Chapter 16

"Your highness, what dress would you be wearing?" Nora asked as she opened the wardrobe.

The wardrobe had different types of dresses in a variety of colors. They were dresses made by Jolene Avilon, the best designer in the Empire. each of her works is sought after by all the noble ladies in the capital. Any noble lady that wears an Avilon product is respected in high society. But not anyone can wear them because a dress in avilon cost one million Veru (Gold). Which is higher than the amount of money some nobles earn from their territory in a year. Only someone from the royal, Dukes, and marquess families could afford them.

Nora could not help but stare at the dresses.

Helena looks at the dresses while she was in the bathtub. "Hmmm… pick the white plain one." She said.

Helena's words snapped Nora out of her greedy thoughts. "Ah… yes, the white one. Hmmm… your Highness, this dress does not have any jewelry on it. Are you sure you want to wear this?" Nora asked with a concerned tone. Even though it was a beautiful white Dress from avilon, it has no jewelry on it and was plain looking. Nora is worried that the dress would not display the princess's beauty to the fullest.

"Your highness this dress would not do your beauty justice. Why don't you wear a more beautiful dress… like this one? It has only eight diamonds embedded in it." Nora said while holding a blue dress. Unlike other noble children, Nora noticed that princess Helena liked dresses with little or no decorations.

"No, I'll wear the white one." Helena insisted. she did not understand why Nora wanted her to wear a flashier dress. To her, the white dress seemed more comfortable to wear.

Nora had a disappointed face. "Yes… your highness."

If her highness wore this blue dress, it would make her a hundred times more beautiful. Then the other maids would become jealous when they see am serving the most beautiful princess in the world. But it doesn't matter the princess looks cute in whatever she wears. Princess is the cutest princess in the world. Nora thought in her mind while giggling, "Hehehe…"

Why is she staring at the dress and giggling? What a weird girl. Helena thought.


One hour later.

Valkyrie palace hallway

"Huff… huff." Why the heck is this palace so fucking long!!!. Helena yelled in her mind while huffing from exhaustion. She thought she could walk to the garden on her own, so she refused Nora's offer to carry her. Now that she could walk properly again, why would she want to be carried like a child? But she could not have predicted that the distance from her room to the garden would take an hour. She was already exhausted before she even reached half of the distance, but because of her pride as a former man, she continued.

"Your highness… please stop, before you collapse. I shouldn't have listened when you said you could walk on your own." Nora said in a concerned tone.

"Do you think am a child? This is nothing." Helena said. While she kept walking.

"Your Highness, you are just five years old," Nora replied while following behind Helena. Nora never knew why the princess always acted like an adult, even though she was just a five-year-old child. But as a maid, Nora could not disobey the princess

Helena Stops walking and turns around to face Nora. "You should have told me that earli…," she said as her eyes droop shut and faints from exhaustion.

Nora reacted quickly, catching Helena before she fell. "Your highness, don't do everything on your own, am here to help you." She said as she carried Helena in her hands and walked to the garden.


Ten minutes later.

Valkyrie garden

"I… can still… keep going…" Helena murmured while lying on Nora's lap.

"Your highness, are you awake?" Nora asked in a concerned tone, as she stared at Helena, who was lying on her lap.

Nora's voice woke Helena up. Helena opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was two giant balls. "Hmmm… what are these giant balls?" … I was walking to the garden then I… wait a minute, Did I faint? Damn it, that's so embarrassing. But why am I seeing two giant balls? maybe am still asleep… Helena thought in her mind as she raises her hands and grab the balls above her head.

"Woah… why is this ball so squishy hmmm… this sensation feels familiar. This… squishy, bouncy sensation.

"Aaaah!! Your Highness, can you stop touching… my breast?" Nora said.

"Woah! It's a talking breast. This might be the best dream I have ever had. Helena said with a perverted smile on her face.


System notification


The host has arrived at the designated location

Whaaat!!... Why the hell am I seeing the system notification in my dream? Helena was Shocked by the status screen that appeared in front of her.


System notification


The host is not dreaming. This is real.