
"Well you know how I had gotten a sample of your DNA that time well I decided to compare the power level of the capsule and yours together and what I discovered was that the energy inside the capsule is exactly the same in your DNA infact I noticed traces of your DNA in it ", He replied.

"Wait my DNA?", I asked as I looked surprised.

"Yes every single atom in this capsule is exactly similar to your powers on an atomic level", he said.

"So what you are implying is that, someone is using my powers to give energy to these robots?", I asked.

"Exactly", He replied.

"Then there must be a likelihood that someone knows I have superpowers", I said.

"I doubt so, If the person doing this knew about your powers I guess you wouldn't have been here even before the entire Lucky issue", He replied.

"I guess that makes sense, but then how did they get hold of my powers", I asked.

"I believe it is safe to say that there is something else that holds quite a small percentage of your powers and this person must have found out about it without knowing the source", he said as he typed something on the big computer screen.

"Then this thing that powers the capsule and the robot probably must have been around the accident site, where I got my powers from", I said as I stood up.

"That is most likely, maybe you should ask Samantha if she saw something else during the transformation process", he asked.

"Transfor? wait why am I asking her?", I asked.

"Well because you are the one affected", he replied.

"No no no, she hates me dude I am not going to be on the receiving end of her cold vibe", I said sharply.

"Ugh fine, I'll do it, Scaredy cat", He said.

The next day, Stephen was still thinking of how to ask Samantha about it. He kept on blabbering to himself during classes that drew attention to ourselves. I looked at him and wondered how this guy never ended up in an assylum.

"Dude ,why don't you simply go to Samantha, ask her if she saw anything unusual except from the fire that was everywhere and come back and give me her answer", I said to him as I noticed he began drawing sketches on a notebook.

"Oh, I guess that would work out", He replied.

"I honestly don't have anything to say to that ", I said.

Stephen went to Samantha during our lunch break while I watched them from far. I couldn't exactly here their conversation but I noticed they were laughing with each other. Somehow I felt mad about it but it didn't affect me later. Finally Stephen came back after spending the entire lunch break with Samantha and her friends.

"So you enjoyed your time there?", I asked sarcastically.

"Who knew Samantha was that fun", He said as he tapped my head.

Stephen and I were about the same height,5"10, but somehow he always liked to make it look like he was taller doing stuff like tapping my head and so on.

"So what did she say", I asked.

"Oh yeah that, she said she saw ashes", He said replied.

"Ashes?", I asked.

"It seems the ashes hold some kind of energy somehow and there is only one way to find out and that is by going to tbe power core station tonight and grabning a sample", He replied.

"So our first heist huh", I said as I rubbed my palms together and smirked.

" Heist? We aren't stealing anything but we are taking something from there without authorized permission so I guess technically it is a heist, whatever we have to hurry after school so we get everything ready for tonight", He said.

"Yup, I promise Dad I will get you out of Jail", I said.