Chapter 44

[ POV Change ]

[ Flashback - One Week Ago ]

[ Glory City - Alchemists Association ]

A blue glow caught the attention of Yang Xin as she took a deep breath .

Ever since Lin Lingtian had given her this amazing Cauldron , she had not slept at all for the past few days then again as a gold rank she didn't need to worry that much for sleep. Her love for alchemy showed through her dedication to figure out the pill formulae that Lin Lingtian had left her with . As she read each age , she couldn't help but have her entire knowledge and worldview broken down as she couldn't help but feel ashamed , they called themselves Alchemists .... pffft what a joke ? The Alchemists Association hadn't even scratched the surface of Alchemy .

" Wow ! "

Hearing the voice , Yang Xin turned to see , Lin Lingtian poking at the failed pills she had made .

" Ah ! My apologies senior for having you see me in such a state ." Yang Xin bowed towards Lin Lingtian who just pinched his eyebrows in annoyance as to him it was awkward seeing a grown woman bow towards him but as his gaze looked down towards her Yang Xin's valley .... at least the view was nice .

" Ahem ! Whatever old hag ."

The smile on Yang Xin's face didn't leave but one could easily tell she was forcing herself to smile .

She was always self conscious about her age but Infront of Lin Lingtian she knew better then to react in any way that may piss him off .

" Ok .... Jokes aside I want you to create something for me ."

" What is it ? " Yang Xin curiously asked as she was given a page filled with a way to create a specific herbal liquid that Lin Lingtian wanted .

" This is ...." Yang Xin couldn't help but open her eyes in surprise as she read the entire thing .



[ One week later ]

[ The Divine Continent - The Draconic Caves ]

[ The Northern Part of the Draconic Caves ]

A jade teal water flowed down from the jagged rocks as the soul force of the Earth Vein had mixed in with the underground delta .

Black Earth scaled dragon flew near the water as it's scaly mouth greedily drank the refreshing water .

( ~ POP ~ )

It's ears perked up as it heard the popping bubbles coming out of the water .

( ~ Rwrrrr ~ )

The Black Earth Scaled Earth Dragon arrogantly erupted it's soul force to warn anyone near the water .

Jumping back , the Black Earth scaled Dragon dodged the bone sickle of the invisible Shadow Devil .

Up in the air , the Black Earth scaled dragon channeled soul force into it's mouth as a beam of red and yellow erupted .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Beam of Red and Yellow had boiled the water causing steam to form and cover the cave .

( Whoosh ~ )

A couple of black projectiles shot out of the steamy mist .

The Black Earth scaled dragon wasn't fast enough to dodge all the projectiles as a few pierced it's skin .

( ~ Rwrrrr ~ )

Feeling a cold sensation from it's wing , the beast knew that it's right wing was useless suddenly it's eyes shifted to a figure walking out of the mist .

Smooth black skin , no face , a humanoid body with a blood red crown adoring it's head . The Shadow Devil's claws glinted in the light of the jade teal water .

The Black Earth Scaled Dragon felt danger from the shadow devil as the blood red crown began to glow .

If one looked at the battlefield they would see a large number of Talismans covering the cave, stopping any noise from escaping .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )

The Black Earth scaled dragon screamed in pain as the claws of the Shadow Devil tore through it's skin.

The Crimson Crown glowed as the speed of the Shadow Devil increased and mid air a black sickle hooked the nose of the dragon .

Fear could be seen in the eyes of the dragon as the a similar situation was occuring in many parts of the Dragon Caves.

[ The Southern Part of the Draconic Caves ]

Pitch black fur adorned by large ears as a few lines of gold formed on its hind legs , with a large feline body and a long bushy tail .

The mutated Demonic Leopard jumped upon the Jade Ash Dragon mauling it's face .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )

Jumping high in the air , the Demonic Leopard distracted the dragon long enough for a wave of ice and snow to cover the entire area in a blanket of snow .

From the icy cold mist a figure emerged possessing partially transparent body showing blue ice like bones . With a vile covering her face , her hair flowed like water in a stream as a skull made of ice adorned her head like a crown indicating her as royalty .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )

The Snow Queen gazed to the side as an alligator like creature with it's scales made of rocks and it's body made of pure Yang soul Force moved through the land of impaled corpse .

[ The Western Part of the Draconic Caves ]

A large feline body adorned with crystals that resembled rocks as it's beautiful purple fur released discharges of electricity stealthily moved through the cave system along with a humanoid made of steam as the mutated wind beast carefully carried a container that had a steampunk aesthetic filled with an unknown liquid .

[ The Eastern Part of the Draconic Caves ]

With a body which was a few meters tall , the avian had ascaly purple armour covering it's entire body.

This was the mutated Abyssal Winged Falcon as it was defending against a horde of The Screaming Death Dragons but one thing of note was that the Abyssal Winged Falcon was defending a container similar to the one the Wind Beast and the Abyssal Demonic Tiger .

Lin Lingtian had given them all a simple command , they all had to protect this container at any cost .

[ The North-Western Part of the Draconic Caves ]

With a mammalian body covered in slits that had rows of teeth , a nightamrish creature that looked like it emerged from the abyss itself made it's way to through the north western caves . On it's back was the special container .

( ~ Thud ~ )

Turning around , the howling reaper saw the bodies of many weak dragonic species drop like flies under the poison mist of the legend rank toxic frog .

[ The North-Eastern Part of the Draconic Caves ]

A weird creature with it's head and tail was covered in shadows yet it's fur was as white as snow growled at the Sand Burial dragon Infront of it .

The Sand Burial Dragon twisted it's body as it formed a multiple dust devils formed all around the surrounding area .

( ~ Woooo ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Multiple walls of bones erupted from the ground as the Abyssal Wolf protected the container along with the abyssal Anteater staying behind to make sure that the container is thoroughly protected .

( Crack ~ )

A couple of roots emerged from the ground holding the Sand Burial dragon in their hold .

( ~ Szzzz ~ )

A beautiful white snake with a ruby like gem on the crown of it's head slithered along the roots towards the Sand Burial dragon .

[ The South-Western Part of the Draconic Caves ]

The body of a lion and the head of an eagle made a very beautiful combination as the elegant creature flew through the system of caves along with a whale like being with a Golden crystal horn floating with a container on it's back held carefully by the alien like creature as known as the blue spiked stingray .

[ The South-Eastern Part of the Draconic Caves ]

Xiao Ning'er shyly removed her clothes revealing a beautiful jade like skin .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )

The Decapitated head of the Corpse Stitcher Dragon rolled towards Xiao Ning'er who was shyly taking a peak at Lin Lingtian who was also in his underwear .

Her gaze fell on the large pool of blood Infront of her .

Filled with the Dragonic Blood of hundreds of species Lin Lingtian had silently hunted down in the Draconic Caves .

Due to all the blood mixing together , Xiao Ning'er and Lin Lingtian knew that this blood was extremely corrosive as hence why they had removed most of their clothes as they entered into the blood pool .

[ POV Change ]

Above the sky of the Draconic Caves , a swirl of black clouds began to get bigger and bigger .

Inside the South Eastern Part of the Draconic Caves , a blood red cocoon had formed out of the blood pool covering Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er who were currently breaking through to the Gold rank .






A scene that was witnessed by many in the era of old , the era of true Cultivators . This phenomena was known as Ninefall in that Era , when soul force from heaven and earth condensed into clouds.

The soul force gathered in these dense, swirling clouds was no longer the same as that which came from the heavens and the ground. Rather, the soul force had become ferocious and chaotic, and it was everywhere!

The clouds grew thicker and heavier, as well as more powerful. They were no longer black, but instead had a scarlet blood red gleam to them. Over tens of thousands of kilometres, every drop of soul force accumulated here was generating a gigantic red vortex!







The Spiritual God of Water suddenly looked up to the sky as it saw the bleeding sky as a he sensed large amounts of soul force disappear .

Turning to his right , the Spiritual God of Water " Ling Ming " saw giant Crimson Barriers forming all around the Draconic Caves with extremely high level inscription arrays depicted on it but those barriers were not protecting the Draconic Caves ...they were trapping them in .

Not only were the heavens attacking the Draconic Caves but they also were dealing with an unknown enemy .

In multiple parts of the Draconic Caves , the steam punk containers were glowing with thousands of inscriptions arrays as a beam of pure soul force was coming out of each one forming a barrier filled with more inscription arrays .

The Inscription Arrays on the barriers began to secrete the unknown liquid that was so volatile that it instantly evaporated into the environment as an invisible vapor was begining to cover the Draconic Caves .

Lin Lingtian knew he couldn't actually destroy the entire Draconic Caves with his current power in a fight as the entire Draconic Caves had 1000 peak Legend ranks along with quite a few that had cultivated a law along with a Spiritual God but if that was going to stop Lin Lingtian then think again. If Lin Lingtian couldn't destroy it directly with his own hands then he will destroy it indirectly .







Rumble rumble rumble!

In the layers of clouds, lightning flashed !

Every being in the Draconic Caves released their most powerful attack .

Beams of Light formed out of the large amounts of soul force and laws erupted from the Draconic Caves as a pillar of purple lightning crashed down towards the Draconic Caves .

( ~Crack~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

( ~ Kacha ~ )

The purple thunderbolt slammed down, twisting and turning like a swimming dragon!

This holy thunder had a thickness of dozens of feet. It slammed into the Draconic Caves with irresistible force, slithering around aimlessly and converting the entire Draconic Caves into a purple sea.

Purple light filled every inch of space. The rolling thunderclaps were deafening, endless .

The entire structure of the Draconic Caves began to turn into dust as it rapidly melted away like ice underneath the noon sun!

Rumble !

Rumble !


Like the apocalypse, everything in the world seemed as if it were being destroyed.

















[ Beast Blood Diagram has successfully recorded the blood. Added Status: Dragon Blood Tattoo.]

[ Dragon Blood Tattoo: Strength+90, Constitution+100, Speed+70, physique will improve more quickly, cell aging decreased

by 800%, production of ancient dragon blood: 0.01

drops per day. Duration: 90 days] (− +)
