
Few days after the reprogramming, Stephen and I went to our hideout to check if the CPU cluster was reprogrammed. I also found a couple of 1TB Hard disks and Rams to go with it. Femo mentioned that if we plugged them to the CPUs' Port he'd take care of the rest depending on the results of the reprogramming.

"So let's check if this worked, and I'll just plug this to the monitor".

Stephen said as he plugged a long cable to the back of the monitor on the wall waiting for it to turn on.

"So by the way if this works we'd still be able to communicate with Femo through our Smart watches when we aren't here right".

I asked as I brought out my smart watch from my pocket and wore it on my left wrist.

" Yes, ugh this is why I said this in the previous chapter cause of the time you just wasted".

He turned to me with a tired look on his face.

"Previous chapter?".

I could tell I've already frustrated him with that question.

"Good day Luis and Stephen".

Femo said loudly through the flat speakers inserted into the walls.

"Dude could you be a little less quiet my siblings are at home and if they come here and find you making this noise they'd know something's up".

I covered my ears tightly and ran to the door to close it so my family wouldn't suspect a thing.

"Sorry about that, Luis now down to more important matters. I have established connection to the network which the robots are connected to, therefore If you provide the IP address and the Mac address I should be able to pinpoint their location through the map that'll be displayed on the screen and a pre installed software in my Hard drive ".

Femo displayed a map on the screen with a throbbing icon in the top left corner. I typed the IP address and the Mac address through the virtual Keyboard he simulated in front of me. After typing I turned to the CPU cluster and noticed that it was changing into a small box. I looked around our basement or hideout and realised every thing in it was in some way changing into a more tech classy look.

"Femo are you doing all this".

I was still looking at the entire place and was amazed at what was going on, even Stephen was in awe.

"I didn't programme you to do this Femo, Did I? How are you able to do this?".

Stephen asked.

"My Programming contains codes from my previous form and it was able to change its outlook by gaining the proper information on what it was changing to. Since I'm connected to the hideout and your house, it's now part of me, which means I am able to make it look more like a Super-Tech Hideout".

Femo Said.

I looked at Stephen and he knew what I was thinking immediately, Femo was awesome.

"Also to avoid people from your family entering here, I have dug a hole, using the blades installed under the basement, 50 feet below your house. Due to the detachable nature of your basement it'll be able to detach from your house and fall 50 feet below your house. Hold on to whatever you can hold on to".

Femo said before we started hearing clanking sounds outside the basement.

"Femo you are bluffing right?".

I asked.

"No I am not, Either you go out or you remain here, choose one".

Femo said without emotion. I looked at Stephen and we ran out of the basement before it detached from the house and fell to wherever Femo said it will.

"Luckily I think the basements for Centra-Con houses have a springy stand under them and Femo, how are we going to get there now".

Stephen said before asking Femo through the smart watch.

"That's not a problem, I can assure you I have enough materials to enable you come to the hideout... tomorrow".

Femo said and paused before saying tomorrow.

"Tomorrow? how are we going to know the address, I really want to find out today, I'm ready to show some people who they've been messing with".

I punched my fist into my other hand and had this cold look on my face.

"Patience is the key my dear Luis, now go play or something".

Femo said before he deactivated the earpod meaning he wouldn't listen to us again.

"You made a stubborn AI".

I said to Stephen as I shook my head.

"I didn't build it, I just added a few things there, it's not my fault he's like this".

Stephen said before rolling his eyes and going to the Kitchen.

'Still had to wait for another day to know who's trying to frame my Dad'.

I thought to myself still having that cold look. I could feel the flames in me flaring up and my body was getting hotter than normal.

"Luis ,why the heck, your siblings are here, find somewhere else to get angry and heat up like that, do you know I can feel the heat from here".

Stephen walked out of the kitchen with an apple in his hands as he brought me back to my senses. I was almost losing it. I still had problems controlling these powers.

Stephen and I spent the entire day working on some homework before my mum came back and told us that my dad would be released by the end of this week. I was so ecstatic. I could barely contain my joy. But the news made me feel even more pumped to rub it in the real villain's face.

'Now Femo it's all up to you'.