"Hey Luis how did it go".
Stephen walked down the stairs and into our hideout. I sat down while I typed something rapidly on my Laptop.
"Yeah it went well, we talked it out got over our problems and the rest was just small talk".
I was still fixated on what I was doing and quickly summarised what happened between Samantha and I to him.
"Well that was a very concise reply, whatcha doing".
Stephen walked over to me as he asked me and bent over to see what I was doing. There were long lines of codes and a couple of one's and zero's on another window. By what he saw he could easily deduce that I was hacking.
"I could tell you what I'm doing but it'll distract my work... Although Femo could do it oh and Femo say it like it were me".
I continued typing while Femo spoke almost immediately.
'Ok Stephen after Luis and Samantha settled their differences...
"I'm so glad we worked it out, I was feeling pretty bad that we wouldn't be friends again".
I placed another chunk of chicken in my mouth as I watched Samantha eat.
"Yeah me too, I want to use the restroom now I'd be back soon".
Samantha stood up and went to the restroom. I kept on eating while I scrolled through my phone before Femo announced through the invisible earpod, 'Luis there is a robot around us, I can't tell who but I have identified a superior energy form than humans'.
"Hmm that's bad, I should wear my disguise so we'd do a proper scan".
I dropped my spoon as I was about to stand before Samantha came back.
"Where are you going?".
Samantha sat down as she picked up her cutlery and continued eating.
"No where, I just felt like stretching my legs a bit but don't worry".
I didn't want to leave her and come back disguised cause she might find it suspicious and this was a restaurant. I was stuck. Stuck.
"Ok nice".
Samantha continued savoring her food for about 10 minutes and didn't say a word to me. I felt suspicious about it but I was more concerned about the robot.
'Luis, it would please you to know that I'm hacking into the robot'.
Femo said that like it was nothing. I was beginning to get confused. Didn't it say it was unable to detect who the robot was and where it was but could only feel an energy form as that of one of the robots.
"How are you able to do that".
I whispered softly as I waited for its response.
'Think of it as one of my special skills, I was able to fool the unknown robot into connecting to a network that is similar to the one all the other robots are connected to, now I'm in the process of gaining access to the robot's system'.
Femo said and luckily I was able to understand, I was almost that bit good in such things.
Another Samantha came out of the restroom.
"Wait what the heck ,who are you and why are you trying to impersonate Samantha".
I stood up and turned to another Samantha that just came out of the toilet.
"No Luis, that person is trying to impersonate me".
The second Samantha said as she pointed to the Samantha that was sitting with me. I turned to that Samantha and stared at her trying to compare the two.
"No Luis she's trying to trick you I've been with you since obviously I'm the real one".
The both of them stood there pointing to each other while the other people in the restaurant just watched the spectacle. I wondered what went through their minds, maybe they thought they were twins.
'Hacking Complete'.
Seconds after Femo announced it was done, the Samantha that was with me ,before the other Samantha came out of the restroom, dropped to the floor.
"Well that was easy, Didn't even have to stress myself thanks Femo".
I smiled and turned to the real Samantha as she walked towards me.
"Tell me something Luis, why have you become the center of attention with regard these robots".
She turned to me with a not so serious look and asked.
"I don't know but I think we should get out of here and I should probably dispose of the robot before people start to question us".
I got down and picked up the robot as Samantha and I walked out of the restaurant and surprisingly no body cared about what happened which made us relieved. We both turned away going our separate ways then...
"Hey Luis, Call me Sam okay, Samantha could be a bit tiring to say sometimes ,I know".
Samantha giggled and waved goodbye. Then While Femo and I conversed a bit on the road, I got an Idea.
"Hey Femo why don't I try to use your hack to find out whose sending these robots".
'I think that's a brilliant Idea but are you sure?, There is a large possibility your hack could backfire'.
I thought about it long and hard on the road but I wasn't going to let down the Idea. Once I had an Idea I made sure I implemented it.
'And as you can see that's what Luis is doing'.
Femo said to Stephen.
"Wow the master of fire is now the master hacker, still can't believe you actually had to pick who the real Samantha was and still didn't get it, Luckily it's all over and Femo did you see anything suspicious connected to Luis' powers".
Stephen went to the door and dragged a CPU cluster into the hideout.
'Nothing of the sort was Identified'.
"My guess is that there were two robots sent to assassinate me. Likelihood is that the person had a backup plan and which was this Samantha but because of my discreetness he/she still doesn't know about my Fire ability".
I continued typing until I finally came to a stop. Femo was unable to do the hack because I still needed it to continue that connection with the robot. Now that I was done, I needed it to use the two addresses ( IP and Mac address) to figure out their location.
"Guess you're done with that".
Stephen walked to me and tapped me on the back to drag my attention to the large CPU cluster in the hideout.
"What's the CPU for?".
I looked at him with a confused look.
"It's for Femo".