"Be careful of your own shadow; for it might hide more than you realize."

Emperor Maximus said, as he emerged from behind Helena, stepping out of her shadow. His sword's blade, deeply embedded in her back, piercing through her chest.


"COUGH!!... How did you"

Helena exclaimed, after coughing out blood. As she turned to Emperor Maximus, her face twisted in shock and agony.

"Did you truly believe I could be defeated with such a meager display of power? That was nothing more than a mere shadow double."

Emperor Maximus said with a condescending tone and expression.

"Even with an energy more powerful than mana and Aura, this is all your strength amounts to. What a waste… Don't worry; I will be using your power to its full potential, after extracting it from your corpse… Any last words before you die?"

Emperor Maximus asked.

"Cough…Ha…haha… Did you think you've won!? HA-HAHAHAHA!"

Helena exclaimed, erupting into maniacal laughter before her body dissolved into grains of sand, swiftly carried away by a powerful gust of wind.


"WHAT!!?... What is going on?!"

Emperor Maximus exclaimed, his face a mixture of confusion and shock. He remained frozen in place, utterly perplexed, after witnessing Helena dissolve into sand and disappear while his sword was still impaled in her heart.




Suddenly, the weather underwent a dramatic transformation. Clouds swiftly gathered, obscuring the sky and cloaking the moonlight, deepening the darkness of the night. Thunder reverberated, and lightning slashed across the sky, assaulting both ears and eyes. Rain poured down in torrents, a sudden deluge, only to stop just as quickly. The heavens cleared, unveiling the sun at its zenith, as if day had emerged from the grasp of night. Yet, in a blink, night returned. This cycle continued in an unrelenting oscillation, giving the sense that decades passed in the span of mere minutes.

"What is going on!!... What's happening to me? Why do I look so weak? Is this an illusion?!!"

Emperor Maximus questioned; his voice tinged with concern. After noticing his reflection in his sword's blade, which he could barely lift anymore. He looked aged, with disheveled hair, a wrinkled face, and a frail body. The sensation of imminent collapse and mortality gripped him as if he could fall over and die at any moment.

"I-I… am weak… Why do I look so weak!!... How can I look this pathetic!!? I AM THE EMPEROR OF THE GIGGADON EMPIRE, A 7TH CLASS AURA MASTER!! I AM THE STRONGEST!!!"

Emperor Maximus yelled, his eyes wild with a touch of madness, slashing at the empty air in rapid succession.





"BWA~Hahaha… Broken already?"

Helena's laughter and words echoed down from the heavens.

"... That voice!?"

Emperor Maximus snapped out of his frenzied state upon hearing Helena's voice. He directed his gaze toward the sky, his eyes burning with intensity as he beheld a colossal face formed by clouds.

"You…You did this to me. What sorcery did you use to steal my strength, and turn me into this weak, pathetic thing? Return my strength this instant and face me in battle!"

Emperor Maximus yelled in a loud voice, as he lifts his sword with difficulty and points it toward the face in the sky.

"Hahaha, do you think if you regained your strength, you would be able to defeat me?"

Helena asked with a curious tone while staring at the emperor with a pathetic gaze.

"Of course, I would win! I haven't even used a hundred percent of my strength yet. If I di–"

"If you did, then what?..."

Helena said, interrupting Emperor's Maximus words.

"Will you kill me with a single slash, a piercing thrust, or perhaps your bare hands? Pffft-Hahaha, all this fuss about regaining your strength, but I never took your strength."

Helena revealed with a malicious grin.


"WHAT!?... That's impossible."

Emperor Maximus said with a tone and expression of disbelief.

"...You had your strength the entire time. You just look old and feel weak because, in the presence of overwhelming power, you are no better than an old, and weak man."

Helena said with a menacing grin and expression, her eyes slit.


"That's… impossible…That's impossible…That's impossible…That's impossible…That's impossible…That's impossible."

Emperor Maximus repeated endlessly after falling to his knees.

"Now let's end this fight–well, if you can even call this a fight."

Helena said, after seeing the emperor's pathetic state. She transforms the entire sky into a palm and brought it hurtling down towards Emperor Maximus.



Emperor Maximus raises his head and looks up with a defeated expression. He sees the palm hurtling towards him, but instead of fighting back he stares at it with his eyes wide open until seconds before he is hit, he hears something.




As the palm struck the ground/ caused a loud explosion that obliterated the entire capital city.




"In the past few days, since the rumors of the emperor's unconscious state spread, many spies from different sources have continued trying to infiltrate the capital. And it seems they are not going to stop anytime soon. As of this morning, we've caught thirty of them disguised as citizens in the outer capital."

Knight Caelum, scribe of Captain Izaak Blackwood, reported, as he followed behind Captain Izaak as they walked down a hallway in the Imperial Palace.

"Hmm… Then send my orders to the Lieutenant of the Iron Watch Squad, tell him all spies caught are to be executed immediately, in case they have any sensitive information."

Sir Izaak said in a commanding tone as they continued walking down the Hallway.

"Yes, sir."

Knight Caelum replied, jotting it down on the journal in his hands.

"What of the teleportation platforms? Have they been taken care of?"

Sir Izaak asked.

"Yes Sir, All four High and low-grade teleportation platforms in the east, west, north, and south parts of the inner and outer capital have been deactivated. We won't have to worry about anyone leaving or entering the capital through them… But there is a problem."

Knight Caelum said, with a hesitant tone, and troubled expression.

"What is it?"

Sir Izaak asked, after seeing Caelum's hesitant expression.

"We have received several letters from the Ducal families. Demanding to be allowed to use the teleportation platforms. They say they are concerned about the well-being of His Majesty, and their family members sent to the capital to represent their houses for the imperial prince's naming. We've tried delaying with some excuses, but they insist on coming."

Caelum reported, with a concerned expression.

"Humph... I'd believe that if it were just people of house Clayledge. But with the other three families involved… I bet after hearing the rumors of His Majesty's condition, they decided to use this excuse to confirm whether the rumors are true or not."

Sir Izaak said in his mind with an annoyed expression, as he stopped in front of a large finely carved wooden door. He takes out a gold-colored key from his pocket and inserts it into the door's keyhole, twisting it.


The door opens, and he walks in with Caelum, following behind him.



Walking into his office, tall bookshelves lined the walls, with decorated swords hung above them, and armor suits stood guard at the four corners of the room could be seen. And at the center of the room stood a massive table which is heaped with piles of parchment, scrolls, and important documents. He walks behind it and sits on the chair.

"...Anyhow, convey this message: The capital is presently under lockdown. If they wish to enter, they can do so by carriage or attempt teleportation with the assistance of a mage. However, I would strongly advise against the latter, as the capital's defensive formation is active. Any external teleportation magic will be deemed a threat and neutralized. Unless they are keen on testing the formation's effectiveness, I recommend the carriage. Send that."

Sir Izaak said with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Sir, are you sure I should send this letter as it is, or should I make it more formal and polite?"

Caelum asked with a hint of concern in his voice. While standing in front of the table.

"No. Send it as it is."

Sir Izaak replied.

"Yes, Sir."

Caelum accepted the order.

"What about the security in the Valkyrie palace and the Empress palace?"

Sir Izaak asked.

"The number of knights guarding outside the palaces has doubled, and to ensure the ladies' privacy is respected, we've assigned shadow guards from the 9th division. Although they may not be strong, they should suffice… However, there appears to be a complaint from one of the shadow guards assigned to one of the princesses."

Caelum said with a disregardful and confused expression as he read the report from his notes.

"??... What complaints?"

Sir Izaak asked in a curious tone as he noticed Caelum's expression.

"Well... according to the shadow guard, it appears that the princess they were tasked with protecting inexplicably disappears into thin air at random times throughout the day. They've reported witnessing the princess floating in mid-air, staring at their concealed position, and then smiling and waving at them."

Caelum relayed the shadow guard's opaque words, which only brought him more confusion.

"What?! How is that possible?"

Sir Izaak asked with a shocked expression after hearing Caelum's ridiculous report.

"I don't know, sir. I find it ridiculous too."

Caelum replied, sharing in the confusion stemming from the shadow guard's account.

"So, what is the name of the princess the shadow guard is guarding?"

Sir Izaak asked. his curiosity piqued despite his skepticism regarding the report. He wanted to know which princess might be playing such a prank on the shadow guard.

"Emm… it's… Ah, found it! Her name is Princess Helena."

Caelum said as he looked through the page where the shadow guards' protection targets are recorded.