Chapter 14

A deafening whistling sound echoed, as Lelouch and Aria sliced through the air at an incredible speed, before clashing.

*Clang! *

"What!" Lelouch can not believe his eyes. A human hand blocked his sword covered in aura. As a third-class aura user. He could cut through a Mythril armor with ease. But to his surprise, a human body could defend against his strike.

This is impossible. He thought in his mind while he gazed at Aria's hands.

While staring, he noticed something. There was a layer of blood protecting her hands. It was a similar technique to aura coating. A technique aura users use to strengthen their weapons. "So… that's what's going on," he said with his gaze locked on Aria.

Lelouch frowned, and placed his left foot in front, planting it firmly onto the ground as he held his sword above his head with his right hand and sliced down the middle with full force.

"Your attacks can't hurt me," Aria said with confidence as she concentrated her blood on her right-hand palm to block the incoming attack.

The second aria raised her to block his attack. Lelouch made a feint. Swiping his sword to the right as he spins three hundred and sixty degrees and slashes upward, cutting off her right forearm that was unprotected by her blood shield.

"Huh? My arm… kyaaaah!!!." Aria screamed in agony and fell to her knees as blood gushed out her right upper arm.

Lelouch gazed at Aria, who was writhing in pain and smirked. "Why are you screaming bitch?" he asked as he cuts off her left forearm. "Did you think, because you gained power, you could defeat me? Ha ha ha… no matter how powerful you think you are; it won't change the fact that you are still a woman. destined to be weak and inferior to men." He said. As he held his sword to her neck.

"Any last words witch," Lelouch asked in a condescending tone. Even though he could have just killed her immediately, he wanted to see her beg for her life. This way, he could kill her in the most humiliating way possible.

Aria raised her head upwards, staring straight into Lelouch's eyes, and laughed hysterically. "Haha… ha… haha. My last words… yes. I do have one."




Five years later.

Giggadon empire

Valkyrie palace Garden.

Nora sighed as she walked through the palace garden, searching. I wonder where her highness is hiding again.

It's been one week since they assigned Nora as princess Helena's maid. She thought it was the best thing ever. Taking care of a five-year-old princess shouldn't be that hard.

Nora is from the Rottdal family, a former Earl family that lost their nobility and became commoners.

The Rottdal family was famous for two things. One. is their rear black hair and black eyes. They were the only family that possessed such features, and the other thing they were famous for was their wealth.

Edgar Rottdal. Nora's grandfather was known as the richest man in the empire. Every business he laid his hand on became successful and made him a lot of Veru coins. He was one of the empire's backbone when it came to financial matters. But fifteen years ago, when Maximus decided to attack all the northern kingdoms. Edgar refused to provide any financial support needed to purchase weapons and armor from the dwarven kingdom Gobir.

Edgar had a lot of businesses in the northern kingdoms and if a war occurred, he would lose a lot of money. and the tax he would have to pay if they annexed the kingdoms would be an enormous amount. So, he refused the emperor's demand. A few weeks later, he was accused of fraud and human trafficking, So. all his wealth got seized and his family stripped of their noble status, and he was sent to jail.

With no wealth and power, Nora's family lived like commoners. Her father's business skill was not as good as his father's, so he became a civil servant. Even with the twenty-five Veru a month her father earns from his job, it wasn't enough for a family of six. As the oldest of the four girls, she had to work to provide for her family. So. when she turned seventeen, she applied to be a maid in Valkyrie palace.

The job description was simple. She could write and read properly because she was a former noble and was good with kids, as she had younger siblings. It was going to be a simple and well-paying job in Nora's mind. But to her surprise, it was not as simple as she thought.

On the first day of work, she did not do much. Princess Helena laid on her bed and read books. She only had to bring in the princess' food that was delivered outside the room. It was an easy first day, but she could not help but wonder why a five-year-old was reading a monster encyclopedia. Aren't children supposed to be scared of monsters? This thought boggled her mind.

The second day was more of the same. Princess Helena laid on her bed while reading the same book. But something was different from yesterday. Nora noticed the princess stealing a glance at her breast. She was curious as to why the princess was staring at her chest, she knew her breast was bigger than other girls her age, but it never bothered her. I heard that the princess's mother had never visited her since she was born. Maybe she is just curious. Nora thought as she went to sleep in her room.

On the third day, princess Helena did the same thing. She picked up a book lying on her bed and read. But today the book was different. It was a book called 'how to use mana'. Nora became sad when she saw the title of the page.

Did no one tell the princess that women can't use mana? Nora stared at Helena with sad eyes.

Nora walks closer to the bed. "Your… your highness what are you reading?" she asked with a shaky voice. She was nervous

"It's none of your business," Helena replied nonchalantly as she flips to the next page.

"Umm… I saw your highness staring at my breasts yesterday, so umm… so I was wondering if you wanted to touch them." Nora said as her cheeks blush red while touching her index fingers together.

"Really?! I can touch them?" Helena asked with a smile on her face.

"Y-Yes, your highness," she replied.

It's okay, Nora, you are both girls. There is no need to be embarrassed. I am doing this, so her highness doesn't feel lonely. Nora thought in her mind as she stood in front of Helena.

Helena moved her hands slowly towards Nora's breast with a perverted smile on his face. "Woah. they feel so… good." Helena said as she fondles Nora's breast with her tiny hand.

"Aaah!... your highness… can you… Ah! … st-stop… moving your… uuh!... hands," she said while moaning.



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