"Do you understand now?! Stupid child," The woman sneered as she slapped the small child hard, the impact making him fall on the ground. His legs were black and blue, the bruises visible in his knee length shorts.
The child took quivering breaths and tried to get up, only to realize his knees couldn't support him anymore. Still, he tried to force himself up, only to fall down completely, his knees banging against the cold marble floor. A gasp of pain escaped his mouth.
The woman was even more angered by his inability to get up. "-Look how worthless you are! Can't even stand up? Makes sense, right? Because you're her blood," There was blatant hatred in her tone, making the already frightened child flinch.
Knowing what was about to come, he fruitlessly tried to drag himself away from her, but she just walked closer to him. She kicked him, her heels making him double over in pain.
He was about to cry out in anguish, but stopped himself. Harshly biting his lip, he somehow managed to hold it all in and lay motionless on the floor, not making a single sound.
The woman threw him a disdainful look and spat out, "Useless and good for nothing. That's what you are, okay? All you'll ever be."
The child didn't move, laying as if he had already breathed his last a long time ago. The woman clenched her hands at his lack of response and suddenly knelt down, yanking him by his hair.
They were now face to face, the half closed swollen eyes coinciding with the glaring ones. "Won't you even reply to me now? Say you are useless. Say that woman, your mother, is useless!"
She pulled his hair harder, making him wince. The boy still didn't say anything, silently enduring all the abuse. Veins on her forehead bulged in anger as she slapped him and roared, "SAY IT!"
A weak voice stuttered, barely even forming words, "I-I'm...useless..."
The woman smiled a victorious smile. Although her lips were curved, the smile didn't reach her eyes which remained just as menacing. Her long nails grazed across his cheeks as she said softly, "Good boy. Listen well like that to aunty, okay? Be obedient, not like your slut of a mother."
Her grip on his hair still didn't loosen and she pulled even harder. "Be a good boy who everyone wants. No one likes a bad child, right?"
He didn't want to reply, but still forced the words out. The boy knew just how bad not replying could be, after all. He weakly opened his lips and stuttered, "Y-Yes..."
The woman finally seemed satisfied as she released him, getting up to leave. "Since you weren't a good boy today, you know what'll happen, right?"
"Y-Yes, ma'am...I will be punish...punished...N-No food...today…"
The woman nodded approvingly, "Yes, that's right. And if you still don't obey, you know what I'll do, right?"
The boy shivered in fear as he recalled his worst nightmare. He didn't want to recount that one bit, but knew replying and obeying was the best thing he can do for now. "Mam…Ma'am will take away everything I like..."
The woman smiled creepily and suddenly clapped her hands. The walls behind her fell off, showing Edward, but he wasn't the only one. There were Clary and Ivy too. They talked and laughed among themselves, having fun, like they completely forgot about him. They behaved as if they didn't know if a person named August even existed in their lives.
The woman sensed his fears and grinned, "Your friends, right? They're having fun," Her voice seemed to get louder and echo as she continued, "-Without you. They're happier and better off without you, August Castellan."
August stared at the scene before him for a while, dazed. Was...Was it true? Are they really better off without him?
"You're useless. Nothing but a stain," Her relaxed manner changed as her face got redder and veins bulged on her head. "YOU…YOU SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE! YOU SHOULD JUST DIE!"
"DIE!! DIE!!!" The woman lost her mind as she screamed her head senseless, the only sound being her blood curdling screams. She even pulled her own hair, descending into madness as the boy watched in horror, terrified.
August desperately dragged his body backwards as the woman walked up to him, eerily smiling. Her clothes were ripped and nails bloody, locks of hair dangling from them. He hurriedly got up, not even caring about his bleeding knuckles as he took quivering steps back.
The woman just continued to walk to him, neither calling him to stop or quickening her own pace. She just walked with the same speed, as if programmed to do so. Finally, August couldn't run anymore. He felt the cold wall press against his back as the woman finally closed in on him, still chanting, "Die, die..."
"AAHHH" August streamed, waking up in cold sweat. He looked around to find himself in the dark and familiar surroundings. Still, he couldn't help but shudder, the nightmare still vibrant in his mind.
"H-Huu..." He released a trembling breath. He was very much shaken up, nerve still on edge. Taking a deep breath, he tried to assure himself, "...Hah, just a dream. Calm down."
His hand naturally went to his bedside, reaching for his phone. "...It's 6:57."
August was startled when his alarm for 7 pm rang. There was an attached reminder, 'Call Edward'.
....Oh right, today was their one month anniversary. Thank god he woke up just in time.
August tried to get up but his shaking legs didn't let him. Normally, it takes a lot more time after one of his 'episodes' to calm himself, but time was the thing he had the least right now.
He clenched his teeth as he forcefully tried to keep his shivering legs in place. His legs just trembled more, even making his hands shake slightly.
"Stop! Just...stop! Please.." He cried desperately, already knowing that doing this will just make him more anxious. The more he thinks about calming down, the more anxious he will get. It's like when you try not to think about something, all you can think about is that.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he begged his legs to stop trembling, "P-Please...Not today. H-He'll notice..."
Sweat rolled down his forehead as his whole body started shaking, trembling uncontrollably.
The more he tried to stop himself, the worse the shaking got. Tears rolled down his eyes as he screamed angrily, "STOP! All of you, stop!"
He finally lost control over himself and angrily pulled his hair, hoping the pain would distract him. His gaze flitted to his overgrown nails as he started scratching himself harshly, leaving red marks all over his hands and legs. Curling up in a ball, he pressed his knees against his chest, trying to hold them into place. He...He couldn't take it anymore...
August didn't know for how long he laid there. After losing all hope, he just let his body do whatever it wanted. He didn't speak or cry anymore, nor did he try to get himself to calm down. He just stared ahead emptily as all his anger, annoyance and disappointment rolled out of his eyes in the form of silent tears.