Text Key
: : Telepathic Conversation
% % Language in an Alien Tongue
# # Discussion that can be heard but not understood
Apart from the activation of the newly discovered Guyver Units the trip to Merrimu was uneventful. We slipped in with the Advent traffic around Earth and once we had left Sol System we slipped away, heading towards Taurus' Tail. Once it was established that there was no one following the course heading was swung back around to Taurus' Horns and Planet Merrimu. Thankfully the space capable troops weren't called for. I'm not saying that we didn't lose people and that there weren't any close calls, it's just that on the initial run, there were no problems. The problems were to emerge later and that is when I shall detail them.
You are aware that the Advents could make Zoanoids for many different purposes but that they chose to make predominantly soldiers. The same thing applies to their Guyver Units. Although with the Guyver Units the balance of 'types' made is more even. That was something we could only assume until it was confirmed later. To make it short, Sho and Agito have Units that are specialised to war, they are warriors and that is why their weapons are so overwhelming. The Guyver Units on the other ships were specialised towards Healing and for General Usage, although that is a bit vague and further investigation has shown that it's more towards Construction or Creation. It is difficult to classify it because they have been taken in so many directions.
Aptom, Tetsuro, Natsuki, Shizu, Hayami and myself all became Guyvers. A Unit was offered to Imakarum but he declined saying that it was Gyro's ambition to be a Zoalord Guyver, not his. As always Mirabilis had his own ambitions. And here is an appropriate place to clarify some theory.
Before Chronos came to power, it was the theory that if a Zoanoid or Zoalord were to merge with a Guyver Unit then they would become a 'Super Being.' I can only surmise that this belief was something formulated by the Advents when they saw how powerful the Guyver Unit made their base creation. It turned out to be a false belief. What actually happens is that they become a Guyver and in Aptom's case he has some very unusual abilities but they are no more powerful than another Guyver. Tetsuro developed a new theory to explain it based on bioenergy, or the energy of life.
Guyver units convert bioenergy into other forms of energy. The Zoanoid transformation does the exact same thing. Life itself has infinite energy but the energy that can be harnessed by a single being is finite. And while it is true that each being can harness different amounts, the amount really doesn't vary that much from person to person. What does vary is the efficiency with which the energy is used. A Zoanoid has about the same bioenergy as a Zoalord, it's just that a Zoalord's form uses that energy in a far more efficient manner and so they seem more powerful. It's a little bit more complex than this but for my purpose it's accurate enough. A Guyver Unit is just more efficient again and the Gigantic Unit, well that just introduces a new dimension into the equation, so I'll ignore it for now.
Basically both the Guyver Unit and the Zoanoid transformation draw their power from an individuals limited supply of bioenergy. So when a Zoanoid becomes a Guyver they have reduced the amount of free bioenergy that the Unit can operate from. Of course they have their Zoanoid powers but the Guyver's powers are weaker because the energy base is smaller, so in all, while their powers are different they are at about the same power level as a normal Guyver. When they Bio-boost without their Zoanoid transformation then they don't have access to their Zoanoid powers and the Guyver powers are stronger.
Life is infinite but personal energy is limited. It's as simple as that. Once it is used in one thing it cannot be used in something else so a Zoanoid Guyver is only more powerful than a Guyver if the base individual can harness more life energy. And that's it. The Gigantic Unit changes the matter somewhat but then it introduces a new way to harness life energy and that isn't what is of concern here.
Of the new Guyvers, Natsuki and Hayami opted to stay on Merrimu. Actually Natsuki chose to participate in the Shuttling Service and Hayami was compelled to stay on the planet because of his abilities. Merrimu was a nice planet but as we discovered it could have very rapid temperature fluctuations. Hayami took it upon himself to try to dampen them and it was a task that took his full strength. Rodriguez also stayed on Merrimu. Being the respected fighter that he was, he stayed to lead the battle that would ensue if they were discovered and Samual also stayed. That left the 'Old Gang' to discover the Universe.
"Natsuki," There was an unusual note in Tetsuro's voice. "Are you sure you are going to be fine?"
"Geez Segawa, you'd think I'd never left home, the way you're talking!"
Tetsuro flushed, the colour staining his cheeks as he vainly tried to think of something appropriate to say. "It's dangerous, Natsuki. It's not Earth, I know but there is no back up and I'm..." he trailed off suddenly, realising what he had been about to reveal.
"...worried?..." Natsuki whispered into his ear.
Tetsuro nodded mutely and Natsuki smiled at him. They had said their private goodbyes earlier but she still thought it was cute the way, even after all these years, he could still blush at the smallest things. "We'll be fine, although I will be doing the Shuttle Run. Don't worry though, just bring back lots of Allies to take down the Advents with."
"Shu... Shuttle Run?" The colour drained from Tetsuro's face as he considered the implications.
"Of course! It's my plan so I should take the risks."
"Don't worry, Segawa," Samual broke in. "It will be fine. As Natsuki just said, you make sure you bring lots of Allies."
"Are you going to do the Shuttle Run?" Shizu asked.
"No... Earth is my home. I have no desire to see it and leave again so for the moment, I will make this my home and endure until the day we can return to Earth forever."
"A fine sentiment," Rodriguez said without a trace of mockery in his voice.
"Don't worry Samual, we'll find lots," Mizuki said with smile. "You'll be back on Earth before you know it."
"I hope so," Samual responded with a sad smile. He was already homesick despite the fact that this plan had been partly his.
"Trust them Samual," Hayami said to him. "You are looking at the people who can make the impossible possible. The Advents won't know what hit them when they are finished."
"I know."
"We'd better go," Agito's voice came from one of the Advent Ships and at his words a doorway opened in the vessel.
"Where are we going?" Sho's voice came from the second ship as he followed suit, opening the pathway to the interior for his passengers.
"Double blind," was all the response Makishima gave.
"Alright," Natsuki said understandingly. "Get going, where ever it is that you will go! We'll see you soon."
"Aa... Soon."
The two Advent ships paused on the threshold of space, orbiting Merrimu as they took their bearings. "Okay, Agito, where did you want to go?" Sho asked through the ship to ship link that had been established on their first journey.
"Orion," came Makishima's terse reply. Something was upsetting him. "We monitored the most Alien activity in that area."
"Understood, Fukamachi out." Sho closed the link knowingly. Something was upsetting Agito, and it was probably him so the man was unlikely to want to discuss the problem with the probable cause.
In the privacy of the control room Shizu looked up at her husband. "Agito, what's the matter?"
Makishima set the Advent ship on it's path before he looked down at her. He couldn't disengage himself from the ship, someone had to be a pilot always but once the destination was set he could spread his attention. "It's Fukamachi," he said coldly.
Shizu frowned before she called her Guyver unit and rose to hover next to him. "I don't understand."
"He's still..." Makishima sighed before switching to their Guyver link to continue the conversation. :He's still too open.:
:He's still a child..?: Shizu questioned, guessing what his original words would have been.
:Yes!: Agito agreed savagely with her. :He still is lost in a dream world. He does not see the truths of the Universe. He is still the insufferable brat that fought Chronos who believes good will triumph merely because it is good.:
:He has changed,: Shizu ventured softly. She knew what Agito meant and while Fukamachi was all that had just been inferred, he had matured somewhat.
:I make allowances. I know he didn't see the years of Rebellion but he has seen the Advents. Surely that would be enough to make anyone grow up but no... I still feel at his core a reluctance to fight. He doesn't want to fight but he is not willing to let those of us who will do so without hindrance... How long is it going to take for him to see the truth? Or if he won't see that, how long is it going to take for him to learn to take some precautions?:
:Agito,: Shizu said gently, reaching out to run one hand over her husband's armor. :He will never be like you. You know that. He never knew what he was getting into. And that hope, that belief that good would win was all that got him through it. He has changed though. He probably never be a realist but he is seeing the realities. Think of what he has named his ship.:
:Yes, 'Mirai - Future.' Idealistic as Sho may still be, that is where he is looking. He will get there, the path will be different from yours but he will fight to get there. He will carve his future as he sees fit so he will fight when necessary. You don't need to worry about that. Sho will fight to regain Earth and I think you will be surprised at how fierce he will be, how much blood he's willing to go through for it. You, Beloved are a realist, you saw the necessity to leave but for him necessity it might have been but it was the gravest insult. And he will not rest until he feels he has had justice for it.:
:Shizu...: Agito sighed as he reached out to embrace her, the gesture one he only dared because they were alone. :I hope you are right. This is not going to be a battle where anyone can be weak.:
:He won't be. The biggest problem will be after, Zeus, when the Olympiad is to be re-established.:
"Heh!" Makishima laughed and the unexpected response startled Shizu. "I told Kiara I know how to deal with him, and I do. I will not be able to trap him again that way but that was merely my preferred option, I have others. He will be dealt with when the time comes."
"You see, Beloved, you have already dealt with the situation."
"Huh... Oh yes, Mizuki, Aptom?" Sho looked around to the two who had called for him.
"Are you alright?"
"Yep... I'm just scanning the area for any activity."
"But we're not at Orion yet."
"That doesn't mean we can't find something before we get there. Even if I find Advents, then at least we know where some of them are. That's possibly our biggest problem. We only know that the Advents are on Earth. We don't know where else they are. For all we know Orion is their main base of operations and we are just haplessly flying to them."
"I don't..." Mizuki began. "I talked to Samual before we left. He said that Agito's research into Aliens in space while superficial, was good enough to determine that Orion wasn't only Advents."
"Great..." Aptom growled. "Sounds like the usual level of 'intelligence' one has come to expect from the Emperor. We could be flying into a battle between them and the Tekki."
Sho laughed. "Possibly but at least that would give us a chance to show the Tekki that not all humans are bad."
"One light point in an otherwise gloomy day."
"That wasn't called for."
"Perhaps but you weren't there," the black Zoanoid responded, finally approaching the subject that had been on his mind since leaving Earth.
"You didn't see him fight Kiara."
"Oh..." Sho said with a curious lilt. "What was it?"
"You don't seem surprised."
"You're talking about Agito. When he wants something he doesn't give it up easily. And he wanted Earth badly."
Aptom nodded, closing his eyes briefly. If Fukamachi already suspected then that would make his job easier. "He still wants Earth and he is still prepared to go through you to get it."
"The situation has changed."
"Not in any way he doesn't think he can't handle. I quote 'I do know how to deal with him' - him being you Fukamachi - 'but I do not want to deal with him for them.'"
"That's not all that got said, is it?" Sho asked soberly.
"No..." Aptom sighed. "Kiara was there to offer us a deal."
"Why hasn't Agito told us of this?" Mizuki asked.
"Since he rejected it, he probably doesn't think it was important enough to bring to everyone's attention."
"What was the deal? I take it we all would have rejected it, but he still should have told us. After all, we don't need the Advents throwing it in our faces later."
"It was to join them. Not as Zoanoids but as you are. Join them to help fight against the Tekki. Of course though there were a couple of catches. The first one was the installation of Communicators. I can only assume that they would have tied us into their group mind."
"And the other?" Sho asked expecting the worst.
"You." Aptom replied simply. "Congratulations Fukamachi," he elaborated, "the Advents regard you as an equal threat to the Tekki," Aptom bowed mockingly.
"I fail to see the humour in the situation," Mizuki snapped. "My Brother was with you, why hasn't he told us about this?"
"He knows something was discussed, he doesn't know what though. And even if he's guessed what, he doesn't know the details. He was too busy doing the sensible thing. But I was there and I know how easily Agito would have sold you out if he thought it could get him what he wants."
"So why didn't he?"
"You're taking this very well."
"I'm not exactly in a position to do something about it now," Sho said, indicating to the beam of light he was suspended in. "Besides which," he added tiredly. "Even if I don't want it to, it's something that has been in the back of my mind since we left Earth. What happens when we get back? Everything has changed from what we know, and I can't help but think on one level, that it would be better if, after we free Earth, we don't go back."
"Are you sure?"
"No. As I said, it's just something I have been considering but it's not something that has been decided. Anyway, why didn't Agito accept the deal?"
"Couple of reasons, I think." Aptom began after looking at Sho strangely. "One, it tied him to Earth. The Advents agree to leave Earth but I got the very strong impression that they wanted Space."
"Agito built all those Arks. He wasn't planning to stay on Earth," Mizuki interjected.
"I know but that's just one reason. Another is that the Advents weren't expecting him to survive any conflict with the Tekki. I don't know what the Tekki are but the Advents really believe they are powerful and the third was that he didn't believe they could get rid of you. If they thought they could, they wouldn't have bothered negotiating."
"Interesting," Sho said slowly. "From what you've just said, perhaps we too need to be careful of the Tekki."
"Sho..." Mizuki said, distress evident in her tone. "What about Makishima?"
"What about him? Mizuki, he is of concern, yes but I told you before he's not really a bad person and for the moment he isn't going to try anything until we get everything under control. He won't try anything until everything - Advent or Tekki - is settled."
"I know, it's just the fact that he will try something..."
:It will be okay,: Sho send privately to Mizuki. :He won't get me again.: He was happy to see the traces of worry ease in her face before he focused his attention back towards Aptom. "I do wonder though, Aptom, why are you so concerned?"
"Me?" Aptom growled, looking mildly surprised. "Your head belongs to me! I'm not about to let anyone get there first. It doesn't matter who. Mizuki will remember this and you should know this - I hate you because you killed my companions. I am going to kill you, one day I will drive my claws through your heart, Fukamachi but like Makishima I will do so only when things have stabilised so until then, I take solace in knowing that your existence knaws at Agito."
"My dearest Enemy?"
"Something like that."
Beneath his armor Sho smiled. The black Zoanoid would work it out in time but a Guyver could not lie to a Guyver.
:There! Quadrant three seven.: All the Guyvers heard it as Mizuki spotted several alien ships. Currently she and Shizu were piloting the Advent ships. It was something they had all taken turns at doing during the trip to Orion.
:Perfect!: Agito grinned as he saw the situation. It looked like several small alien ships were being ambushed by space capable Zoanoids and they weren't handling the Advent made troops well. :Fukamachi, let's go!:
:Hold the ships here. You should be out of range.:
%"What are these things?"%
%"They're the Advent's new soldiers."%
%"So why are they fighting us? We're not the Tekki."%
%"We're the next best thing. Just fight. The Kyheena Empire Royal Guards aren't going down easy!"%
%"Commander, we've got incoming!"%
%"More Advents?"% The Kyheenan Commander snarled.
%"I don't think so, they're coming in on a different heading and they're coming in too fast. Two signals, too small to be ships... Wait... I'm getting a transmission from them!"%
%"On speakers!"%
#"Zoanoids! Prepare to be exterminated!"#
The Kyheenan Commander blinked, allowing all his eyelids to close as he considered the situation. Whatever language it was, it was nothing he'd ever heard. %"Computers got a translation?"% He questioned his bridge staff but from the way they were frantically entering data into their stations he doubted it was anything the computer could translate either.
%"Wait, Commander. The Advent's are responding!"%
Sure enough they were. On the tactical display screen the dots that were the Advent troops were breaking off and moving towards the new comers, arranging themselves like two arrowheads, a formation which would allow them to meet the brunt of the attack and converge.
%"Concentrate our fire now on those Advents who have remained around our ship and start bringing our wounded aboard. This is an opportunity that is too good to pass up, whatever it is. Continue monitoring for transmissions though."%
#"You're good on land, Guyvers but this our territory. You've come to your own grave."#'
#"Thirty seconds Fukamachi,"# Agito instructed as he veered towards one group.
#"Okay,"# Sho agreed looking towards the other. He had never seen space capable Zoanoids before. Oh, they had been with them on the trip to Merrimu but their abilities had not been called for and on land that particular Zoaform wasn't very effective. They almost looked like giant insects. Their bodies had a smooth and tough exoskeleton protecting them against the vacuum of space but they could survive having that pierced, since like an insect their bodies were segmented and they simply sealed off the damaged area. More than that though, they were dense, weighing far more than the average Zoanoid and that density allowed them, in space to generate their own tiny gravitational forces.
Beneath his armor Sho smiled. The Aliens had taken to attacking the few remaining Zoanoids with a new vigour and appeared to be equal to the task. It was the numbers which had been hindering them but that wasn't reassuring. The numbers had been about one to one and now they were about one to ten, Aliens favour. It appeared Zoanoids were about as effective against Aliens as they were against regular humans. He looked to the group approaching him. There were about twenty.
No problems. The thought was one he never would have had years ago but he knew now, exactly what he was capable of. Sho fired his Head Beam, three of them were down before he even meet their initial charge and then with a flickering liquid motion, his sonic blades flashed, cutting through the others as he almost appeared to be dancing through them.
%"By the Emperor..."%
The Kyheenan's froze, feeling icy tendrils of fear snake their way through their bodies coming to rest in a cold knot of discomfort in their guts, at the destruction they were witnessing.
%"This can't be happening..."%
But it was and all their sensors were showing the same thing. The Advents were being slaughtered with a casual ease that almost defied description.
:Fukamachi, spare that one!:
Instead of swinging with the intention of taking the Zoanoids head, Sho swung, pulling his slash in but extending his leg in a roundhouse kick that caught the Zoanoid squarely on their chest, damaging but not killing.
#"Good,"# Makishima said as he came up alongside Fukamachi, extending a gravity globe around the three of them so they could talk. #"You can't win against us, Zoanoid. Your masters know that but before you die, I want you to tell me something."#
#"I'll tell you nothing!"#
%"What are they doing?"% The question came from several points on the bridge as the initial shock wore off.
%"They're doing what I'd be doing, if I was in that situation, questioning a captive for information,"% the Kyheenan Commander snapped. %"Full alert still, the target just changed."%
In the gravity sphere Sho looked over as the Alien weapons shifted targets but after a quick inspection from his Unit he dismissed it. They weren't powerful enough to bother him. Makishima was shaking his head. Why did all captives say that? The Rebellion captives said the same thing to him but he always got what he wanted from them, why should an Advent Zoanoid be any different?
#"You are going to tell me what I want to know. One way, or another."#
#"Why should I, Emperor?"# The Zoanoid spat. #"Why should I have any loyalty to the God who failed to protect his worshippers, who didn't even try to stop the Advents?"#
%"Commander, we could leave?"% Tactical Officer Paos'ya xa Kyheen offered up a different course of action, feeling the tension as the whole crew waited for the hammer to fall.
%"We can't, there's still an Advent ship out there,"% the Commander dismissed the suggestion. %"Besides which, do you want to risk angering them?"% He gestured towards the screen showing the two newcomers questioning one of the Advent Troops. %"What if they don't want us to go just yet? We wait for them to leave, approach us or fight. And anyway, we still have wounded out there."%
Sho looked carefully at Agito. His reaction to that comment would be telling but Makishima continued as if nothing was amiss and after a moment Sho nodded to himself. There wasn't a lot Agito could say to that and what ever he felt personally about it, it was something he was keeping to himself.
#"That is not the question here. One way or another, you are going to tell me, Zoanoid."#
#"You can't force me."#
#"Are you sure about that?"#
:Think Fukamachi! I ruled Earth when the fighting forces were Zoanoids. I might be stronger than them but that's no reason for them to obey me. I simply had myself implanted with a Zoalords genetic superiority to ensure that when I will it, they have to obey me.:
:Rudimentary.: Makishima dismissed the matter but beneath his armor he was secretly pleased. The fact that he could control Zoanoids wasn't well known and while Fukamachi had been surprised he had accepted the explanation without bringing further idiotic questions. Perhaps the case wasn't as hopeless as he thought.
#"You can't force me, Guyver!"#
#"He can't, I can,"# Agito responded to the Zoanoids continued resistance. He reached his hand forward and placed it on the Zoanoids forehead as his control medallion glowed. But it didn't glow the white of a Guyver but instead glowed red. He was using powers the Guyver Unit had no control over and it didn't like it. #"One thing, I only want to know one thing because I know that's all a drone like you will know. Where was your destination?"#
#"Ugh... This... isn't possible..."#
#"It is,"# Makishima growled. #"Now tell me, where is your destination?"#
#"... Sco...scorpion... the scorpion's tail..."#
#"Ho... And what's there?"#
#"...te... tekki..."#
Agito pulled back seeming almost to smile. #"Thank you,"# he said, letting the gravity barrier fade as he stepped back. :Well Fukamachi, he's all yours.:
It took the Zoanoid an instant to recover and Sho almost sighed when it growled and swung it's claws at Agito's back. Going into space hadn't improved their intelligence at all. It achieved nothing because he was already swinging his sonic blade through it's body. Like all other Zoanoids it's body disintegrated upon death. :Now to deal with the ship. MegaSmashers?:
:Yes, you see it?:
:From the start.:
%"Now what?"%
%"No idea Commander. There's nothing on our sensors in that..."%
In the distance there was a flash, followed by a larger explosion.
%"That was..."%
%"I'd hazard a guess that that was the Advent ship that was transporting their Troops but I don't really think that's of concern now,"% the Kyheenan Commander's attention was still on the new comers who had now turned towards their ship. He knew with grim certainty that if they were attacked there was absolutely nothing they could do. If they could destroy Advents that easily then Kyheenan technology probably didn't even register.
%"We should have run while we had the chance."%
%"I don't think that would have helped."%
%"Commander, what should we do?"% The field Captain asked for guidance as the two who had decimated the Advent Troops began approaching their position covering the ship.
%"Hold position. They haven't threatened us yet. And don't attack them."%
%"Right."% There was a definite note of scepticism in the Captains voice.
%"Got anything on translation yet?"%
%"No, nothing. It's got to be the native language of the Advent Soldiers. We're running the Outer Rim languages against it now but it's not hopeful. We do have a 95% probability on what they are. They've got to be Guyver's, Warrior Type although we don't have a record of any of them being anywhere near as powerful as these ones."%
:Okay, Agito. You got any ideas now, since we just want to talk to them and they still have their weapons trained on us.:
:Their weapons can't hurt us. I guess we try to talk to them. After all, we want information.:
%"Sir, they're sending us a signal."%
#"My name is Makishima of the Planet Terra, Sol System. By virtue of our demonstration we are against the Advents and harbour no aggression towards you. We merely seek information and would be grateful if you could share what you know with us."#
:Terra? Why are we using the ancient names?:
:It's the translation,: Makishima seemed vaguely annoyed. Didn't anyone think of anything? :If we say Earth, then that will translate to whatever their word for their home-world is and it will get very confusing. Terra has served us historically, it can serve now.:
:Okay... Makes sense I guess.:
:And the Advents, if for some reason are saying where they got their Zoanoids from won't be using some human word for the planet.:
:A fringe benefit.:
%"Nothing yet, sir."%
%"Open a channel anyway. We've got to show that we are friendly."%
%"It's open, begin any time."%
The Commander nodded, taking a deep breath before he began. This was not a good situation but he was determined he wasn't going to let it deteriorate. No one would be able to say that the Kyheenan's were the aggressors. %"I am Uryal'ng va Kyheen of the Kyheena Empire. We are in no position to fight you and we thank you for your assistance against the Advents. On behalf of the Kyheena Empire I would be more than honoured to open a dialogue with you."%
Sho turned towards Agito at the response that was given. #"I didn't understand a word of that, did you? Since they haven't fired, I can only assume that it's 'We are neutral towards you' but I don't really know."#
Makishima shook his head. #"This is going to be more difficult than I thought,"# he sighed before once again broadcasting his welcoming message to the Alien Ship.
:Tetsuro!: Mizuki called to her brother. They had all been monitoring the situation and while it didn't look good, it wasn't hopeless yet but since neither side could understand each other, a gesture would be the best thing to show the Aliens that they were friendly.
:What is it, Mizuki?:
:Can you come over here and take the ship?:
:You're not...:
:They are wounded, Tetsuro. It doesn't matter.:
:They're not human. You don't know their physiology.:
:My Unit does, just get over here. Sho and Agito are good at getting rid of Zoanoids but that can't be the most comforting image for the Aliens. We have to show them that we're friendly.:
:Alright but don't get hurt, or Sho will kill us all.:
:I'll be fine, just get here.:
%"Sir we're getting another transmission from them. It appears to be a copy of their first transmission."%
%"That's something at least."% Relief was evident in the Commander's tone. %"Continue broadcasting my welcome in response although tell me if they change their transmission and continue working on translation. Even if we don't understand, at least we're trying."%
Makishima frowned. :That's the same message as before!:
:I think they have the same problem we do. Do you want me to respond?: Sho asked looked at the ship. Around it, the Alien troops were shifting nervously and he couldn't blame them. The Guyver forms were powerful but that wasn't going to do them a lot of good if they couldn't talk with anyone.
:Go ahead, although it won't make a difference.:
:I know but at least that way they will know we are both friendly.: Sho paused before broadcasting his reply. #"I am Fukamachi of the Planet Terra, Sol System. We can help you fight the Advents and we do know the weaknesses of their new Troops. We are willing to help you but for the moment would appreciate any information you may give us about the Advents."#
%"Commander! The other one sent us a reply although it's the same language."%
%"Commander, we've got a problem..."% The message was whispered from the Field Captain as if the lowering of his voice could cloak the signal.
%"Send them the same reply. What is it?"%
%"Quadrant ... never mind ... near the docking bay. There's a third one."%
A breathless silence fell over the crew as the view screen shifted to show one of their wounded soldiers. A third Guyver was next to them and several appendages seemed to be attached to the wounded man although their purpose remained unclear. Around the two, other troops were gathering to strike.
%"NO! DON..."% the Commander started but it was too late and as his troops moved to attack he saw again the ease with which the Advent troops had been dispatched, although this time the blood spilt was Kyheenan.
%"...Commander..."% An awed voice broke through his visions and he looked to the screen, expecting to see only the bloody corpses of his command and the unknown Guyvers preparing to attack the ship itself but what he saw scared him further.
The attack had ceased, before it had even begun, the threat obvious. The third Guyver hadn't moved. They hadn't needed too because covering them was one of the Warriors, their fingers wrapped around the throat of the leading soldier and their bladed weapons extended. They had stopped short of inflicting injury but it was obvious that that didn't have to remain that way. The Guyver's eyes seemed to glow casting ominous shadows over their form and even from the bridge the Commander could feel the menace emanating from the being.
%"We don't need a translation for that. All troops back off. We're not a match for them."%
%"But Commander..."%
%"Don't provoke the situation any further,"% the Field Captain added, still blinking at the speed with which the warrior had moved. The Advent Troops should have illustrated the realities of the situation to his men but it appeared they weren't thinking.
As the other soldiers backed away, Sho slowly released his grip on the one who had lead the attack but he didn't drop his guard as he continued to scan their activities.
:Mizuki! Why are you here?: Agito questioned, not moving from his position. Fukamachi had been aggressive but the situation illustrated that both sides were still fumbling and didn't truly wish to fight.
:They are injured. I'm not about to let anyone remain that way.:
:I don't think they know what you are though.:
:Maybe not, but they will soon. Besides which, this is a good gesture to show that we mean no harm and I'm finished now.:
Beneath her the Kyheenan Soldier blinked, sliding open all three sets of eyelids. The pain that the Advent fighter had inflicted was gone. And from the stars above and the ship that flanked his vision he wasn't dead. With a grin he stretched. %"Yahoo!"%
%"Are you alright?"%
Miwaurg frowned. The Captain would have had to authorise the healer so why was he asking. %"I've never been better, Sir."%
%"You're... you're healed?"%
Now why was the Captain asking such a silly question. %"Of course Captain..."%
%"Good. Now Miwaurg, slowly back away from your position. Whatever you do, don't make any sudden movements and for the Emperor's sake, don't attack them."%
%"Them?"% That didn't make any sense.
%"Just move!"%
%"Yes sir!"% Miwaurg adjusted his flight suit controls and as commanded slowly reversed from his position, casting his eyes around him. And that's when he saw them... %"What the..?"%
%"Just keep moving slowly."%
Any jubilation Miwaurg had felt at being healed faded and he gulped as he continued to obey. The two beings he could see were some of the strangest he had ever laid eyes on. One, the closest was a soft colour, a pale peach which seemed to be calming. Compared to the other one, the one that was a green-blue their appearance was a lot less harsh. Maybe it was because the peach coloured one was smaller and because they didn't have what appeared to be blades extended.
%"Captain..?"% Miwaurg began uncertainly.
%"What are they?"%
%"We are still trying to determine that, although the peach one is the one that saved you and the blue one took out half the Advent forces."% It was the casual way that his Captain spoke that chilled Miwaurg the most. %"Just keep coming very slowly and everything will work out."%
:Mizuki,: Sho opened a link to her as he watched through his unit's sensors as the Alien she had healed moved away slowly.
:When he is clear, stand behind me and we will go back to Agito.:
Mizuki sighed but she knew better than to push her luck. The one she had healed would have to speak for their intentions. :Alright. You're not angry with me?:
:For the moment that doesn't matter, although I do wish you could have waited until we had communications established before you came.:
%"Captain Ausido,"% Uryal'ng opened a channel to the Field Officer. %"Is everything under control?"%
%"Yes sir."% The Captain breathed deeply, calming his nerves. They weren't quite in the clear yet and while they had just been presented with an obvious threat, it had been because of provocation and if the newcomer's actions were true then perhaps they could survive this. %"The new one, sir. I believe they are a Healer. The Warrior was merely acting upon the implied threat to them. I don't think they want to fight..."%
%"Fight isn't the word I'd use,"% the Commander muttered under his breath. It wouldn't be a fight, it would be a slaughter. %"A GuyHealer..?"%
%"I believe so. They do have a the same form."%
%"But they're..."%
%"Exceedingly rare, sir,"% the Captain finished the Commanders sentence as the Guyvers moved back to the Black Warrior who had held his position the entire time. %"It would make sense though Sir, that GuyWarriors would be involved with a GuyHealer."%
%"How is the translation coming?"%
The bridge crew shook their heads. They had run the language sample that the Guyvers had transmitted against every known language in their computers and had come up with nothing. It was like trying to talk to the Advent Soldiers. One could never talk to them, you had to talk to the Advents themselves. But given the Guyver's attitude towards the Advents, even if the ship was still alive to translate it was doubtful that it would have consented to it.
%"We've got to talk to them!"% The Commander cried out in frustration.
:We've got to talk to them!:
:Let me try.:
:I think the ship might know how and if the ship can then possibly it can down load the information into our Units.:
%"Commander, we're getting another transmission!"%
%"Which one?"%
%"It's not from any of them. It's from a point outside our sensors. It's not words, Sir, it's just a signal but it's Kyheenan frequency."%
%"Send a response."%
:Heh! I got something, now what do you want to say to them?:
:Finally. Send them a general greeting. You know, where we're from, that we don't want to fight them and that we could really use some information on the Advents.:
:Okay, here goes.:
%"Sir, another response... It's... Sir, it's coming through in Kyheenan!"%
%"On speaker!"%
%"My name is Segawa Tetsuro of the Planet Terra, Sol System."%
%"Never heard of it."%
%"We are currently involved in an operation to spread our action against the Advents and so bear no animosity towards those who have also suffered under their oppression. We would appreciate any information you are in a position to give us about them."%
%"What?!"% The Bridge was awash with disbelief.
The Commander groaned. So much for the problems of not understanding them. Now he understood the new comers but could barely believe what they were saying. ...'Involved in an operation to spread our action against the Advents...' They've got to be insane...
%"Sir, you need to respond."%
%"Of course, broadcast please,"% the Commander shook his head as he mentally composed himself. They had to be insane but with the power levels they had just displayed what was insanity to him was probably only good sense to them. %"I am Uryal'ng va Kyheen of the Kyheena Empire. We welcome your transmission and apologise for any misunderstandings. We are in no position to fight you and we thank you for your assistance against the Advents. On behalf of the Kyheena Empire I would be more than honoured to open a dialogue with you."%
:Tetsuro, what'd they say?:
:The usual.:
:Usual? This isn't exactly a usual situation.:
:I know, I know. I'm talking to Uryal'ng va Kyheen of the Kyheena Empire. They don't want to fight us and thank us for our assistance against the Advents and they would be more than happy to continue talking to us. Hang on a sec, I've got to talk back.:
%"We too apologise for our misunderstandings and hope that you will give us the opportunity to develop this conversation into a more formal dialogue."%
%"By the Emperor..."% Uryal'ng breathed. %"They want to talk..."%
%"It could be a trap,"% once again Paos'ya found his voice.
%"Why bother talking to us? If they want to destroy us, I really don't think we'd be able to put up much opposition."% The Commander snapped. A trap..? If it was, they were already in too deep to get out. %"Captain, any ideas?"%
%"Not really Commander. They got us and they have to know they've got us but if they're talking, they're talking and perhaps this isn't too good to be true."%
%"I agree. Bridge, keep working on translating their native tongue but tell them I'm at their disposal to open a dialogue."%
:Yes, Sho?:
:Can Mirai and Eternity give us their language and can we pronounce it?:
:Yes, I think so but you'll have to come back to the ship to have it down loaded and we'd better make a decision because they want to talk to us too.:
:You and Mizuki go back first,: Agito instructed looking back at the Alien, no Kyheenan ship as a whole galaxy of possibilities opened up before him. :And then it would probably be best if you two go and talk to them.:
:Huh? Me?: Sho seemed confused.
:You're the most open, and it's not like the rest of us won't be able to hear.:
"Commander, the two Guyvers that left are back and the black one is leaving."
The Commander resisted the urge to moan. After they had sent the final transmission saying that they were happy to open a dialogue the Guyvers had gone silent and in fact two of them had left but it appeared that that was only a temporary situation.
"Getting a transmission."
"My name is Fukamachi Sho of the Planet Terra, Sol System. I request your permission to come aboard to open a formal dialogue."
"The transmission's not from that third point, it's actually from them." The Bridge crew seemed awed.
"Emperor... that fast..? They learnt our language that fast?"
"My name is Segawa Mizuki of the Planet Terra, Sol System. I request your permission to come aboard to open a formal dialogue and offer my services as a Healer to your wounded."
Uryal'ng gulped. Now everything hinged on him. "I am Uryal'ng va Kyheen of the Kyheena Empire and I welcome you to the Kasd'n Goa, please follow the landing lights and I look forward to meeting you in person." He looked around the Bridge and was reassured to see that the nervous he felt was shared by the Crew. "Get the Captain to meet me there. Sub-Commander, you have the helm."
"Yes sir."
"Sir, I'll give you the quickest briefing you will ever have on Guyvers on the way," the Officer for Interstellar Relationships Basoid op Kyheen said as they followed the Commander from the Bridge.
"It's going to have to be quick."
"Right. Firstly you know the Guyver system is a multipurpose parasitic organism developed by the Advents."
At the Commanders nod, the Basoid continued. "There are three main types - Warrior, General and Healer and from the looks of things you are going to be dealing with a GuyWarrior and a GuyHealer. Healer types are rare so expect the Warrior to be protective. The layer that you see is the Guyver and in all types the external layer is an armor and they probably won't remove it. It's seen as lowering themselves too much and let's face it, they have the upper hand."
"Tell me something I don't know."
"I can't tell you about the race beneath. The only thing I do know is that they are very powerful. I rechecked our data entries on GuyWarriors and you know that blast they used to destroy the Advent ship..?"
"It's gonna haunt my dreams," Uryal'ng spoke frankly.
"Other GuyWarriors have been recorded as possessing such a weapon but it's only ever been recorded as a final strike weapon - destroy your enemy but at the cost of your life."
"Yes, they used it and are still alive and from the looks of it their energy levels haven't been depleted. Don't anger them sir, they could probably crush us and not even realise it."
"Thanks," the Commanders voice was dry as they approached the doorway to landing bay.
"One more thing Sir."
"What? I don't need anything else to worry about."
"Good luck."
"Anything that gets us out of this is going to be considered a success," Uryal'ng schooled the worry from his face, unsure if these Aliens would be able to detect it but unwilling to take that risk, as he stepped through the door to the landing bay.
Sho looked over as a second being entered the bay they had been directed to. :That must be Uryal'ng va Kyheen. Sweetheart, what's the atmosphere like?:
:It's okay, why?:
:It's a bit rude to remain in 'battle mode' for what is meant to be a peaceful discussion.:
:But you won't be able to understand them if you remove your unit.:
:I will, we're still linked, even if it's not active. I thought you knew that.:
:No. I'm still new to this.:
:Sorry. The only thing is you can't use any abilities except the Guyver's link.:
:Be careful.:
Sho nodded, dismissing his armor as he stepped forward and bowed towards the Aliens. "I am Fukamachi Sho of the Planet Terra, Sol System."
Uryal'ng bit back a curse as the alien retracted his Guyver armor and introduced himself in rough but understandable Kyheenan. I thought they weren't likely to do that, he thought before it struck him how small this Fukamachi Sho was. Seeing him in space, surrounded by the armor of his Guyver unit he had seemed larger somehow and while the unit did add weight and height it also added something else, something intangible that was missing now. The alien before him didn't look dangerous perhaps that was it. They were small, their arms were thin, they didn't have claws or spins and they didn't have the colouring of a poisonous being. There was absolutely nothing about them to suggest that they held the power to cut through Advent Troops as if they were nothing. If Uryal'ng had seen this alien on a planet, he would have assumed that it was simply a species he did not know, a species who like the Kyheenan's, like the entire Universe, except the Tekki both respected and feared the Advents and didn't dream of fighting against them. They were so ordinary that it was unsettling but with a firm mental shake he forced himself to remain calm, reminding himself that this alien had requested to speak with him and thus was not likely to attack.
Uryal'ng stepped forward, mimicking the aliens gestures in an effort to be friendly. "I am Uryal'ng va Kyheen of the Kyheena Empire. I bid you welcome to my ship, the Kasd'n Goa."
"It is a most worthy vessel," Sho responded, struggling to determine what might be considered appropriate even as he examined the being before him. The most comforting thing was that they were humanoid in appearance but the thick tail that dragged behind Uryal'ng was a solid reminder that he couldn't make assumptions. As he looked closer his initial views were altered. Uryal'ng had large luminous eyes, blue shot through with yellow flecks, the intensity of the colour was highlighted by the midnight black pupils that ran in a thin split through the iris. His eyes were the main feature on his face as there was no discernible nose on the pale green skin, just two slits which could be closed if desired atop a lipless mouth. His body, while seemingly sleekly muscled seemed oddly proportioned with a small torso that lead into what were potentially incredibly powerful legs and Sho suppressed a shiver. Gregoles were powerful but this alien looked like he'd deliver a kick twice as strong if suitably motivated. He was dressed in a blue uniform with splashes of colour that Sho assumed were the tokens of his rank. He looked very powerful but Sho could sense a feeling of peace from the alien and was relaxed by it although still bewildered about where this meeting would head.
:Feel free to help at any time,: he sent silently to the others. "My companion," he gestured towards Mizuki, "is a Healer and is more than happy to help you treat those who have been injured by the Advent Soldiers."
"Captain?" Uryal'ng prompted his chosen second to respond to this. He knew they had sustained injuries but the Captain would know better how bad they were.
"We would be honoured to have your Healer treat them."
Mizuki bowed towards the Commander and Captain. "I am Segawa Mizuki of the Planet Terra, Sol System," she began formally. "Please, I assure you I am very competent at treating battle wounds and I am more than happy to treat wounds inflicted by the Advents."
For a moment there was silence and the four of them looked at each other.
:You're going to have to prompt them,: Shizu said through their link with an amused tone.
"If you could show me to them..?" Mizuki began tentatively.
Watching through the ships internal communicators Basoid was choking. This wasn't what was meant to be happening. These Aliens, whoever they were weren't reacting like any Guyver. No GuyHealer went anywhere unaccompanied. Their records were absolutely unanimous on that. Did they really think so little of them?
Captain Ausido started but recovered quickly. "Please, come this way," he gestured for Mizuki to follow him.
:Call if you need me.:
:I will.:
"She'll have your men feeling better in no time," Sho said conversationally as Mizuki followed the Captain out of the bay.
"She'll..?" Uryal'ng tried not to let his jaw hit the deck. In the Empire females were respected and protected above almost anything else. They were not taken off planet because of the dangers and this man was just letting her walk away. Different culture... He forcibly reminded himself. Very different culture...
"Is there a problem?" Sho asked.
"No, no problem. Thank you for your help. If you don't mind me saying so, you do seem to know a lot about the Advents."
"Conflict makes you learn," Sho responded. "Their soldiers are called Zoanoids."
"You know about their new soldiers?"
"You'll forgive me but to us they are not new."
"The way you dealt with them, that was fairly obvious."
:Quit dancing around the issues Fukamachi. Get some information!:
:Alright Agito.:
Sho straightened himself, looking directly into the eyes of the Alien. "Uryal'ng va Kyheen, we said in our opening address to you that we are involved in a conflict with the Advents and that isn't a lie. But while we are fighting them we are in both an advantageous and disadvantageous position. As you have seen, we have the ability to fight their base line Soldiers, Zoanoids very easily but our main disadvantage is that we do not know where the Advents are. We came to this sector because we suspected that they would be here. It is pure chance that we came across you but it is a chance we are grateful for."
"As are we," Uryal'ng interrupted, trying to see where Sho was heading.
"We said also that we are interested in any information you can give us about the Advents and that in effect is the main reason we are so interested in talking to you. We can fight the Advents and while we know their troops we do not know them and that is a situation we are eager to rectify."
Uryal'ng closed his inner eyelids as he examined the being before him. This Alien was coming from a position of strength but was making the most humble requests for information that seemed almost trivial. While no race knew where the Advents were at any time, there were areas that they did seem to frequent and the broadcasting of those areas was something all aliens did out of curtsy for each other. No one wanted to take on the Advents and avoiding them was the best policy. How could this being not know that?
:Mizuki, are you all right?:
:Aa...But that's not the problem. They've got... They've got a prisoner.:
:Zoanoid or human form?: The question came from Aptom who seemed unsurprised at the information.
:Zoanoid,: Mizuki responded.
:Can you keep them in that form?:
:No... I'm not even meant to know they've got a prisoner.:
:Then how do you?:
:Blood has a smell peculiar to each race and I can hear their heart beat. It's quite distinct.:
:Fukamachi, confront them,: Aptom instructed. :And tell them I'm coming over to deal with their prisoner.:
:Aptom, it's an Advent.:
:That won't be a problem, just tell them I'm coming.:
Uryal'ng saw the exact moment that his guest stiffened and forced himself to remain firm as the man looked at him accusingly, trying to determine why their demeanour would suddenly change. The vision of this Guyver, standing in front of the Healer with their weapons ready flashed through his mind as Fukamachi spoke again. Surely his crew wouldn't have offered any impertinence to the Healer?
"You have a prisoner." It wasn't a question.
Sho resisted the urge to cast his eyes around. He could feel the tension mounting from the Kyheenan's who were watching but for the moment their Commander was not showing any reaction.
:Force it,: Agito said with obvious regret that he hadn't opted to be the one talking to them.
"Do not try to cover it," Sho cautioned in his coldest voice. "You have a prisoner."
:Mizuki, how badly are they wounded?: Aptom asked as he approached.
:I can't be sure but the blood is really easy to detect. It's not a small wound,: she reported back.
:Are you in any danger?:
:No, they are still acting rather awed.:
:Be careful.:
"Of course we have a prisoner," Uryal'ng snapped. This Guyver was powerful but they weren't going to dictate to him. "We just got hit with a type of Advent Soldier we know nothing about and by the Emperor, we are going to find out about them one way or another."
"How?" Sho sneered, mentally rolling his eyes at Agito's encouragement. "You do not speak their language and they will not be able to learn yours the way I did. I doubt you know what to feed them so in a few days time, they will be very hungry. It will take them longer than that to die of starvation but that will happen eventually. You know nothing about them and with them injured as badly as they are they aren't going to survive for you to learn anything."
"They were well enough to still be fighting when we took them in."
:Heart rate is getting erratic. They're losing strength.:
"Of course they were fighting. You would too in their situation but that is not the point here. They are losing strength, fast, they're dying."
"You don't know that."
"I don't, Segawa does and once you prisoner dies, I'm sure you noticed what happened to the bodies, you won't even have a corpse to examine."
Uryal'ng gritted his teeth against the reality but at least now he knew how Fukamachi knew these things. "So what do you want to do about it?"
"I am a warrior, I do not deal with prisoners but another of our crew will deal with him." :Aptom..?:
:I should be on their sensors now.:
"Commander, there's another Guyver on sensors now."
"That one?" Uryal'ng turned towards Fukamachi, not liking the expression that was on his face. It made him feel like he had no control over the situation and while that was the case, he didn't want to be reminded of that fact.
"Why should we?"
:Help here..?:
:Ask them what they were going to learn and then offer to tell them some things,: Aptom prompted.
"You aren't in a position to learn anything and I am in a position to tell you information about them," Sho paused allowing his information to sink in.
:Eh... Close enough,: Aptom sighed, almost laughing.
"Give us your prisoner and we will tell you more about the Advents than you could have ever hoped to learn." Sho frowned to himself. :I'm assuming their prisoner is still in Zoanoid form so are we going to show them that Zoanoids are human?:
:No,: Agito growled fiercely. :If we do that, we'll have to kill the lot of them to keep that secret. We'll let the Advents reveal that.:
:Makes sense, Sho,: Tetsuro agreed in a slightly calmer tone.
From the doorway Uryal'ng could see his Officers signalling both agreement and disagreement. "Tell me something first."
"Fine, the Zoanoid we questioned was bound for the Scorpion's Tail and I'm happy to point that out on a Star Chart for you and the Advents were sending them there fight the Tekki."
"Tekki..." Uryal'ng mouthed as he looked back over to his Officers. This time they were more in agreement with each other or maybe it was that they had had time to think about how vehement the Guyver had been earlier. "Your... Your suggestion is agreeable."
:Aptom, you heard?:
"Thank you, Uryal'ng va Kyheen," Sho bowed again. :Mizuki?:
:They are bringing him out now.:
:Can you escort? I'd like to get everyone back together.:
:Fine, I'm just about finished here anyway.:
:I think we have forgotten the main point here,: Shizu spoke up. :We haven't really gotten any information from them. Sho, while Aptom is dealing with the Prisoner can you try and get something?:
:I'll try but they almost seemed surprised that we were asking.:
:It's always possible that what we want is common knowledge,: Aptom said as he landed next to Sho, retracting his armor. He turned to the Kyheenan and bowed as Mizuki re-entered the bay this time heading up a party of Soldiers who were escorting a Zoanoid.
#"Stay as a Zoanoid,"# Sho cautioned the Advent Soldier as they started upon seeing humans.
Aptom ignored the sharp look Uryal'ng gave Sho as he introduced himself. "I am Aptom of the Planet Terra, Sol System. I am honoured that you will allow me to deal with this prisoner."
"We thank you for your efforts," Uryal'ng responded. It was easier the third time to deal with an alien who had apparently learnt his language in a matter of minutes and it was easier this time to hide the shock he felt at the complete casualness with which the aliens removed their armor.
The Zoanoid looked confused although the expression didn't really translate well to insectiod features. #"You... You speak their language?#
#"Yes, we do,"# Aptom nodded, stepping up to the Zoanoid. #"And we've bargained for you to come with us, Advent."#
#"What..? Resistence?"#
Aptom laughed , #"You'd better believe it."# With a casual gesture he placed his hand on the prisoners arm, mingling their genetic material and claiming the Zoanoid as a part of himself.
The Kyheenan's jumped back as the Zoanoid screamed and almost seemed to melt in front of them. Aptom was careful to retain his human appearance but it was clear that he was absorbing the Advent Soldier.
"What is this?" Uryal'ng gasped as his troops, who had been guarding their prisoner moved to cover their Commander from this new threat.
"The Zoanoid was going to die anyway," Sho said with a callousness that wasn't his own. Mizuki had explained to him how the Rebellion had come to terms with Aptom's abilities and he had accepted within himself that if they could consider his ability to merge as a rather odd gift, then he could be understanding. It was somewhat based on trust and also on the fact that Aptom had never tried to 'take over' any of the Rebellion Leaders. It based off him and off them and probably stemmed from the fact that the Rebellion hadn't been out to use him and they had cared if he survived. Aptom had learnt when to use his abilities and when not to, it was as simple as that. "This way, we still have access to his knowledge," he added in a vain effort to relax the Kyheenan's.
Uryal'ng shook his head, refusing to accept the explanation. It was just too brutal. No race just casually stood there as one being was literally eaten by another, even if it was an Advent. No one, no race... "What are you?"
Aptom responded to the question, flexing his fingers as he examined his hand, apparently determining his new strength. "We are those who would oppose the Advents."
"And to do that, we would request what information you have on them."
"I will..." Uryal'ng swallowed hard, breathing heavily as he sought to calm his stomach. There was something just not right with these beings and suddenly he wanted them off his ship as fast as possible. It wasn't even a relief that he could see that his troops were having similar problems. "I will tell you. It's not really a secret anyway."
:Looks like you were on the money, Aptom.:
:Darn! We should have bet!: The Zoanoid joked.
"Information about Advent activity is spread without any hesitation. It's not something you have to ask any race specially for, and it's something we would have volunteered to you anyway but I would be grateful if you could forget to mention to the Advents that we were the ones who gave it to you."
"That shouldn't be a problem," Sho reassured the still shaken Kyheenan Commander.
"I can't tell you where they are because nobody has that information. I can only tell you places that the Advents frequent and point out the areas that there have been known Advent Tekki battles. For the most part, they don't attack other races as long as we get out of their way. I think today, they wanted to give their Soldiers battle experience.
"The Advents..." Uryal'ng sighed. "I'm not exactly sure how to put this. The Advents have existed for what seems to be forever. They have been in space for as long as our race has, longer because the older races warned us about them and throughout all history as recorded by any race, the Advents have been in a battle against another race. At least we assume it's another race, no one has ever really been able to determine exactly what the Tekki are. They don't usually attack us other races though. Like today, it is heard of but it is not usual. Despite that, no one likes the Advents but like and dislike aren't really the issue. The Advents are just too powerful, not by themselves, but their warriors... The Advents produce the finest warriors this universe has seen but these new ones, the ones you call Zoanoids... They are a nightmare... A nightmare that's not even needed to seal the Advents superiority.
"The Advents don't want to rule. If they did, all of our races would be bowing to them. They just move about space as they will and the only thing they do care about is fighting their enemy, the Tekki. Usually though we don't know about that, it's only recently that the fight has begun to spread to us other races, only since the introduction of their new soldiers, the Zoanoids... When they appeared, everything changed and that's what we were doing when you appeared."
"Huh? They were attacking you when we appeared."
"Yes," Uryal'ng agreed, "I think to give their troops practice but possibly because we are the representatives of the Kyheena Empire to an Interstellar conference about their new Soldiers. These new Zoanoids have been hitting everyone hard and it's thought that a combined action may be called for." Uryal'ng paused. "If you come, I'm sure you would be welcomed because I know no one else will have any idea how to fight."
:What do you all think?:
:It sounds tailor made for our purpose,: Agito said. :It sounds almost too good.:
:We could always just go to watch...: Tetsuro suggested speculatively. :No one says we have to introduce ourselves. If there are as many aliens as your science division thought Agito, then we should be able to just blend in as if we're just another species. We can decide after we see it to come forward or not. Even if we do nothing there, we'll at least get to see a whole bunch of aliens all together so we'll know how to recognise some of them later.:
:We should go,: Aptom agreed with Tetsuro but didn't elaborate on his reasons.
:Mizuki, Shizu, any thoughts?:
:Agito is right,: Mizuki agreed slowly. :It does sound almost too good but I also agree with my Brother that we can just go to watch.:
:Tetsuro is right, from the point of just recognising aliens later this is too good an opportunity to pass up. As for any meeting they may be having, we will have to see when we get there.:
:So we go?:
:We go.:
"We thank you for the invitation and with your permission will follow you to the meeting place but we will make our decision there to come forward or not. You are fighting the Advents and we are fighting the Advents but we are both fighting on our own terms and they may not be compatible."
"That is a most wise course of action. If you do chose to come forward we will vouch for you but that will all we will be able to do. You do us great honour to say that we are fighting the Advents. Like most of the other races we are not so much fighting them as surviving them." Uryal'ng shook his head, dismissing the matter. "If you could bring your ship into visual range, we will set off again and you are free to follow us."
"Thank you."
:You'd better warn them.:
:About what?:
:The ships. They are Advent Ships and we don't want them to be too startled.:
:After everything that's happened, I think we've already startled them but I will warn them.:
As Aptom moved towards the exit resummoning his armor, Sho turned back to Uryal'ng with a gentle smile. "There is just one more thing," he began apologetically.
The Kyheenan forced himself to remain calm. This was still a diplomatic situation, despite the twists it had taken. "Please..?" He prompted.
"Our ships," Sho said, emphasising the plural, "are very old and they come from the Planet Terra where they have been grounded for the last several millennia. They are Advent ships though."
That's... That's not possible... The thought was lost with the others on the impossibility that these new Guyver's represented so it was with a diplomacy and grace that would have done any pure diplomat proud, Uryal'ng nodded. "Thank you for your warning," he said, not recognising his own voice.
"Thank you for your hospitality," Sho bowed again as both Mizuki and Aptom paused, waiting for him. He resummoned his armor as he straightened. "And thank you for the information. We will use it well and hopefully we will see you again soon."
"It is my hope as well," Uryal'ng said, fervently wishing to never see them again, at least not until he had had lots of time to get used to the situation of Aliens who were not Tekki having the strength to fight the Advents. But as Fukamachi rose into the air, heading back into the cold of space a new thought struck him. "Fukamachi..?"
"Yes, Uryal'ng va Kyheen?"
"Just how many people have I been talking to?"
Sho laughed. He couldn't help it. Uryal'ng knew he hadn't really been alone so it was with good humour that he responded to the question. "All of us," he said as he nodded formally and then moved into space.
And thus was our first encounter with Aliens who were not Advents. Despite initial misunderstandings, in the end it worked out wonderfully well. Because of those misunderstandings we knew we were going to need to learn other languages so we had our ships down load all the languages they knew into our Guyver Units and we were able to supplement that knowledge with some new data provided by the Kyheenan's. While they had given us all we wanted for saving them from the Advents they were still happy to provide us with some of the more modern languages that our ships, having been on Earth for so long did not know.
It was fortunate that our translation difficulties happened then and not later at the Interstellar meeting that the Kyheenan's so kindly invited us too attend. The meeting with the Kyheenan's was a small step in space for us. It was almost like a baby learning to crawl but by the time of that Interstellar meeting, while we were only toddling, we soon learnt that we had to run. Advents, Tekki, Zoalords, Aliens, the Universe attended that meeting and the issues that arose from it set the path for the future.
The meeting was our first chance to make an impression on the make up of power in space and we made a big impression. We knew we would make an impression but it was our belief that it would be made through our ability to fight Zoanoids. It still scares me today but that impression was secondary to the other we made, the other impression that instilled fear and highlighted the shear power we had.
As I said, that meeting set the issues that set the path for the future but it also defined the powers that would have a hand in walking that path and we most definitely established ourselves as one of those powers.