards the relentless apparitions, sensing an inexplicable connection between them. As he had anticipated, the energy took effect, rendering the specters motionless, trapped in a powerful spell of his control.

In the blink of an eye, Jett's consciousness blurred, and when clarity returned, he found himself transported to a completely unfamiliar location, a stark contrast from the one he had left behind.

Pressing onward through the treacherous journey, Jett ventured into a dark and twisted nexus where the boundaries between realms blurred. Within this malevolent realm, he encountered a horde of malicious entities, bent on corrupting and devouring his very soul. The air crackled with dark energy, and the shadows contorted into grotesque and unnatural forms. These abominations possessed disfigured bodies, adorned with elongated protrusions that twisted in impossible angles.

Jett was both astounded and horrified by the existence of such creatures, struggling to comprehend their twisted forms. Unfortunately, his momentary lapse in action and awareness proved costly, as one of these monstrosities lunged at him, striking his chest with its massive spiked tail. The impact sent him hurtling through the air, crashing forcefully into the unforgiving labyrinth wall.

Coughing up blood and wracked with pain, Jett fought to regain his footing. With immense effort, he rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on the creatures before him. Despite the agony coursing through his body, he drew strength from the energy he had harnessed from the crystal and the necklace, its transformative effects still unfolding within him.

Relying on his cunning and lightning-quick reflexes, Jett maneuvered around the malevolent beings, striking with precision when they exposed vulnerabilities, evading their attacks, and escaping whenever possible. Gradually, he found himself entering a state of rhythmic flow, fully immersed in the deadly environment. His mind worked swiftly to uncover the weaknesses of his adversaries, launching relentless offensives and swiftly dispatching his foes.

With each step, Jett forged ahead, relying on his intellect and his newfound embodiment to navigate the perilous pathways, evading traps, and overcoming the monstrous guardians lurking in the shadows. The unity within his being allowed him to command the potent energy within his body, unleashing devastating attacks that dispelled the encroaching malevolence, ensuring his survival in this harrowing realm.

Having reached the exit at the labyrinth, realizing he had finished what appeared to be the second trial he had faced. Jett found himself standing amidst a grand amphitheater, bathed in a haunting luminescence.

As he gazed upon the ancient stones, a chorus of ethereal whispers filled the air, revealing the echoes of his bloodline's turbulent past. The specters of his ancestors materialized, their ethereal forms embodying the lingering resentments, grudges, and unresolved conflicts that plagued his lineage for generations.

The air crackled with animosity as vengeful specters clashed and bellowed, their anguish and anger palpable. Jett understood that his role in this trial was not merely to defeat his spectral predecessors but to unearth the truth, bring understanding, and reconcile the deep-rooted divisions that had plagued his bloodline.

With unyielding charisma and boundless empathy, Jett stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. He engaged in intricate negotiations, navigating the treacherous web of emotions, seeking to unravel the complex tapestry of his family's conflicts. Through persuasive diplomacy, he broke down barriers, urging the spirits to lay down their grudges and embrace forgiveness.

Jett's acts of selflessness became the cornerstone of his approach. He showed compassion, sacrificing his own desires to address the grievances of his ancestors. He listened attentively to their tales of woe, acknowledging the pain they had endured for centuries.

Amidst the swirling chaos of spectral clashes, Jett ventured forth to forge bridges across the chasms that divided their souls. He delved into the depths of their stories, seeking common ground, and highlighting the shared experiences that had been overshadowed by bitterness and anger.

With each heartfelt conversation, the animosity dissipated, replaced by hesitant understanding and the glimmer of forgiveness. Jett's genuine empathy and ability to see beyond the surface allowed him to uncover the long-hidden truths that shaped his family's conflicts. By offering solace and recognition to the spirits, he bestowed them with the gift of closure, bringing peace to their restless souls.

As the echoes of ancestral conflict subsided, the amphitheater transformed into a tranquil sanctuary, suffused with a profound serenity. The vengeful specters had dissipated, replaced by a gentle aura of acceptance and resolution. Jett's tireless efforts had mended the wounds of the past, reuniting the fractured strands of his bloodline's history.

In the wake of this profound reconciliation, Jett stood as a symbol of hope and redemption. He had bridged the chasms that once divided his ancestors, uniting their spirits in a harmonious chorus. Through his unyielding charisma, empathy, and unwavering determination, he had brought about a transformative healing, not only for his family but for the countless generations yet to come.

As Jett emerged triumphant from the final trial, a profound silence fell upon the ethereal plane. The grand amphitheater that had housed the echoes of ancestral conflict began to crumble, its ancient stones dissolving into iridescent dust. The remnants of his ancestors, spectral figures filled with newfound tranquility, gradually faded away, their essence mingling with the ever-present cosmic energies.

In the wake of this poignant farewell, a transformative metamorphosis took place. From the swirling remnants of the amphitheater, a radiant chamber materialized before Jett, as if born from the collective consciousness of his legacy. Its luminescent glow bathed him in a spectral light, infusing him with a sense of awe and reverence.

Within the chamber, a sight of profound significance awaited him—a majestic tome, suspended in mid-air above a pedestal. The pages of the tome shimmered with ethereal script, intricate symbols that danced and swirled, eluding comprehension even to Jett's perceptive eyes. The mystic inscriptions held the accumulated wisdom and power of countless generations, a legacy of extraordinary magnitude.

Driven by an indomitable surge of confidence and determination, Jett stretched out his hand, his fingers trembling with anticipation and reverence. As his palm made contact with the tome, an electric current surged through his veins, and an unyielding connection formed between him and the ancient repository of knowledge and power.

The moment of contact marked a profound union—a merging of Jett's spirit with the vast depths of the tome's wisdom. In a symphony of ethereal energy, the boundless knowledge infused his being, unraveling the mysteries that had eluded him until this very instant.