Almost there

"Stephen can you hear me?".

I was soaring through the sky with speed, because I didn't want to be spotted by any cameras, as I tapped my smart watch waiting for a response from Stephen.

"Loud and clear, I'm sending you the coordinates now".

Stephen typed the coordinates on the control panel and sent it to me.

"Femo display the map and show me the location with the coordinates".

I reached the East side of Techcity and I landed in an alley where there were no people around. I stepped out of the alley and followed the route that the map showed me(Point to note, I'm the only person seeing the map and the virtual transparent screen in front of me).

I stopped in front of the house and contemplated on whether I should go into the house or peep through the windows. I eventually decided to peep because the house could be on 'Auto-lock'. I glanced through the windows in front of the house but saw no one. I went to the back of the house to check the windows there but there was no one there as well.

"Guys there's no one in the house".

I walked to front yard and looked at it as I spoke to them through the watch.

"Wait really, I'm sure I sent the right coordinates".

Stephen double checked to confirm if he actually sent the right coordinates.

"Femo are sure this is the right address".

I asked.

"Affirmative, I am 100% sure that is the right address".

Femo retorted.

"Well there's no one here cause I've checked all the windows and even tried to listen for sounds of movement, guess the person went ow... woah".

I turned as I was talking but bumped into someone that caused a break in my speech.

"Hi Luis".

Sam said as she gave me a very glowing smile. I couldn't help but remember how things started out. When we started talking initially she never smiled at me like that but after all the problems and resolving them, she's giving me smiles I never thought I'd see from her.

"Oh Hi Sam, how are you doing".

I said to her as I placed my hand at the back of my head. I couldn't be distracted now, not now.

"I'm good, what are you doing here".

Sam asked as she stared at my eyes, maybe she thought my eyes would reveal why I was here.

"Oh uhh, I'm strolling, y'know you can't get enough of that cold weather inside the house".

I wasted a few seconds before replying because I was thinking of an excuse to give her.

"Strolling? This is the east side of Techcity, you live in the west, couldn't you stroll there".

She asked me again. This girl loves questions.

"I got tired of seeing the same bushes and houses while strolling so I opted for a change in scenery hehe".

I replied quickly as if I knew she was going to ask me that.

"Oh ok, have fun strolling".

She turned around and continued walking to where she was going.

"Oh by the way Sam, what are you also doing here".

I asked her before she halted and turned, facing me.

"Well I live there".

She replied as she walked towards me and pointed towards her house.

"Do you wanna see".

She held my hand and dragged me to her house, running at the same time.

"I don't remember giving my consent to coming to your house".

I said after we stopped in front of her house.

"Oh come on Luis, We're friends and besides we're meant to know each other's houses and more importantly I want you to meet my dad".

She said as she placed her right hand on the wall on the right side of the door and then the door opened. Her house was as big as mine ,although the exterior looked like the houses before Techcity was founded.

"Wow you have a very nice house, it's been a while since I saw décor like this".

I said complimenting the interior beauty of the house. Most New-age houses had their décor different from the previous houses, they were more technologically decorated on the interior and the exterior.

"Yeah, my dad isn't really a fan of New-age houses, that's why before we moved here he asked if a ' normal ' house, with New-age security, be built for us".

She said as she dropped what she was carrying on the couch.

"Speaking of Dad, where is he, Dad? Dad!!".

Sam called out for her dad while I just stood there thinking of an excuse to leave her house. I was expecting her mum to come out at some point, I mean she couldn't have been the only one at home so early in the morning.

"Umm what of your mum".

I asked her before she turned around and gave me a cold look for a while that almost made me shriek, then smiled and said, "She's no more".

I stood there for a while wondering how she could smile over something like that. I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet.

"Hm I guess he went to the office".

She said, done calling for her dad, then brought out her phone and started typing something.

"Mm, it seems so, umm by the way can I use the restroom".

I asked because I needed to think of an excuse to get out of here without upsetting her, who knows the person could have left the house or gone in with all the time I've wasted, and also because I really needed to use the restroom.

"Oh the restroom is just behind that door over there, oh and you are free to leave after you're done easing yourself, My dad isn't even home for you to see him".

She pointed to a door that had a toilet logo on it. I was relieved after hearing she had no problem with me leaving after using the restroom, so I hurried to the restroom.

"Wait Luis, gadgets or phones aren't allowed in the restroom, it's a rule".

Sam said as she pointed to my watch.

I gave her a thumbs up and removed the watch and placed it on the side stool beside me. I hurried in and out of the restroom cause I really wanted to get back to what I was doing. I waved at Sam as I left her house waving back at me. Then I spotted someone going into the house I was spying on. I ran to the house and hid behind the perfectly trimmed bushes beside the fence.

I watched the guy as he place his right hand on the right side of the door and as the door opened. Then when he fully entered and the door was about to close, I hurried to the door and stopped it from closing.

Then I stepped into the house without making any noise. I looked at the décor of the house and there was a major contrast to that of Sam's house. Typical Techcity houses. I looked for a place to hide at the same time avoid making any noise.

I saw a big cupboard, so I went behind it and watched the guy. He climbed a three step staircase and turned to the wall on his left, placed his right hand on it and a virtual keypad appeared from the wall. He typed a pin which I memorised as '5186'. Then after typing the pin a small section of the wall slid open and he stepped into it. Then it closed after he stepped in. I got out from behind the cupboard and ran to the keypad before it went back into the wall. I typed the pin I saw him typing and waited for the wall to slide open.

Then when it eventually opened I stepped inside.