God. ( part-8)

Man touches Kaya's head and says "God"

Kaya - "God" well you are the one my mother worships.

Hearing this, God starts laughing.

Kaya says sadly "My mother is always upset because of me, sometimes she cries because of me, why don't you wipe my mother's tears, she keeps remembering you all day long,

are you Don't love my mother?

God lovingly says "Your mother is my child, it may happen that a father does not love his child"

Kaya (thinking) - My mother is your child?

God - Not only your mother, but all human beings, animals, birds, trees and plants etc. on this earth are all my children. All made by me I love very much.

It means that I am also the child of you, then why call me all different when we are all children of you only. (Kaya)

"This is the way of thinking of all people, for me all are the same". (god)

Kaya gets very happy hearing this and quickly starts saying "I love you too".

God gives Kaya a star shaped locket and says "Never take this locket away from you, it will control your powers"Kaya quickly wears the locket.

God asks Kaya to close her eyes, Kaya closes her eyes only then she hears a sound, she quickly opens her eyes and sees that she was lying on her mother's lap, her mother lovingly supports her. She was waking her up by shaking her head.

Seeing Kaya regaining consciousness, she hugs her tightly .

kaya- mom I want to eat something.

Kaya's mother Meera lays her on the bed and goes to the kitchen to get some food for her.

Yami hiccups while sitting next to Kaya and says "You scared me a lot".

Then her eyes fall on the locket lying around Kaya's neck. She asks Kaya "Where did you get this locket from"?

Kaya says, "God has given this to me.

God? (Yami)

Yes but you don't tell anyone( Kaya)

Why didn't God give me a locket too (Yami)

So that I can always protect you from danger (Kaya)

Yami also gets very happy hearing this.

From that day onwards, Kaya's power is controlled due to that locket, she also starts living a simple life like others, even the injury caused to Kaya due to that locket does not heal quickly, she should be like ordinary children. Went.

Seeing all this, Meera was also very happy, she did not know anything about the locket, she felt that perhaps she had succeeded in saving her baby girl from Virat.

1 day Kaya was playing in her garden, her ball goes outside the house, she goes near the house to pick up her ball, when her eyes fall on a man standing far away who was looking towards her house. He was none other than Virat.

Virat looks at Kaya, Kaya also starts looking at him when Yami comes there and asks her to walk inside.

Kaya points towards Virat and says "Look how that man is looking at our house".

Then Kaya looks at Yami and says "Let's talk to Maa about it".

Which man? (Yami)

When Kaya looks back behind her, there is no one there.

Then Meera gives voice to Kaya and Yami from inside, hearing the voice, both of them quickly go inside.