One day was all it took for the Emperor to rise to power and when I look back, despite the long years of rebellion, his fall, like that of Chronos' can be traced to one day. It is ironic that the son should fall in the same way, although I must admit that Agito could not have stopped what happened where as Alkanphel could have avoided the battle.
Agito's forces on the day of God's Ascension consisted of his Thunderbolt's, the remnants of Chronos that he had gathered to his side and new zoanoids. New zoanoids were humans who could access their zoaforms but who were not forced to be loyal to a zoalord. He ruled in much the same way as Chronos did since not every decision could be made by one being alone. Even Alkanphel had realised that. The Olympiad was the name of his ruling group. Agito was Zeus, the God of Gods. Poiseden was Valkus, because he ruled over the oceans of Chronos zoanoids that still existed. Apollo was his Captain and even now I cannot recall the man's name because he was never called anything but Captain. It was not fair but it was he who bore much of the hatred directed towards the Olympiad because as their messenger he was a very public face. He bore it well though, he was completely devoted to his Emperor.
Peace was Imakarum, Masaki Murakami. It was a surprise to find that but it is true that he had done a lot in the planning of God's Ascension to keep the blood shed down. He had his own plans but he was still a deep part of the Olympiad. There were women in the Olympiad - Athena and Hera - but the only one of any consequence was Aphrodite. It's not correct in the traditional Olympiad but Shizu was Zeus' wife, Agito's Empress and while Agito didn't always show it well, the love was mutual in their relationship.
The only notable absence from the Olympiad was Hades. This is well documented and I wouldn't mention it now except that it says a lot about the Empire Agito was trying to build. He used the absence of death to illustrate that his rule was about life, not death. He made a number of speeches on this matter and it's well worth listening to the historical records. The summary is that death was not something to be feared, it was natural, it came to everyone and everything and so it was beyond time. Because of that he wasn't arrogant enough to think he could control it and so there was no personification of death in his Olympiad. He was actually very eloquent but then Agito could always make a good speech when he wanted to.
In the days that followed God's Ascension, the core of the rebel groups formed. Unlike the battle with Chronos there were not many fractured groups with one strong one leading them, although that perhaps would have been better. This time, there was only one group but one with many factions. It sounds the same but in the battle against Chronos there were many leaders so that the loss of one, painful as it was, could be covered. In the battle against Agito there was only one central group of leaders so the loss of any one was potentially disastrous. It is not a good way for a rebel force to operate but it is the way that things turned out.
It is ridiculous. I have never liked war and fighting. I still don't but I have spent most of my life involved with those in that occupation. The core of the rebel groups were those who fought against Chronos but hadn't been seduced by the Thunderbolts. Aptom, Natsuki, Hayami, Tetsuro, Maxwell, Kiara, Samual and myself were the nominal leaders. Maxwell, Kiara and Samual had all headed small revenge groups who fought against Chronos. Natsuki had had contact with them and really served to bring us all together. Hayami wanted to do more but while Dr Odagiri processed him into a zoanoid the technology then was all Chronos so his mind was vulnerable to the Zoalords and he couldn't do as much as he wanted. Despite reprocessing it was impossible to remove their taint completely so he withdrew himself from many of the key decisions so that he would not be a liability.
The integration of varying groups, no matter how noble or how urgent the cause is never easy and in truth it took us years to work together. During that time, I don't think Agito realised how fragile the bonds holding the rebels together were or how little it would have taken to rip apart the whole. We weren't walking over eggshells, we were balancing over a bottomless void, walking on tissue paper, wet tissue paper. One word, one gesture at the right time was all it would have taken to destroy everything. But perhaps that's the way it always seems. I know Agito's group had fractures within it but for the most part it appeared whole and unassailable so perhaps that's how he saw the rebels. If so, I am glad because it was close enough as it was. Even now I can remember the worry and I know the past cannot be changed.
It took years but eventually all the misunderstandings were solved and one mission was agreed upon above all others. During the years that the rebels were uniting against Agito, one thing had become particularly clear. Zoanoids were lining up on both sides, and with the new processing techniques they could be produced to be loyal to themselves, the rebels and the Emperor's forces were equal in that way. But, the rebels could not face Agito. No one, not even Aptom, despite how strong he had become could face the Emperor. There was only one man who could do that and his rescue became paramount. It was that single mission that united us all.
The mission to rescue the only being who could fight the Emperor, the only other being possessing a Guyver Unit, the mission to rescue Fukamachi Sho.
The room was dark... It hardly be called a room. It was a cave, the light provided by simple bulbs hung from the rock above. The cables could be seen dimly, looped around stelegnites before they disappeared completely in the gloom. As pathetic as it seemed this was the most permanent of the rebels structures. A dull hum from the generators could be heard below everything. It wasn't the best way of providing power but candles or lanterns would burn up too much of the oxygen in these caverns. Generation was the best way they had available to them and despite the tell tale vibrations the large units produced the seismic station in the area had long belonged to the rebels and routinely eliminated the back ground vibrations they caused. And being so deep under ground and with the other precautions that were in place their chances of detection were low. The most dangerous time was when they entered or left the base. But at the moment they were planning the mission. A mission that was the most important, one that had to be successful before they could win the war.
Tetsuro was speaking at the moment, explaining to the large groups of soldiers and those who were listening via radio the mission that was to follow.
"Before I get into the mission details, I want to review some things for you all. They will help you to understand why this mission is so important. The first thing I will review history," he said the last with a smile. "Now before you groan, I promise you I will tell you the truth and for those of you educated by Chronos and Agito, my history varies significantly from theirs." Tetsuro turned serious again. "I also want to review the last two attempts at this mission." He held up his hand, forestalling the questions that would have barraged him. "I know there is a standing policy that if a mission does not succeed the first time then we find some other way but the fact that we have attempted it twice and the fact that we are attempting it again should tell you how important this mission is and the fact that there is no other way.
"The final thing I wish to review is actually two things and you should all find this very interesting. I wish to review Makishima's Guyver armor and it's abilities." There was a small stir in the room and around the world from the troops. The Emperor's armor was the stuff of legend, there were very few hard facts about it because no one who had ever gone up against the Emperor had returned. "The other thing linked to this is a review of why Chronos, an organisation Agito did have a hand in defeating is now serving him. It is linked to his armor but I will tell this in time." Again Tetsuro smiled, but this was tired and sad. "The details I give you about his armor are the absolute truth. I know this because I saw him fight with it even before X-day. I know his armor. I know it's tolerances and it's abilities just as well as he does but that is not cause for celebration. It only drives home how precarious our position is. We are sharing the information now because it is required by everyone. Even if something happens to some of us, the survivors will still know what they truly face."
The decision to give out the details of the Emperor's abilities had been a difficult one. Tetsuro believed that everyone should know exactly what they faced but Natsuki, Maxwell and Aptom had thought it best if only a few people knew that. They hadn't wanted to discourage those who fought because the Emperor's abilities were truly overwhelming. In the end a compromise was met it's necessity driven home when all the leaders had nearly been captured in one fell swoop. That would have ended the rebellion and that had been the objective behind the Olympiad. The compromise was to reveal Agito's abilities when the mission to counter those abilities was given, so now, with that mission about to be detailed, Tetsuro could explain what he knew about the BioBooster Armor system, the Guyver. Despite his assurances though, the information Tetsuro gave today had been augmented in the years of rebellion against the Olympiad and if Agito was ever to see this information he would know he had a serious information leak but it had still been decided that this was the best way. As he had said, everyone had to know what they were facing and why most of Chronos had given up fighting the Emperor.
Tetsuro closed his eyes. The information... It was far beyond anything he had ever suspected and he was sure it was far beyond anything Chronos had believed but it was the truth. Mura... Imakarum - Tetsuro reminded himself, Murakami was not there - had provided the details but then the zoalord had always said he served Agito because it was the best alternative and even the Emperor knew he had his own goals. But still, the information bordered on the impossible and when Tetsuro had fully read the reports even he had admitted that they may be delivering their own death blow. Their troops could not fight against Agito and even the most gung ho would know that after today and if they did not believe that someone could fight, then the rebels today would be signing their own death warrant. No soldier could fight if they did not have hope. Giving this information out was a risk, it was a big risk but ignorance was not bliss it was a danger they could no longer afford.
He opened his eyes, looking to Mizuki. She was sitting quietly, her hair longer now than her younger days but as always there was a sadness about her. Mizuki... He thought. They had all suffered but she had suffered the most. Chronos had not been easy on her but Agito's betrayal had hit her harder especially with what he had done to Sho. Like Sho, she'd never wanted to fight, not anyone but now, while she would never be a commando her leadership abilities on missions were well respected but her main skill lay in healing. She was one of the rebellions foremost surgeons, her skill, even on the battle field was legendary but there was always a melancholy about her and even though he was her brother he hardly ever saw her smile. Damn you, Agito. You had to go so far. Couldn't you be happy that Chronos had fallen?
"... Tetsuro?"
The prompt brought him back to the present. He shook his head. "Sorry," he apologised looking up towards everyone again. "There are too many memories involved in this..." Tetsuro paused, gathering himself, his voice serious once more when he spoke. "You will have questions with what I will say but please, try to hold off on them. I will be happy to answer all your questions at the end of this rather lengthy briefing.
"I'll start with the true history of the fall of Chronos." Tetsuro snorted lightly. "What the Emperor would have us believe is only a simulacrum of the truth." Sarcasm dripped from his voice on the word Emperor. "I'll be brief here since it's not the reason everyone has gathered and while it is important it is not as important as some of the information you must take with you today.
"In the battle with Chronos there were four Zoalords killed. That's pretty much common knowledge since there wasn't much Chronos could do to hide the fact that someone was strong enough to take on their leaders. This is actually where Agito is telling the truth because he did kill those four Zoalords. He wasn't alone in those battles though. He has mentioned a fighter named Fukamachi Sho and during the battles against the four Zoalords Sho did play a significant part.
"The final battle, well what I call the final battle was against the Chronos' leader, Alkanphel. Agito fought in this battle but he did not kill Alkanphel. He tried but he wasn't strong enough, it was Fukamachi Sho who killed Alkanphel and despite what Makishima has said, Sho did not die in that battle. In fact, he did not even sustain a wound. It sounds unbelievable but it is the truth and it is because of this truth two previous missions to rescue Sho have been authorised.
"The first mission... While we call it a mission, was ill conceived from the start. We did not know enough about the situation before we struck. It was desperation, reflex and so it failed. The second mission was much better planned. I don't know all the details of that mission, Samual's group, with Aptom's help attempted it and while it failed, it did gather us important information that will make this mission a success. I will go into those details later and for now I will not dwell on past failures.
"This mission..." Again Tetsuro paused, swallowing hard. "This mission is a direct challenge to Agito's power. It is a direct counter to Makishima's Guyver Armor and he will recognise it as such. It is our way of upping the ante because once this is done, there can be no going back."
Tetsuro looked around the cave. Many of the leaders had their heads bowed but they recognised this importance of this mission. The question was whether their fighters would be able to grasp it's full significance. It was one thing to say that this was going to change everything but the reality would be brutal. After they succeeded Makishima would hit them harder than he had ever hit them and the young fighters who were so eager now would be facing the brunt of that force. Hades was not a part of the Olympiad but he would become a frequent visitor. It was not something they faced lightly but if they continued to fight in this way they would get no where against the Olympiad. They had to take this step to progress. They could survive without it but they would not evolve and that was tantamount to extinction.
Their soldiers still looked eager, some of them even looked jubilant. Anything to strike the Emperor..?
He sighed. There was no way they could understand the significance of this step forward now, but they would. That eagerness would very quickly change into a bitter will to survive but it would be enough. "Makishima's armor... It really is the stuff of legend but it is not god sent and it does not make him a God. It makes him powerful, yes, but he is not immortal and he is not invincible. With what I am about to tell you, you must remember that.
"Before X-day it was believed that the Guyver armor was something that the Creators, the Advents used for themselves. This belief hasn't been superseded but rather experimentation by Valkus on Makishima has meant that this belief has been updated somewhat." Tetsuro was speaking to two groups here. Their troops, to whom everything was new and to those who had been involved in the battle against Chronos, those who knew of the Guyver armor before Makishima had woven it with so much superstition. "The experimentation... Heh... It's almost inconceivable that Makishima would allow Chronos to experiment upon him but after Alkanphel's fall Agito did allow it in a limited fashion. As twisted as it sounds, the experiments are what recruited Chronos to his side.
"Agito allowed the experimentation because he wanted to test his armor and combat is a bad way of doing it. He allowed Valkus to try to destroy him and despite the Zoalord's best efforts and all of Chronos' creativity they failed to destroy Agito and once they realised they couldn't destroy him they joined him. Better to rule with an overlord than be hunted, I guess is their rational.
"The results of the experiments haven't changed the belief that the Advents created the guyver system we just believe that they used a much simpler form of Guyver. We believe the Guyver organism that Agito possesses is something special. The Creators used a form of Guyver that made movement easier and allowed them to communicate with each other. We believe Agito's is a form that was augmented, created solely for combat, that is why it is so powerful and why it is impossible to remove it from him.
"Valkus truly believes this. He truly believes that Agito is a superior being because he possesses the Guyver unit and can control it's abilities. I don't. I have read his experimentation results. What they tell me is that Agito is extremely dangerous and while it may be impossible for us to kill him, it is not impossible to fight. Makishima is still human no matter the power he possesses. While we do not have a Guyver Remover he can still be defeated.
"The Guyver Armor was made for combat. It's basic form, surrounding it's host is defensive armor, that is self healing but it is its combat abilities which truly define it as a system made for war. It has vibroblades on his elbows - High Frequency Swords, a gravity weapon at his waist - the Pressure Canon, sonic waves from his mouth - the Sonic Buster and a laser from his forehead - the Head Beam. The main destructive weapon of the armor is beneath the breast plates and is an intense particle beam that destroys anything that gets in it's way. Chronos quite rightly named this weapon the MegaSmasher. Sensors are spread over the armor and relay information directly into the host's brain. When Agito is wearing his armor he has true 720 degree vision.
"The weapons are devastating," Tetsuro spoke solemnly and he didn't gloss over the truth. Agito's abilities were simply what was. They would accept them or they would not. "While it's weapons are truly destructive they can be countered and they aren't the real reason Valkus admitted his utter defeat to Agito. What makes the Guyver armor dangerous is it's regenerative capacity. We believe this ability is what truly separates Agito's armor from the everyday armor of the Creators.
"The armor Makishima possesses can regrow itself and its host from a severed limb. Not correctly but it can be done. It can't regrow perfectly because the severed limb is not in contact with the control medallion and it is this medallion that is the main weakness of the armor. The armor is parasitic and if the control medallion is removed then the armor will devour its host but while the main body is gone, the control medallion will regrow both the host and the armor. You can destroy one but you can't destroy the other. It might sound easy to destroy the control medallion but it is not. In the past one has been destroyed but that was already damaged and it was damaged when it did not have a host. Once the armor has a host, the control medallion is much stronger. About the only thing Valkus did not try to destroy the medallion was nuclear weapons but Agito allowed him to rip it out and try everything else. Acid, freezing, chemicals, biological weapons, knives, heat, electricity, gravity, bullets, lasers. Nothing damaged Agito's control medallion and each time he was reborn when the armor regrew. In the end Valkus admitted defeat."
"It's hopeless then."
Tetsuro had been expecting this question so he was ready to quash it as soon as it was voiced. "No, it's not!" He answered forcefully, turning to face the speaker. It was a youngish soldier. "It's not," he repeated again, in a more reasonable voice. "That is what this mission is about. It may be impossible for us to destroy him but it is not impossible to defeat him and for Agito defeat is just the same as destruction."
"And exactly how are we going to do that?" The was no hiding the young soldiers anger and Tetsuro didn't blame him for feeling that. It was only natural to feel anger when fighting against something as big as the Olympiad. And long as the anger did not fade into hopelessness they had a chance.
Tetsuro smiled, almost ferally. "It is an interesting and little known fact that Makishima Agito is Guyver III."
"You mean there's more of those bastards?!"
The general disbelief and astonishment came from all around the room and over the radio's but while he was expecting it Tetsuro was slightly dismayed at the level of despair he could detect.
"Guyver III," he repeated and the comments dropped away. "There were indeed two other Guyvers."
He nodded. "Guyver II belonged to Chronos and it is the unit that was damaged. It was destroyed by Guyver I. Even the control medallion was destroyed. Valkus didn't try nuclear weapons to destroy the Guyver and he couldn't try having another Guyver destroy the control medallion and because of what I have seen I believe it is possible for one Guyver to destroy another."
The silence was almost absolute as everyone held their collective breath in anticipation of Tetsuro's next words. He looked serious, looking over the frames of his glasses as he watched the mission commander. He took a deep breath and continued, speaking each word in a deliberately grave manner. "That is what this mission is about. We are going to rescue Fukamachi Sho, Guyver I."
The roar was deafening and Tetsuro allowed himself to feel part of the uplifted spirits as the despair vanished. He glanced again at Mizuki. She was still sitting quietly and there was a soft smile on her face but there was no true joy in her. The smile was her sole reaction to the news and it was there so that their troops would believe that all their leaders were happy at the situation but Mizuki could not be happy until there was peace and until the single ring that still graced her left hand was accompanied by another. She might have looked pleased at the mission but there was no happiness in her eyes. He could see that, she couldn't hide that from him but over the past few years she had become quieter and had refused to speak, even to him about what she felt.
"So we're gonna rescue Fukimucha and he can fight the Emperor?" One of the younger soldiers celebrated.
Tetsuro shook his head. The boy was young, he was so young that it almost looked like his hair should still be wet from the processing tank. "It's Fu-ka-ma-chi," he said, pronouncing the syllables slowly. "And yes, we will rescue him and he will be able to fight Agito." Forgive me, Sho. While they could not end the battle against Makishima without Sho they were placing a huge responsibility on him without ever asking. It is the only way, Sho.
As the mission commander stood the noise quietened. Rodriguez was a solidly built man who had been with them from the beginning. His uniform was immaculate but when the situation demanded he never stood on formalities. He was a zoanoid, Gregole type although he managed his missions so well that it was a very rare occurrence that he had to reveal his form. He was the leader of the Vipers, one of the most elite units they had and he had habit of pulling off the impossible which was why he was going to be in charge of this mission. With a deliberate cough he focused everyone's attention upon himself. "I do not doubt you Tetsuro but with the mission you are proposing..." Rodriguez steepled his fingers before him, tapping his thumbs together. "This is a lot of effort to rescue one man. I have heard his name before, but I have only ever heard you speak of him as Mizuki's absent fiance."
Tetsuro nodded slowly. Rodriguez was like this, he rarely directly asked a question but his words raised many and it was up to you to chose which answers to give. "He is my best friend as well," Tetsuro said looking off into the distance. If they were going to bring their personal relationships into this then they might as well bring them all. "Agito has mentioned him once or twice but on the whole would prefer to forget he exists," Tetsuro began seeking the best way to explain the situation. Rodriguez waited patiently.
"Rodriguez," Aptom interrupted, standing and moving to Tetsuro's side. "Makishima allowed his troops to handle everything during God's Ascension. He dealt with one being and one being only personally and that being was Fukamachi Sho. I might as well tell you now that Sho will be very reluctant to kill Makishima, even with everything that has happened but if it ever truly comes down to it, where it is a matter of his survival over that of Agito's then Fukamachi will crush the Emperor with about as much effort as it takes you or I to squash an ant. He is that much stronger than Makishima and Agito knows it."
"If he is that much stronger then how did he get taken during God's Ascension?" The question came in several forms from many parts of the room. Rodriguez merely raised an eyebrow, silently stating that he agreed with the question.
"Surprise," Aptom said simply.
"Sho is strong but like the rest of us he wasn't expecting betrayal from Makishima," Tetsuro elaborated. "And when Sho killed Alkanphel he hoped that all the fighting would be over, he never expected that it had just begun."
Rodriguez frowned and Tetsuro could tell that something wasn't sitting well with him. He blinked once or twice his expression fixing itself as one of faint confusion. "You said a Guyver could destroy a Guyver, so why didn't Makishima just kill Fukamachi and get it over with?"
"Hahahahahah!" The laugh was so out of character and so out of place that everyone looked towards Aptom. "He can't!" The zoanoid managed to get out before he continued laughing.
"It's true," Mizuki spoke softly, her voice almost lost in the general din that permeated the cave.
"What do you mean, Mizuki?" Rodriguez challenged her when it became apparent that he wasn't going to be able to get an answer out of anyone else.
"He can't," Mizuki repeated, vaguely remembering a time when she would have shrunk back from the man challenging her but she couldn't afford that now and the trials of the past few years had given her confidence to speak her mind when she knew the topic and she knew Guyvers. "Well, Agito could probably kill Sho but he doesn't want to because the cost is higher than he is willing to pay." She turned to face Rodriguez as the man moved to sit beside her. For the moment, the rest of the room was lost in speculation the tension from the long briefing temporarily giving way to private conversations but this was information the mission commander would need but it didn't necessarily have to be shared with everyone else.
"You've seen Agito fight on occasion, Commander, I know you have so you know how powerful he is. And because you have seen him fight, I know you have seen the second, bulkier but more powerful stage of his armor, haven't you?" Mizuki fell silent as she looked towards the soldier.
Rodriguez suppressed a shiver. He was a hardened veteran but even he had been scared of the sheer power that second armoured stage had emitted. It had been all he could do to maintain his composure as he had issued the order to retreat and even now he could feel a chill in his soul as he remembered. He looked at Mizuki but the woman just sat there as if she was discussing a simple operation and not the most deadly being in the world. Emotionless was how she had once been described to him but he could see the emotions in her eyes. They were deep but they were there. Controlled was the word he would chose but he had no desire to know the forces that had tempered such control. He nodded. "It was... It was a very bad day."
A sad smile flickered across Mizuki's face and he wondered what she knew, to smile like that. "I do not doubt it. That second stage is called the Giga Armor. It has a second pressure canon, is stronger, faster and while it never needed to be, that form of the armor doubles the Mega Smasher's power."
"All the more reason it would be easier for the Emperor to destroy Fukamachi," Rodriguez objected.
Mizuki shook her head. "No, it's not because the Giga Armor was made for Sho." She paused, allowing her words to sink in and after the initial look of astonishment had faded from the Commander's face she continued. "It is possible that if Agito kills Sho the Giga Armor will still exist but he can't be sure of that, so that's why he didn't kill Sho. The Giga Armor is also the reason Agito took Sho by surprise. When they fought Alkanphel Agito had the Giga Armor but he couldn't even hurt the Zoalord but when Sho took the armor he had Alkanphel dead within five minutes. Theoretically the power they can both harness from it is the same but I think because the armor was made from Sho's desire, it works better for him and he can draw more power from it."
"So you see, Rodriguez," Aptom looked at the Commander, "Fukamachi's very existence mocks Makishima."
"You seem quite fond of Fukamachi," Rodriguez said.
"I hate him."
"I hate him," Aptom repeated in a deathly quiet voice. "Zektoll hates me because I killed Elegen, Gaster and Darzelb but I didn't really because they are still within me. I hate Fukamachi because he killed my companions, Dyme and Solume. He will die, screaming for forgiveness for killing them but I am not a fool, I will only kill him when the world is safe and until then I take pleasure in pain it must cause Agito to know that a boy who never sought power is easily his superior."
Rodriguez nodded and he turned towards Mizuki. "We'll get him back," he said to her softly, knowing that some of her pain must come from her fiancee's prolonged absence.
"You haven't seen the place Makishima stashed him," Aptom again broke in. "Tetsuro will probably get around to explaining the mission in a little while but I'll give you the condensed version. You know Makishima doesn't kill the rebels he captures, don't you?"
Rodriguez nodded. The Emperor didn't kill them because he was still maintaining that his Empire was about life, not death but as far as he was concerned that was a thin fictional line. He didn't kill them but he did keep them in maximum security prisons.
"Well, the place he's got Fukamachi in makes those prisons look as easy to get into as an open house. I really think he would have ditched Fukamachi's body into space but he couldn't stand the thought of letting him out of his immediate grasp. You never know what might happen in space after all."
"So the security's tough? We'll get through it." Rodriguez was confident. He and his Vipers had gotten into plenty of places that had been thought to be impenetrable. They'd even gotten in and out of the rebel prisons a couple of times without being caught.
Aptom shook his head, turning serious. "The security's more than tough and you won't be able to bluff your way in using Zoaforms because no one here is an Enzyme III and you can't use any ploy involving prisoners because the facilities are a prison for one. It has no other purpose than to keep Fukamachi contained and to keep him there. Zoalord Bun Hiyern is in charge of it and it is his sole responsibility. The place is self-powered and self contained. It can even be air locked down. Three years I believe is it's capacity. Three years it can shut itself away from the world and be completely independent."
"That's ridiculous. What the hell does Makishima think Fukamachi is to do that?"
"I haven't got to the best bit yet," Aptom said with a definite snigger in his voice. "There is all that security and so many fail safe's and Fukamachi isn't even awake. I don't know this for sure because we never got that far into the facility but I have a number of reasons to believe this. On the day of God's Ascension, Agito told me he destroyed Fukamachi but he didn't kill him and if Fukamachi was aware of his situation he would have broken out by now so I think he's asleep. Drugged, frozen, hypnotised, I don't know but Makishima knows how dangerous it would be to him if Sho were to escape."
"I'm really interested in Tetsuro's mission profile now," Rodriguez said with a faint note of disbelief. He knew he and his troops were given the hardest missions, the one's deemed necessary but impossible but success in this mission would require a miracle and that was something he couldn't do.
"I see Aptom has told you the worst," Tetsuro looked down at the three who were consumed by their quiet conversation.
Rodriguez nodded. "I don't know what you expect us to do. I don't doubt Aptom but unless he is exaggerating I don't see what you want me and my men to do. We simply can't operate if the Emperor's forces are that strong."
"His forces are so strong because Makishima knows Sho is the only person who can challenge him and he knows that one day we would have to go after Sho so that's why everything is the way it is. Makishima isn't stupid, he doesn't want to face Sho, not now, not ever and he knew Sho would fight him, that's why he threw the first punch."'
"But you have determined it won't be the last."
Tetsuro nodded, placing one hand on his sister's shoulder. "Rodriguez, I know it seems overwhelming but the plan is such that you will get your opening." He looked down at Mizuki who nodded at him. The plan was risky but it was the only way any of them could see to get that opening. "I just pray that you can use it, that Makishima doesn't see through our gambit."
Aptom examined Tetsuro. He didn't know the full mission details now but from the way Segawa was speaking, it was something that was bound to be controversial.
"Sorry Aptom, you do have a part in this but the actual mission details are going to have to remain a secret. The only thing we can really say here is that you will be taking Hayami with you, Rodriguez. Hopefully you won't need him but... It's better to be safer. But as to the way the opening will be made, Natsuki, Mizuki, Samual, Kiara, Maxwell and I have all agreed that this is the only way."
"It's risky, isn't it?"
Both Tetsuro and Mizuki nodded. "It's more than risky," Mizuki said, looking at Aptom. "It depends on Makishima but Natsuki, my brother and I have known Agito for a long time. While we may not have always known his true face, we do know him. And we all know the path we are on if we can't get Sho out. Rodriguez, this mission is our only hope, if we can't get Sho, no matter what happens to anyone else, then all the fighting and all the lives lost against Agito are for nothing. We simply cannot win without Sho and that's why it's worth the risk."
Aptom looked at Mizuki sharply. Over the past couple of years she had become more of a fighter but her words could give away her more than her emotions, just as they had when she had called for Fukamachi to rescue her when he had held her. And her words now were saying that it was her role to give Rodriguez his opening. He shook his head. She had changed. Innocent... But she had lost that innocence in the fight against Chronos. Idealistic... But the idealism was now tempered with what he considered a healthy dose of reality. He nodded to himself, the second was more appropriate now. She wasn't a stupid, helpless girl any more and while she would never be a physical threat, she had learnt to work with others to use her knowledge to fight. You've changed, Little Girl, but I wonder if you have the strength to pull this off? Do you really know Agito as well as you think you do?
Only time would reveal that answer.
Tetsuro flopped back on to the hard pallet that Mizuki called a bed. They were alone, the speeches were done and the mission had been passed. Most of the troops had broken up, returning to their posts to spread the information about Makishima's armor and the hope that soon someone would stand against him.
He sighed tiredly looking over to where she sat, quietly brushing her hair. She had become far more than his sister over the past few years. The quiet timid girl had grown up into a demure, strong woman who was determined to see her gaols through. A woman who was admired and respected by the rebellion forces. But still, he didn't like this mission. It put her directly into the line of fire but despite wracking his brains for weeks he could not think of another way to do this.
"It's still not too late," he began, unsure of how to tell her everything that was on his mind.
"Not to late for what?" Mizuki questioned quietly, never missing a stroke as she ran the brush through her hair.
"Mizuki, we don't have to do this."
"Tetsuro, we've been over this. We can't win without Sho. It's that simple."
"I don't like it and I know he wouldn't."
Mizuki smiled at her brother as she turned around. "He isn't here to object but that isn't the point. We both know this is the only way, Tetsuro."
"I don't like it."
"I know." She looked at him through wide eyes. "I don't particularly like it either but Agito will fall for it and it doesn't matter about me."
"It does! Don't ever say that, Mizuki."
"Tetsuro, don't..." Mizuki paused. "Now don't object, just listen for a moment."
Tetsuro nodded. He'd seen his sister serious before but this was something different. There was something in her voice that held him silent.
"We both agree that Sho is the only way to end the rebellion, to bring peace back to the world. This is the only way that it can be done. Again, we both know that. I can give Rodriguez his opening and I will. Don't worry about me, Agito will buy this and he won't hurt me, no matter what happens. Let's be completely logical about it and you see that he has no reason to hurt me and every reason to keep me safe. I know my worth Tetsuro, just as Agito knows the risks."
Tetsuro nearly choked. 'I know my worth...' Those were words his sister should never have to say, implications she should never have to consider but as she had also said, if they did consider it logically then Agito did indeed have no reason to hurt her.
"I know my worth," Mizuki repeated. "I don't say this lightly, Tetsuro. It's the truth. I do know exactly how much I am worth to Agito, you know it as well. He's prepared that whole prison for Sho, so he isn't about to throw me away, no matter what he suspects. I am the only one who can control Sho, the only one who is sure to stop him. You'd have a chance so he'd be equally good to you. Makishima knows this and if Sho was ever facing him, he'd want one of us to interceed. Think about it Tetsuro. How many times did Makishima rescue us from Chronos?"
"I don't know."
"I don't know either, but it was more than once. And if you reflect upon it, you can be sure he didn't want to. He only did it because he didn't want to risk making Sho an enemy, especially since we now know that Sho is the only one who can stand against him." Mizuki looked at her brother. "Nothing to say?"
"There's not a lot I can say." Tetsuro almost felt sick looking at her. The woman before him was not his sister. It was her body, it was her voice but the person speaking... This was a creature of cold logic, the compassionate woman who was his sister was not there or rather, she was there just buried beneath the logic. Why didn't I see this earlier? He betrated himself. She has so many shields... Oh Mizuki... I'm sorry...
Mizuki sighed. "I love him, you know," she said softly. "When I explained this to Kiara, she said I couldn't possibly think what I do and love him. She said I loved his power, was attracted to the prestige it would give me being married to the strongest being in the world but that's not true. I do know what I mean to Sho and therefore what I am worth to Agito but at the same time I know what Sho is worth to me. I do love him. For a long time, I didn't think it was possible, I thought that I'd find a way to let him down but I couldn't. When it came down to it, I couldn't bear to let him go. It hurt, Tetsuro, watching him fight Aptom. It hurt, knowing he was doing it for me and knowing that I'd rather die than see him get hurt because of me.
"He's saved me so many times in the past and now it's my turn to save him." The quiet sad smile returned to Mizuki's features. "Don't worry, Tetsuro, it really will be all right. Everything will work out, you planned this mission so it will be fine."
"That's what I'm worried about."
"The mission is to get Sho but there is no provision to get you."
Mizuki moved to Tetsuro's side, sitting beside him. "It will all work out, I know it."
"I don't want Agito to use you as a hostage against Sho."
"He won't get that chance, I promise."
"Mizuki, don't do anything stupid. Promise me, promise me you won't do anything stupid."
She looked at him studying his face for a few moments. "I won't have to," Mizuki whispered after a moment. "Sho..." She spun the ring on her finger. "Sho won't let me. It will hurt again, but I know he won't let me." Mizuki coughed on the words and Tetsuro could almost see the shields around her crack. He was moving before he know what was happening.
"Oh, Mizuki..." Tetsuro whispered, as he wrapped his arms around her, when the tears finally escaped. "I'm sorry... I am so sorry..."
The mission was passed relatively easily and after some volunteers from the Viper's were reprocessed into the Enzyme III shape everything was set. While it took a matter of weeks from the day that the mission profile was given to the time that the mission was carried out, in truth we had been planning this mission for years. In the beginning we did not know it but there were gestures made towards this mission and then once we knew this mission would be, more solid plans were made, rumors allowed to circulate, rumors to the effect that the rebels would give up, that the rebels would destroy the world because they could not win, that the Segawa's would surrender to Makishima, the Alkanphel was still alive, that the Roman God's lead by Mars would crush the Olympiad. We'd been releasing myriads of rumors throughout our campaign but now they became important because now they had to open some doors in Makishima's mind, place the belief that what he had thought impossible was in fact possible.
The mission was composed in several parts with the Viper's having the physical task of retrieving Sho. But that task, while it was the prime objective, was the last in a long line of events and mission objectives and while it was possible that the Viper's could fight their way through to Sho, that would be a waste of resources and lives so their opening had to come in another way.
And that was where Agito came in. It was perhaps audacious to use the Emperor to precipitate his own downfall but having Agito lead us into the base was the only way to be sure that we could get in. After we got in, the battle could then be to get out and that was something that wouldn't be a waste if the prize was secured. The first attempt at this mission had been stealth and the second open combat. Neither had worked but the combination of the two was the only way to pull this off.
Agito would lead the way in, the Viper's would carve the way out but Agito would have to have a reason to open the way first. That was my role. As one of the few people who had known the Emperor for years, who had fought against Chronos from the beginning and who, more importantly, meant something to Sho, I was the only one who would be enticing enough for Agito to take the risk of opening the way to Sho.
It was a matter of balance. He would see through our plan, we knew that but the attempt to free Sho would be weighed against his ability to control Sho and we hoped that his overwhelming desire for control would outweigh everything else. After all, if he knew there was going to be an attempt to free Sho, he could plan for that event. I won't go any further into it now but there were years of psychological study into the Emperor behind the mission. His desires, his motives, what made him Makishima Agito. I was aware of it on some level that there was similar study into me as well. After all, as the appropriate bait I couldn't back out at the end and I had to be chewy enough to Agito to see my role through. I think the rebellion kept half the worlds psychologists in business during that time. I know we generated more than one paper but they didn't come to light until much later but that wasn't surprising. The ones we consulted were discrete.
There is a saying for all situations and the one that applies here is: Even the best laid plans can come to ruin.
Our plan didn't come to ruin. Looking at it in one way it worked perfectly, Sho was freed but in the end it wasn't our plan that did that. There were forces we could not have foreseen moving so that in the end, when Agito opened the path to Sho, he was doing it of his own free will. He knew the Vipers were in position and he had them rounded up to stand guard when Sho was awakened. I said that Agito's fall could be traced to one day and that was the day that he freed Sho. One could almost say that he chose to fall but that fall was the only thing that saved him and Agito was never a believer in futile final stands. It was always best to live to strike again and as ironic as it sounds, in time that became our motto.