
In hindsight it's hard to see how we didn't view the four days before the Advents arrived as a count down, especially given the suspicions both Sho and Agito had about their approach. We could have used the time differently but we didn't because we truly did not know. Even if we had known why they had come no one was expecting them to take the approach they did.

Agito freed Sho because he believed that the Advents would see him as a hindrance and would make moves to get rid of him. And this is true, as a Guyver he was a prime target for them but the whole of humanity shouldn't have been a target. I mean, as much as I don't like to admit it, they created humanity to be theirs. They didn't create humanity just to destroy them. But on the day of their arrival, that's what it seemed they had done.

The blood shed was terrible. They attacked the cities first, wiping out any gathering of humans above one million, at least initially, they did move on to smaller targets later but I think that was more of an after thought, mostly because the Rebels and what was left of Agito's army were using the gatherings. The initial attack killed approximately half of humanity and the follow-ups took care of another quarter, leaving about 2 billion humans left. It sounds like a lot but there was only that many because after the very first city destruction, people began fleeing from the cities.

In truth the Rebels survived far better than Agito's troops because we were spread out and used to operating in small groups, fast and light, ready to move. It doesn't matter who survived better, it was a disaster either way and it was something to this day we all believe we should have foreseen.

Apart from fighting back, the main question on our minds was why. They created humanity to be their weapon, so why try to destroy that weapon, especially when they had left Earth almost one million years ago. It did not make any sense. The answer that won favour was brutally and coldly logical. The Advents created humanity to be their weapon and ignoring what happened with the Guyver Unit, a weapon implies strength, intelligence, and the will to survive. And essentially that's what wiping out humanity got them. The people who survived were by definition because they survived, stronger than their counterparts. It could be argued that they were luckier but luck in battle can be as good as strength.

After the initial attack most of humanity went into hiding and with good reason. After the culling, the Advents began sending gathering parties to the ground. Their task, their only task was to capture humans alive. At first we didn't understand why and foolishly let some of our troops be captured but then the Zoanoids began to appear. Stronger, faster, tougher and more intelligent than those created by Chronos and there were thousands. And for those Zoanoids, if they could not capture they would kill but with Sho and Agito, they didn't even try to capture. The Advents have a collective memory, they remembered the threat Human Guyvers were and so attacked hard whenever either of them was about.

You might think it cold that I can talk about the destruction of the majority of my species so calmly but I am not calm. Even now I can remember the almost futile feeling of rage that permeated us then. But despite that rage and the magnitude of the events there was still hope the Advents could be driven back. It wasn't until the betrayals that hope faded but the first betrayal was minor, and one could almost say expected. It was the second and third betrayals that hit hardest.

Humans, or should I say, Guyvers have a history of fighting and winning those battles considered hopeless but in the battle against the Advents, it seemed even fate was against us. The first betrayal was revealed about a month after their arrival. Fortuitous timing because it took us that long to fully merge with the Emperors forces. Ironic isn't it? It took the Rebels years to unify with each other against what was considered the greatest threat but presented with another, old anonimities were buried and troops marched side by side.


"I don't like this."

"What don't you like?"

"It's too quiet. Something's not right," Sho responded looking around at the jungle. It reminded him too much of the time with Alkanphel.

Makishima swung his head from side to side, squinting as he examined the jungle. Fukamachi was correct, something wasn't right. The numbers of Zoanoids tracking them had reduced. They were preparing for something.

"Prepare for attack!" He gave the order without thinking.

"Ho... You figured it out." The voice came from above them but was familiar.

"Zektoll?" Sho questioned wondering why the hyper-zoanoid was delaying them. They were on a tight schedule, strike in force - both Guyvers accompanied by two zoalords. There was only a small window of opportunity to rescue about ten thousand humans and then it would be too late.

"What is it, Fukamachi?" Zektoll responded. It sounded like he was above them but when they inspected the area their Guyver sensors and eye sight detected nothing.

Agito growled, turning his attention towards the ground. No matter where it sounded he was coming from, the earth was Zektoll's old haunt and while the hyper-zoanoid did have wings, he had never seen him use those wings to fly. "We don't have time for this. Fried'rich, order him out!"

The zoalord nodded, closing his eyes briefly as he extended his senses. He was a zoalord, which meant he could control any zoanoid or hyper-zoanoid, but except for Valkus most of them had preferred to verbally order their subordinates, relying on the genetic coding to ensure that their orders were carried out. He had never ordered Zektoll in this manner, and first contact, even between zoalord and zoanoid was always delicate.

Zektoll laughed, the noise coming from all around them. "A nice try Fried'rich but ineffective and a move that leaves you open."

"Argh..." Fried'rich grasped his head, falling to his knees but apart from his initial cry he made no other noise, he was too intent on trying to block the piercing mental waves that were pounding their way through his brain.

"Zektoll," Agito snarled as Fukamachi moved to assist the downed zoalord. "What have you done to him?"

"I really don't like answering your questions, Emperor but this time I guess I will," the hyper-zoanoid appeared, stepping out from behind a tree, to stand on one of it's branches looking down at them. He was in full battle mode but it was a mode that was subtly different from the one they knew. "I merely refused to accept his orders," Zektoll added mildly, holding out his claws so that they could examine him properly.

It was Zoalord Edward Caerleon who worked it out first. "Got up-graded did you?"

"Heheh. The opportunity to kill the Emperor came up so I had to take it. And then of course there is Aptom but I notice he is not here today. No matter, he will know I am coming for him after today."

"Zektoll, why?" Sho asked as Fried'rich got to his feet again. Zektoll didn't look much changed. His armour was still black but the way it was fitted together now seemed more streamlined, seeming to make him slimmer and somehow Sho knew it was stronger than he remembered. His claws were now talons but their colour was just off black and he could see that they didn't form points but were instead designed like small knives, each one with a sharp polished cutting edge. His horns were similarly changed but the biggest change was in the nubs that were on his back. They seemed to be fixed to his shoulder blades - wing housings for wings that he could fly on.

"Why?" He repeated the question as if it was something that should have been understood by all. "Of course, you wouldn't know Fukamachi. In the years you were frozen I served the Emperor. I had no choice because the defeated Chronos wished it so but I promised to myself that for Thancrus I would destroy the Emperor and for Elegen, Gaster and Darzeb I would free them from Aptom. But that pathetic excuse for a life form was correct, five years ago when he told me I was too weak. He knew it then and I knew it then but now... Things have changed." He said the last with an unwholesome note of relish in his voice, flexing his claws experimentally.


"I am more than a zoalord," Zektoll began again. "You - Fried'rich, Caerleon - were made by Alkanphel. You are extensions of him. You are not pure but the Creators have made me. My power is equal to Alkanphel's and so you cannot stand against me."

The four of them spread themselves around Zektoll, the two zoalords transforming into their battle forms. "You're forgetting something, Zektoll," Agito said.


"Alkanphel is dead."

"Your point?"

Caerleon snorted. "You really are stupid." He leapt forward, extending his own claws. He didn't use his claws so much as to try to cut Zektoll as he used them to define a path along which small blades of energy travelled.

Zektoll didn't even bother to dodge. He simply raised his hand, closing his fist on the energy blades. "This is how it's done, Caerleon," he growled when moved, leaping neatly away from the criss-cross slash of the guyvers, throwing his own energy blades at the zoalord.

It was a feint and for the moment they weren't seriously fighting but were trying to feel out Zektoll's new strength, and for Sho it was an opportunity to see what the Zoalords were capable of before the battle truly got serious.

Eventually, after about ten minutes of constant motion and the destruction of a lot of the environment, Zektoll paused, cocking his head as if listening to something. His zoaform didn't allow him to have a facial expression but after a moment he seemed somehow to grin and an instant latter he unfurled his wings. "I think you've seen enough of what I can do. It's now time to fight."

With a smooth leap he took to the air, rising so that he could see his four assailants'. He easily dodged the small bursts of energy the guyvers were sending his way, responding with his own while he charged a more serious blast. If they remained below him then there would be nothing but a large hole to say they ever existed. They wouldn't be expecting that. While it was known that he had a super blast, it wasn't the first weapon you used. "My orders are to destroy you," Zektoll whispered as he fixed the two guyvers and zoalords in his mind as the targets, feeling the energy sacs he used to discharge his energy realign themselves infinitesimally in response. "My desire is to destroy you, so you will die." He fired his energy.

A flash of light, lasting less that a millisecond was all the warning they had. Agito cried out as he moved forward, holding a gravity globe against the blast. He moved the fastest perhaps because he lived expecting attack, even in battle. The gravity globe was just to buy time and as soon as it left his hands he called the Gigantic Armor. It's egg like shape flared into existence behind him, it's protective shielding covering them all. As the blast faded, it wrapped itself around Agito and he allowed himself a small smile at the rush of power it gave him although it was annoying to admit that Zektoll was right. The black zoalord did have the power of Alkanphel. He didn't have the same abilities. His base form would not have allowed that and the Advents weren't so stupid as to reproduce a being who had already been defeated but the abilities he did have were so powerful that they brought him up to Alkanphel's level and that alone made him dangerous.

Agito looked up at Zektoll, beginning a minuite examination with the Gigantic Unit's sensors. This new form of Zektoll might be as powerful as Alkanphel but it had a fatal weakness. The former hyper-zoanoid had never been as intelligent as the first zoalord. He was smart, yes but he lacked the pure cunning that had defined Alkanphel and had made the leader of Chronos so dangerous. Behind him, Fukamachi, Fried'rich and Caerleon arranged themselves in flanking positions, ready to back up what ever action he took. He began charging the MegaSmasher but kept its blast plates closed. They had survived Zektoll's blast and while it should have been their move he was content to let the new zoalord continue as he liked.

"Ho... That's some shield you've got," Zektoll murmured, as his blast faded and the fact that they had survived became clear. "What..?" The sudden extra pressure that was the Gigantic Guyver imposed itself upon his senses. "Changed..."

The voice was Zektoll's but the inflections were not.

"Surprised, Zektoll?" Agito asked. "But you've seen this form before... Hmm..." Understanding flooded through him. "Do you want to play, Advents?"

Zektoll tilted his head as he examined the new Guyver before him. It's power was familiar but there was something else about it. They could fight but not in their current form. :Return... Return!:

"Another day, Emperor," Zektoll snarled as he shot even higher into the air and disappeared.

"Humph!" Agito dismissed the Gigantic Armor. "Are we still on schedule?"

Sho consulted his internal clock. "Barely. We'd better move."

Makishima suppressed a small sigh. So much for the hope that this mission would end early. Fukamachi was still idealistic. He barely saw the truth. Ten thousand humans saved was not really that great a thing, it just meant ten thousand more mouths to feed. Ten thousand more non-combatants who would expected to be protected at the drop of a hat.

"Let's move!"


The Second Betrayal happened a month after that mission. A month of losing battles. The battle in which Zektoll interfered was about the last one to succeed. Ten thousand humans were preserved that day as human rather than being transformed into the Advent's fighting machines. Ten thousand saved that day, a hundred thousand lost in the month that followed.

The math is simple. We were losing. Slowly but surely. And slowly, the number of Zoanoids on the planet was reducing as the Advent ships began leaving. Transports, shipping their new troops into battle in space and then returning for a fresh batch but the reduction in zoanoid numbers on earth meant nothing to us and it wasn't until later that we realised that the transportation was happening at all.

I can hear the complaint now. 'The Ark.' The Ark and her sister ships that Agito had built were no more. They had fought valiantly and while they were bigger than the Advent ships and it can even be argued more powerful, they were not as fast and they were not as manoeuvrable. The Advents shot most of them down upon their arrival and the few surviving Arks were later forced down when they tried to interfere with the transports. It was simply a case of the original technology being better than the copy.

It was a dark time for Earth. With no hope in space, the only hope came in ground combat but Zektoll was nearly everywhere. We could never catch him in force and didn't wish to risk baiting a trap to lure him out. It's exaggerated but the reports of that time have him leading fully half of the Advent missions and that simply isn't possible. He lead many of them, and he was instrumental for the Advents but a truer estimate would be that he lead about a quarter of their missions. Taking Zektoll out became one of our primary objectives but the troops still had the standing order that it was better to live to fight another day but that changed to their own discretion after the Second Betrayal.

The Second Betrayal... Now I find it difficult to believe that we didn't see it coming. Although in their defence I have to say that it wasn't voluntary. At least the first ones weren't, with Valkus I cannot be sure. He was a brilliant scientist but after Chronos' fall to Zeus and God's Ascension and the new Zoanoids we cannot be sure that he was still sane. Something inside may have broken. We will never know if his betrayal was forced or if he was compliant, it is a question for future historians. I am not seeking to condemn anyone here, I fully admit that I am biased but as I have said I do not care now, about right or wrong, I am simply trying to say what was.


:Watch... We have to watch this fight carefully.: The thought echoed throughout the ship and beyond, bringing the attention of entire consciousness to a small point on the planet.

:We know. This will show to us the extent of the problem. They have told us but we must be sure.: Another thought was projected through the whole, compliant with the first's instructions but annoyed at the reminder. They knew the dangers that still lurked on this planet.

:Is it possible?: A third thought asked. :Such a thing has never been documented.:

:It is possible because it is this accursed planet.: The first thought responded forcefully, almost reaching out and physically crushing the one who had dared to question it. :This experiment is dangerous - out of control. We should have destroyed them all.:

:The experiment is dangerous but it is useful and it is the only thing that can stand against the Tekki. And from millions there are only two who are out of control.: The second thought was calmer.

:For now. Where is the third?:

:Why were they left here at all? They should have been destroyed then.:

:It is unfortunate,: the second thought broke in again before the argument could escalate as had done recently. :But we did not know they were left and if you relax you will see that it is a good opportunity. We can test our new children against them. Remember the Tekki... This will be a good test. Now watch, and witness the power of our new children, those who will force the Tekki to bow down before them.:

There was silence for a moment before the third thought spoke again. :I still do not think it possible that the one of the three units left here could have evolved. No other race who have units, who have been using them for millennia has even come close to the power our new children are claiming.:

:Whether it's true or not, they should have been destroyed.: The first thought had to have the final word.

:Whether it is true or not, they will be destroyed.: The second voice spoke again. :Now watch!: It finished, more than a little angry. If they were going to be extolled to watch, then those who had given the instruction should be following their own advice and not blathering over the event.


The scenery flashed beneath them. The sonic boom caused by their passing was heard several seconds after their passage. It wasn't important though. The enemy would sense they were coming but that wasn't important. The only thing that mattered was getting to their destination in time to help.

It was a large settlement and had been well hidden but the Zoanoids had found it and in the name of the Advents were attacking. They were fighting but the conclusion was forgone. They simply couldn't hold out for long but luckily for them their distress calls had been intercepted and even now the two guyvers were streaking across the sky to help. Saving humanity from the Advents might be a losing battle but they would not go down without a fight.


Both Sho and Agito pulled up, ignoring the wind that travelled onwards as they sensed the same disturbance. They were being watched. The feeling was intense. But it was impossible. The only Zoanoids who could move at the speeds they had been travelling would have been able to do nothing else but travel and while a zoalord could have kept up, they had a distinctive aura and it was not what was watching them.


:We've been sensed.:

:It doesn't matter, they cannot escape now.:



"Die Guyvers!"

The call came from all around them.

"Two... no... Five," Sho identified the individual signals as he shot straight up, avoiding the energy that shot through the position he had been in. Agito dropped, burrowing into the earth.

"This time we finish it, Guyvers!"

"Zektoll!" Sho cried out, both with voice and mind, informing Agito of who faced them.

"Yes, me, Fukamachi. And this time I will not back down." He paused for a second, although the Black Zoalord had still not appeared. "My orders are to take you both down but I can be merciful Fukamachi. I have no grudge against you, surrender and I will make it quick."

"Forget it! I won't betray..."

"Betray humanity..?" Zektoll parroted the guyvers words as he appeared. He looked up at Fukamachi, although he was keeping a sharp watch for Agito. "Don't give me the speech. I already know it although it is a refreshing change to hear it from one who means it." His eyes narrowed as he looked at green-blue armour. "I apologise though. You are not the one I seek today." The air around his left arm waved for an instant and Sho pulled back, eyes widening as he saw what the newest Zoalord was hiding. "And I have no desire to be caught in a battle against you," he continued as if nothing had happened, "So you will have to settle for those who accompanied me."


Slowly the four beings Sho had sensed earlier revealed themselves - four Zoalords who had formerly been loyal to Alkanphel. "No..." Sho whispered.

"We couldn't..." Caerleon began in a tired voice. He swallowed hard. "We couldn't resist them," He completed the explanation, looking sadly at the boy he barely knew. Zektoll seemed content to let him explain and the presence in his mind was using the time to examine the being before him. "We didn't... Lord Alkanphel didn't want this," he trembled. This wasn't what was meant to be. "Lord Alkanphel never wanted to surrender to the Advents but we... we didn't have a choice. Without him, we weren't strong enough... Fukamachi..." He paused, not knowing how to continue. The boy before him had great power, he had fought Chronos but he was still a child, he still held the belief that good would always triumph. "For what it is worth, Fukamachi, I am sorry and as Zektoll said, it will be quick. You will never know the suffering the galaxy is facing."

While he spoke Caerleon calmed himself. He wasn't nervous about facing the guyver unit but rather he was fighting the sick sense of defeat he could still feel at his own helplessness. He, they, were meant to be the strongest beings on the planet. They weren't meant to fall but that is what had happened.

Sho blinked at the words. While he had had only a relatively small amount of contact with Alkanphel's Zoalords he could still feel Caerleon's self loathing but there was something else with the Zoalord's words. What the hell did he mean about the suffering the galaxy was facing? That made absolutely no sense unless... Unless somehow he was trying to tell him why the Advents had returned after all this time. Could it be that they were losing the interstellar war that was the speculated reason for them developing humans? He shook his head. It was a question he could answer later. If he had a later. Small though his contact with Alkanphel's Zoalords had been he knew that facing four of them alone was tantamount to a death sentence for him.

That's exactly what they want it to be. The realisation flooded through him followed closely by a grim determination, that spark of will that had ensured he fought them before with everything he had, that he would die before he would surrender. With a hiss, Sho raised his arms, his vibroblades flashing as they lengthened to their full length. This was going to be hard but he would fight.

Zektoll flew higher. He hadn't lied to Sho. He really wasn't interested in him. The Emperor... The Emperor was the one he wanted, the Emperor who wielded the Gigantic Unit that the Advents were so surprised by. "Agito!" He called, projecting his voice. "Don't you think it's time you stopped hiding?" He winced slightly as Fukamachi clashed with Caerleon, their frequencies competing with each other, even as the guyver lashed out with a vicious kick, connecting with Amniculus. He frowned slightly but didn't really have time to consider the fact that Fukamachi seemed far stronger now because Agito, Gigantic Armor activated had chosen to make his appearance.



:Now we will truly see, if this is reality or a mere physical abhoration.:


Agito watched calmly as Fukamachi was engaged by the Chronos Zoalords. While the boy probably wasn't going to win, he would at least keep them occupied while he dealt with the black zoalord. He did however spare a half-mocking thought towards himself, that they should have been expecting this. As Chronos Zoanoids were genetically encoded to be loyal to the zoalords, so had Alkanphel been coded to be loyal to the Advents and those who were made from Alkanphel could hardly escape that curse. But even though the four of them were powerful, they had been created on earth, their powers were known and it was the presence of the Advent made zoalord that was setting his guyver senses on edge.

There was something about Zektoll that hadn't been there a month ago but as he examined him he couldn't see anything. Had the Advents increased his power simply to face the Gigantic Unit? But if they had, then what had they done?

"Emperor," Zektoll said quietly as he brought himself level with his long time foe.

"Zektoll," Makishima responded still using the time to size up the Zoalord. Their battle the month previous had been informative but it hadn't been anywhere near long enough or constructive enough for him to determine what new abilities the Advents had given one of their children. He felt stronger but that was about it and that didn't seem sophisticated enough for the Advents. There had to be something else.

:Show us.:

:Show us his abilities.:

"Today it ends," Zektoll continued, his voice oddly devoid of expectation.

"Yes," Agito agreed amicably. Whatever the Advents had done to him, however they had hidden it, their new creation was not going to stand against the fully unleashed power of the Gigantic Unit and he wasn't going to hold back. "Today I will kill you, an indulgence I should have granted myself a long time ago."

If Zektoll could have smiled, his lips would have been pressed together in a thin line. He'd been waiting for this day for a long time and while it was only half of his task, Agito's blood covering his claws would feel so good. "Today, one of us dies, but it will not be me."

:Show us now!:

Agito yawned deliberately at the words. He'd been expecting a response like that from Zektoll and such an assertion left him open for baiting. He wasn't disappointed at the black zoalords response. With a growl he forgot the formalities and launched himself towards the Emperor, claws extended to slash at his chest. Makishima dodged nimbly, dancing lightly out of the way despite the bulk of the Gigantic Unit. The Unit was large and powerful but while it looked ungainly it was faster and much more manoeuvrable than the base Guyver Armour.

As Zektoll over extended Agito brought a powerful chop down on his undefended forearm. The black armour, which had so effectively adsorbed the guyvers gravity blasts the first time they had met, did not fail now, bending slightly with the force of the blow but springing back an instant later. Not that Makishima had been expecting anything else but it was a useful test. His armour is about fifty percent stronger... He concluded as for the moment he simply evaded the Zoalord's attacks. And his energy blasts are stronger but...

The Advents had upgraded Zektoll, making him a zoalord. His physic was slimmer, faster and stronger. His energy blasts were more concentrated and his final blast was on a par with a Guyver's MegaSmasher and like all zoalords he could telepathically command his zoanoid underlings. But those changes were something Chronos could have achieved if they had been so inclined. It hardly seemed right of the great Advents that they could do so little, especially for the individual they seemed to have chosen as the new leader of their forces.

They sparred for a while, each unwilling for the moment to commit their full strength to the battle, using the continual flurries of kicks and punches to feel out their foe.

:It's real.:

:It doesn't seem possible but it is...:

:It is real, but it will be destroyed. The other can be captured to see what he knows of it's creation.:

:Yes... That is the best plan.:

Agito jumped back, after placing a solid kick, backed up by a gravity globe, released point blank into Zektoll's midriff. The zoalord was armoured and while that protected him from vibroblades and most physical and energy attacks, a large enough shock could still pulverise his innards. Internal bleeding left no mark on the outside but was exquisitely painful and far more dangerous than a flesh wound and if that's what it took to defeat Zektoll then Makishima would give him those internal injuries and watch as he coughed his innards out. But something wasn't right... Something with his 'new' abilities didn't add up. "What are you hiding?" He snarled.

:He knows!:

:Destroy him.:

It was Zektoll's turn to present the calm face. "Your death," he responded clearly, listening to the voice of the Advents. He shot his right arm up, firing his energy directly at Agito.

The Emperor dodged but that was expected and this energy wasn't merely a blast. Mid flight the blast divided into five streaming points of light that traced the dark Guyvers movement and even as Agito feinted left. "Too late, Agito, too late," Zektoll whispered.

Throat. Wrists. Ankles. Five points of restraint. "Ugh..." The strangled cry came from the Emperor as, despite the speed of the armour, he was brought up short. He snapped his eyes to the bonds holding him and was surprised to find brilliant strands of light wound around his armour, light that was burning it's way through.

As he caught his prey, Zektoll spared a glance for Fukamachi. The boy was still dodging the attacks of the other four and was only occasionally fighting back. His armour was scorched in places and red splatters covered it. He was still fighting but he had been wounded. The boy was not in any position to help Gigantic Guyver Makishima.

:Destroy him!:

"Soon..." Zektoll whispered the response, turning back to the now trapped Agito. Feeling what would have been expressed as a smirk of triumph he flexed his claws before balling his fingers into fists and raining heavy blows down upon the now defenceless Guyver.

"Do you like your restraints, Emperor?"


"I think it's rather appropriate, actually. Those bonds will hurt you," Zektoll began. As he began to speak almost illustrating his point the light cut through to flesh and thick blood began to well out, plinking in a steady stream to the ground. "They will not kill you though but that is just. They are like Elegen, aren't they? And despite everything, you only injured him. I'm saving their killing aspect until I can use it on Aptom."

"Heh!" Agito had recovered his composure. Energy that had a physical force beyond blasting was unusual but it just confirmed his suspicions that the Advent's had done something more to Zektoll than simply increase his strength. And while he was bound, the force that Zektoll had unleashed thus far was insufficient to do him serious damage. "You'd better hope that kills him, otherwise he might decide to complete his collection of hyper-zoanoids."

:Stop playing! Kill him!:

"Soon... I have waited a long time for this."

:Destroy it!:

"Soon! I only agreed to do this on my terms. He will die but he must first know the futility of fighting me."

"The 'Voices' getting impatient?" Agito asked. While the Advents could no doubt control Zektoll if they wanted, Makishima figured they were still testing the limits of their abilities. After all, humanity had evolved in the time their Creators had been absent, mostly their force of will, and the base of Zektoll had been created by humans. For them the situation was not the best.

"As long as you die, Makishima, they will not care." Zektoll's yellow eyes narrowed as he watched Agito strain against the light that was holding him. "You cannot break those bonds Agito. Elegen will hold you for eternity if I desire but..." He held up his right hand, spreading his claws. "But these belonged to Thancrus and they will be the weapon that kills you."

"Don't make me laugh. You might be able to wound Fukamachi with those imitation sonic blades but the Gigantic Unit is more than capable of taking them." Even though he was still bound Agito managed to look down on Zektoll with clear note of cold superiority.

"Ah yes, I almost forgot." With a cold glint in his eye the black zoalord raised his left arm, concentrating for an instant and allowing the veil of invisibility to fall.


In his battle, Sho paused for an instant as Agito's shock rippled through him. :...Guyver Remover...: He caught the scrap of thought through their unit's link and he knew what had happened. With a flash of movement he drove upwards, trying futility to stop what was going to happen. The four Zoalords paused for an instant, watching their foe before they followed.

The weapon was sleek, smooth and black. It blended perfectly with Zektoll's armour. With a flash, it's protective outer casing opened, revealing a patterned glowing core tipped with a metal orb, an exact copy of a Guyver's Control Medallion. The guide spines clicked forward as Zektoll extended it towards the trapped Guyver.

"Ugg..." Agito strained against the light, managing to drag his arm forward, curling his fingers around intending to fire a gravity globe at the weapon.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Zektoll exclaimed, flexing the fingers of his right hand wide.

The light tying Agito responded like the strings on a puppet, pulling his arms and legs wide and tightening on his throat. Internally Agito grabbed at the presence that was his armour. You are mine, he growled at it. You will remain loyal to me.

Beneath his armour Makishima grimaced and snapped off a quick burst from his head beam. Zektoll dodged, still shaking his head and with a visible compression wave of power forming around his left arm he fired the Remover.

Agito gritted his teeth. Pain. That's all he could feel. He'd been hit with a remover before but the effect on the Gigantic Unit was a thousand times worse. Zeus tried to hold on to the thought that demanded the unit stay with him, no matter what external commands it was receiving but the pain drove everything from him and all he was left with, for less than a heart beat was a vague sense off possessiveness. If he'd been capable of rational thought, he would have been praying that that was enough. Makishima felt as if every cell in his body was being ripped apart but that was nothing compared to the pure, white hot pain that was burning through his brain. He shattered the bonds holding him as his body jerked reflexively, trying to curl up on himself and somehow dampen some of the pain. But then it happened, after what seemed an eternity but was only a moment, the Gigantic Unit split apart and was dragged towards the pulsing centre of the Remover.

:Yes! It will be destroyed.:

:Capture the other Guyver. Before we destroy him, we must learn.:

"NO!" The scream came from everywhere. There wasn't any thought behind it save the knowledge that the Gigantic Unit couldn't be lost but the cry was enough.

One by one the pieces of the Gigantic Unit veered from their path of destruction and instead flew towards the rapidly approaching Guyver I. It took less than an instant and by the time Zektoll turned to look it seemed as if Sho was surrounded by black guyver armour. The next instant, the pieces had melted together, lightening and forming themselves into the Gigantic Armour of Guyver I. Fukamachi reacted to the power surge without even thinking. He turned, sonic blades extended and slashed through a vicious arc down through the Zoalords who had been pursuing him. De Galenos was the closest and had time for a strangled cry as the blade cleaved him in two, running neatly shoulder to crotch.

As quickly as that, it was over. De Galenos was dead. His body fell silently to the ground below, already beginning to decompose, the zoalord crystal shattered. Glowing pearl light eyes seemed to narrow as Sho gave the other Chronos Zoalords a warning stare before turning back to Zektoll.


:...what... what just happened?:

There was a hiss of expelled air from the Guyver Unit but no other sound. No one moved and the moment seemed to drag on forever.

:Agito!: Sho snapped through their link. :Agito! Are you all right?:

The black Guyver looked mostly whole, although parts of his armour were reforming after almost being ripped off with the Gigantic Unit. :Ugh... hh...: The less than dignified response came back to him and while it didn't sound good it did allow Fukamachi to focus his whole attention on the Zoalords.

"Zektoll..." Sho said, aware of Makishima slowly lowering himself to the ground, still trembling with the after effects of the Remover, while the other Zoalords moved to surround him. Despite the death of one, it appeared the Advents were exerting their influence. "That is your command?"

"The Gigantic Unit is to be destroyed, although my orders about you had changed but now that you have the Gigantic Unit, it is you who must be destroyed," Zektoll began as he reached out to touch the Advents. They had been silent since Sho had called the Gigantic Unit but surely that meant that Guyver I was now the target.

:Destroy it!: The order finally came to him and from the brief nods the other Zoalords gave, they had heard it too.

Beneath his armour Sho frowned. His unit's sensors had just shown him that all the Zoalords were falling into ready positions. :Help me...: The plea was directed to his armour. While he had just been fighting four Zoalords without the Gigantic Unit, they hadn't really been serious about fighting him and almost seemed to be trying to capture him and in a way the fact that there were four of them had hindered their ability to attack him cleanly. Now though there would be nothing stopping them. He fell into a ready position ignoring the 'skee' sound his control medallion was producing. After a moment it stopped and he shook his head against the feeling that something important had just happened. What's important is this battle, he reminded himself.

Amniculus began, driving forward with a punch aimed at the small of Sho's back. Guyver I flinched sideways and trapped Amniculus' arm before twisting suddenly and landing his own punch squarely on the zoalord's face. Sho continued to turn extending a sonic blade and driving it's edge towards Caerleon. The other Zoalord meet his slash, catching the blade in his claws but the green-blue guyver didn't pause in a trial of strength. To pause in this battle was to allow the others to close.

Beneath his armor Sho's eyes were opened wide. It was a reflex. While he looked out from the armor and could see the enemies in front of him, the guyver's senses feed other information directly into his brain. It was a confusing, ever shifting array of vision, true 720 degree awareness and while it made no difference whether his eyes were opened or not, it seemed less confusing somehow if his eyes were opened to their widest extent. Perhaps it was the delusion that all the information was coming from his senses rather than the alien presence that was his unit. Whatever it was it was one of the few ways he had found to comfortably use the information his unit was supplying him with and if he didn't use all the information he had, then he would die.

He continued to fight, dodging and weaving through them, ignoring the small slashes that were getting through his defences. Minor injuries were just that - minor. The Guyver Unit could deal with them easily but a major injury would probably allow Zektoll the time he needed to aim and fire the Remover and he couldn't allow that. :Help me....: He once again sent the inquiry towards his armor.

A soft smile creased Fukamachi's features as he felt his response. :I will... We will help you...:

He dove forward. He was going to win this.


Agito stumbled as he reached the ground but it was only an instant before he recovered. The pain he had felt was fading and his unit had finished repairing itself. He looked up, in time to see Fukamachi being surrounded by the remaining Zoalords. It seemed they had no further interest in him and from the confident vibration that was being emitted by the Gigantic Unit, it seemed that it was confident of it's ability to fight so many. With a frown, he reached out, trying to contact the Resistance. They were here on mission after all but he supposed by now there would be nothing left to save.

"Base! Come in Base!"

"We read you Makishima," Tetsuro's voice responded. "Where the hell are you?"

A grimace flashed across his face. It was so nice to know that Tetsuro cared. "We're about 10 clicks away from the target but we ran into a small problem."

"Forget the target," Tetsuro replied. "It's gone." He added sadly, already mourning the loss of more life. "So what's this problem that's big enough to occupy the two of you?"

Once the situation was explained, Tetsuro would understand but it seemed that years of being with the Rebellion had given Tetsuro a sharp tongue and an attitude that refused to admit that problems couldn't be overcome. Either that, or it was because he was talking to him, the Emperor. Agito nodded to himself. That could be it. While they were working together against the Advents the tolerance levels on either side weren't high.

"The problem," Agito continued reporting, this time not bothering to keep his tone reasonable. "Comes in the form of five Zoalords. So I can tell you what has happened to the Chronos Zoalords. Caerleon, Amniculus, De Galenos, Bun Hiyern and Zektoll..."


"Yeah, that idiot is here."

Back at the base Tetsuro looked around the now silent control room. Most of the leaders were here and Agito's news had struck them all deeply but then a new thought occurred to him. "Agito?"


"Why are you talking to us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't you be fighting them?"

"Heh! Worked it out huh? ..." He paused for a moment, allowing their worry to increase. "Fukamachi's fighting them. It's not really that bad you know, it's only four to one."

"Four to one? But you said there were five."

"De Galenos is dead."

"Help him!" Mizuki's voice broke through clearly.

"I will, I will. I just got hit with Remover, you know."

"Makishima..." You could almost hear Tetsuro grinding his teeth together. "What exactly is going on there?"

Agito sighed quietly. There were still some small twinges coming from his body so for the moment he could afford to tell them. Besides, Fukamachi seemed to be holding out okay. "Zektoll ambushed us on the way. He showed up with four Chronos Zoalords and attacked."

"What about the Remover?"

"The Advents... The Advent's armed Zektoll with it. Don't worry, it only took the Gigantic Unit but that's why Fukamachi is fighting. He intercepted it before it could be destroyed."

Silence reigned once again at their Headquarters. Tetsuro took a second to look around but the order, instruction really he was sure would be universal. "Agito, I think you need to get back here. I think you both need to get back here." Tetsuro's voice was quiet and lacked all of the antagonism that had been there previously. Now, his simply sounded tired.

Makishima nodded. "As soon as we can break off, we will. Makishima out." He looked back up at the battle. Despite what he had said, Sho was having problems dealing with all four zoalords at once. His armor was criss-crossed with a number of small cuts that weren't important. What was important was the fact that sooner or later they would have him in a position where Zektoll could fire the Remover at him. While there were counter-measures Guyver I could take, it was only a matter of time before the Zoalords worked their way through them. They had already blocked his teleportation ability. A fine haze of dust surrounded the battle, a dust that vibrated gently but at a frequency that interfered with the Gigantic Unit. It must have been something Chronos had developed but hadn't had time to use.

He shook his head as he rose into the air. The presence of the Chronos Zoalords and a Unit Remover changed everything.

All they had to do now was get away.


"Zektoll!" Bun Hiyern snarled as he dodged beneath a vicious slash from the Guyver he had guarded in stasis for so long. He tried retaliating but Fukamachi was too fast and had already spun away, aiming a kick at Caerleon who had been trying to blind side him. "Why haven't you used Elegen's whips?"

"I've been trying to!" The rather annoyed response came back. "He's too fast though."

"He can't be any different from Zeus!"

"He is! Fukamachi has always been different from Makishima."

:What is this?: The inquiry was directed at all the Zoalords.

Zektoll pulled back a bit from the battle to explain the situation to their masters. :Fukamachi, Guyver I, Masters, while his Unit is the same as Makishima's,: as he spoke he accompanied his words with images of the people he was talking about. :Fukamachi has always used his unit differently. His desires are different. Makishima has always been able to produce the same power from his Unit but Fukamachi has had times when it seems that his Unit... somehow it seems that it is more powerful than it should be.:

:And now..?:

:The Gigantic Unit?: Zektoll wasn't sure what they were asking.

:Fukamachi was the one who first wielded the Gigantic Unit,: Bun Hiyern responded at Zektoll's pause. :Purg'stall or Valkus would know more.:

:How was it made?:

:I think...: Caerleon began as Bun Hiyern leapt back into the fray to occupy Guyver I. :I think it was made from the wreckage of one of your ships.:


:So it was made for him?: The second consciousness of the Advents questioned.

:Yes, it was made for him, made from his desire.:

For the next few moments the Advents were silent to their servants but within their consciousness hasty plans were being made.

:This is more than a physical abhoration.:

:It has to be destroyed. They both have to be destroyed before the Tekki learn of them.:

:Tekki... They bear a strange resemblance...:

:Resemble yes, but their power is nothing compared to the Tekki, and that is a fact we should be thankful for.:

:Perhaps but we need to consider this more. This Guyver I's strength is not what we planned for especially if he can fight the Remover.:

:We should destroy this experiment completely.:

:Perhaps but for now our children need to withdraw. We are nearly finished with this planet but we still need our children. We cannot lose any more of them.:

:Withdraw.: The order was given.

:Masters?: Zektoll questioned.

:Withdraw. The situation has changed.:

As one the four Zoalords pulled back from Gigantic Guyver I, deliberately choosing four opposing angles to evade upon.

"What?" Sho questioned at the sudden movement, spinning as he tried to track them all.

"The situation has changed Fukamachi," Zektoll began. Around him the other Zoalords were indicating towards two silhouettes that were rapidly approaching as well as the slowly rising form of Makishima. The black Zoalord looked towards the place the village had been. "Your mission objective today has been destroyed so I suggest you withdraw while you still can, Fukamachi."

Sho followed his line of sight. With their attack he'd almost forgotten the village but as Zektoll had indicated there was nothing but smoke rising from the houses. Even from this distance he could see the dead strewn everywhere like carelessly discarded toys and he knew that those who had survived the attack had been rounded up and taken to an Advent processing unit.

He turned back to Zektoll, a sudden extra menace in his posture. "Tell your Masters, it will not last forever. They will be destroyed."

"Unless they get you first," Zektoll responded but he had backed up slightly from the pressure from Fukamachi. The Guyver was more powerful than he knew.

They continued to hold position staring each other down, Zoalords versus Gigantic Guyver, neither side willing to back away until Aptom and Mirabilis moved to flank Fukamachi.

"Shouldn't you be going?" Aptom questioned eying Zektoll's new form.

"Heh! And what can a mere zoanoid do?" Zektoll taunted.

"Imakarum," Bun Hiyern said softly to the white Zoalord.

"Alkanphel's Hand," Caerleon said in the same soft tone. "We will withdraw for now, Mirabilis but remember you knew his plans. You knew him better than any of us did. You must do what he would have done. You cannot let it end like this."

At Caerleon's words Bun Hiyern and Amniculus nodded before the three of them turned and accelerated towards the horizon. Zektoll held firm for a moment more before he followed.


The Second Betrayal. It's called that but I'm not even sure it can be called a Betrayal. The word betrayal implies that a choice was made and in the case of the Chronos Zoalords there was no choice. Once the Advents knew they existed, they exerted their influence, their genetic superiority and from then the Zoalords had no choice.

Mirabilis was all right but he didn't explain his immunity until after that day. As Caerleon had called him, he was Alkanphel's Hand that lent him some special abilities. The incident that day raised many questions and lead to some rather sobering realisations but before I go into them I should explain something of the relationship between Sho and Agito.

It was disconcerting to me to see them together. It was difficult for everyone actually. Tetsuro and I both had a deep animosity towards Agito, an animosity that was shared by the entire Rebellion. While the words we used when dealing with each other were civil, the tones and implications were anything but. Sho was different though. I find it hard to remember sometimes that he wasn't there for the years of the Rebellion. He didn't know what it was like for Agito to rule the Earth as it's Emperor and because of this he and Agito seemed to get along fine. Don't get me wrong though, Sho hadn't forgotten that it was Makishima who had ordered his guts ripped out and his body confined to cold storage for eternity. It's just that, that was a single incident and one Sho hadn't had the time to come to terms with. It probably seemed like a bad dream to him and that's probably why he could apparently be so easy going with Guyver III.

I think perhaps it was their relationship that saved us. Sho couldn't help it but the way he talked to Agito drove home the point that we were working together against the greater enemy and while the past was important, it couldn't control our future, not if we wanted to survive. Sho tricked us into seeing that. It's hard you see, when you've known someone for a long time been through everything that we have with them to remember that they don't always share the assumptions you make about the world. The Rebellion's assumption was that Agito was the lesser evil and so we would work with him. When Sho talked to him we assumed he had made the same assumption as us and had somehow gotten over it. We forgot that Sho never had that assumption in the first place or that if he had made that assumption it was to a far lesser degree than us. It was what saved us. Sho talking to Agito was reality. The Advents were reality.

We saw the events as they truly occurred, not blinded by our hope, our desires.

In the aftermath of the Second Betrayal and we could not know it then but in the dawn of the Third Betrayal, we saw the only path that lead to our survival.


What was left of humanity was going to have to abandon the earth if they wanted to live free.

It was not an easy thing to consider but it was the only choice left.