Done and dusted

There was a man who was sitting on a chair that faced the opposite direction from the door.

"Hey, I told you robots not to enter here without my permission".

The man shouted the moment I closed the door. I couldn't see his face properly because of the way he was sitting and the darkness of the room. In fact everything about the room emitted a dark vibe. I ran quietly under the desk the moment he turned to see who was there. I couldn't let him spot me so early. It was very risky now. I didn't have any plan and no Stephen and Femo to help me, but I'm still going ahead to do something I'm not sure will work.

'Luis you are so crazy'.

I thought to myself before crawling out of the desk. I crawled to the back of his chair about to attack him from behind. Then he turned around instantly as if he knew I was there and pushed me to the floor beside the desk.

"You thought I didn't know you were there".

He stood up from his chair and placed his hands behind his back. I instantly recognized he was the same guy that entered the house earlier. I pushed myself to the wall and stood up as I gulped down a ball of saliva.

'This won't go down to well'.

I thought to myself. I had always wanted to find out who framed my father and now that I have, I am having a very ominous feeling about it.

"Now tell me who are you?"

The man asked.

"I don't think you want to know that".

I said as I pulled out a smirk from nowhere. Honestly, I don't even know where that came from.

"Well I really want to know".

He pulled out a weapon from his back and activated it as he spoke and clicked a button on his desk. Suddenly metal bars began protruding from the floor and before I could react I was caged.

"I'm guessing you already know what's going on here after seeing those robots".

The man sat back on his chair and turned towards my direction as he spoke aloud.

"What, what are you planning".

I held the bars firmly and clenched my teeth as I asked him.,

"It's not what I'm planning it's what I already planned and is taking full effect. Well it was very easy from the start don't you think. We needed a way to bring down Mr Vertran and what other way than using his own invention against him. Once we gained access to just one of his robots we created a website that its sole intention was to showcase the gullibility and the stupidity of the public and access their private information, from there it was pretty simple. We got a 3D duplicator, produced tons of robots and I'm sure you should know the rest haha".

The man explained while I quietly watched and a question kept ringing in my head.

"Umm hold on, why are you telling me this, I mean I know I asked you to tell me but you actually told me, like I wasn't expecting you to answer me, y'know to keep your plans confidential".

I placed my hand on my chin as I asked him.

' Was I joking at a time like this?'.

I thought.

"Isn't it clear, You wouldn't live to tell someone else about this haha".

The man laughed maniacally as he aimed the weapon at me.

Unsurprisingly I wasn't fazed by his threats at all because I knew my own strengths.

"Heh is that so".

I formed a smirk on my face which confused him for a second. Then I kicked the bars of the cage breaking them into pieces. In his confusion, right before he pulled the trigger, I blasted my flames through my hand at his weapon to flick it of his hand.

"The table has turned, hasn't it".

I walked towards him and kicked the weapon away. I looked at the man and could see fear on his face. Then all of a sudden, his countenance changed.

"You, you are that guy, the guy who's been stopping my robots from accomplishing their missions, Why don't you show your face huh? I have watched you through some of my robots you destroyed and I watched you through the robot I sent to annihilate you. You!".

Right now there was fury on his face and I almost flinched when he said the last part.

"Well took you long enough".

I created a ball of fire in my hand and showed him.

"You think your gadget or torch's gonna stop me, hehe you must be joking".

He was slowly opening a drawer in his desk beside him as he spoke and I immediately spotted it.

"Torch? Can a torch do this".

I threw the ball of flaming power on his desk and it exploded flinging him to the wall. I blasted fire power around the room burning everything in sight. Then I walked to him bent down to his level and set my hand on fire.

"You don't know how angry you've made me for everything you've done to my... I mean Mr Vertran, but unlike you, I'm not ready to kill people to get what I want".

I put off the fire on my hand and stood up and turned towards the door.

"Who...who are you?".

He coughed as he spoke, trying to make himself audible. With all the flames around and objects being destroyed, I turned my head laterally, with my body still facing the door and said, "I...tch...I'm Inferno".

I picked him up from the floor, tied his hands and legs with the rope I brought just in case of something like this and carried him on my shoulders because I couldn't leave him there to die. We went out of the room and I blasted more fire around the area burning everything and detonating everything around, including the robots. Then I aimed at the 3D duplicator and it exploded causing a minor shake. I left the area hurriedly before the explosion caught up with us. When we got to the house, I threw him out of the house as the house exploded. Luckily I was able to jump through the window before the fire could catch my clothes. Then I saw the guy lying on the floor in pain and I dragged him to the side of the house before anyone came to see why the house had exploded.

"Look the police would be here anytime soon, when they get here you will confess to everything you've done, I would be watching you from up there, if you don't confess I will hunt you down again and no matter what type of security you get I will get pass each and everyone of them and you will go through this same scenario again".

I held him by his shirt as I threatened the man laying helplessly with his back against the wall. He nodded immediately, then I left him there and flew to the top of the next building, which was a storey building. I sat there as I watched everything happen as it supposed to. People came around and gathered the house asking questions. Then the police came and spotted the guy laying beside the house against the wall. I flew down to the first storey and made sure no one saw me to listen to what he will say. He blurted out everything he did, to the police, without pausing for even a second. I smiled and nodded. Then I heard him speaking about me and realized it was time to stop watching the drama before onlookers or even the police who were listening to the story, tried to find out if I was still around. So I flew off heading to my house, but I saw a boy pointing towards me and I knew I was already noticed.

'This will surely be on the news tomorrow, ughh'.

I sighed as I flew to my house to give Stephen and Femo the news.

(Back at the hideout)

"Dude I've been trying to contact you do you know how worried I was, I can't believe you were so irresponsible, you could have gotten hurt".

Stephen pouted as he shouted at me. I explained everything to him and he eventually calmed down.

"Look I'm sorry, I had a lot on my mind and I still didn't get the watch from her because I was trying to run away from being seen".

I walked to the control panel to search for if someone had already published news about it.

"Hold up, you said Samantha saw you and you are sure the guy didn't see your face, then how did she know it was you".

Stephen asked.

"Yeah there was a time I went out with some of the clothes I wore as a disguise, I guess that's what made her know it was me".

I continued typing as I spoke, then after a few seconds I realized the implication of what I just said.




Stephen and I shouted unanimously as we looked at each other with a scared expression.

"If any picture around there leaks out with me in that disguise, she'd definitely know it was me".

I bit my finger as I explained what I understood of the situation.

"Oh wait hold up, you might not be so visible in the picture so she might not be able to recognize you, problem solved".

Stephen waved his hand in the air as he explained why she wouldn't suspect a thing.

'Still we had to be on our toes, we can't let anyone know and not that Samantha is with my watch anything could happen'.

I thought to myself before being jolted back from my thoughts by Femo.

"Do not worry Luis, I have taken care of the watch, I have blocked all connections of the watch to my hardware, meaning currently the watch is just an ordinary smart watch".

I looked at the monitor as I saw a somewhat computerised drawing of Femo on it as he was speaking and laughed a bit.

"Ok Femo thanks for that".