June 24, 2007...

Oliver woke up with a stinging headache. His forehead seemed somewhat wet but he couldn't give his slightest attention to it.

His head was burning with pain as a new set of memories of a person named Ryan cross was being drilled into his head.

As he slowly opened his eyes he saw his sister beside him. She was gently wiping his forehead with a damp cloth.


Their eyes locked

"You're awake? oh, thank goodness"

As she spoke, a relieved smile spread across her youthful face.

"You know, how was worried I was when I found you burning with fever" his sister spoke with some tears in her eye.

Oliver tried to sit up and comfort his sister but was assaulted with yet again a sharp pain in his head.


"What happened brother do I need to call for the doctor "

"It's fine. It's just a normal fever, I'll be fine with some rest"


"Don't worry Lili I'll be just fine so there's not any need to call for the doctor"

As he protested against calling the doctor Lili seemed a bit hesitant in agreeing to it but nodded nonetheless

"Okay brother. I'll give you some time to rest and will come to see you again soon if there's improvement in your condition however if I find you still in fever I'll call for the doctor ."

Saying that she stood and walked out of the room leaving Oliver the only one in the room

Oliver touched his forehead, slowly sit up, and focused on the new set of memories in his head.

According to the memories, the person named Ryan cross was a primary school teacher, who also coached and managed his local amateur team. Ryan's dream was to manage a premier league side and become a world-class manager he worked day and night for his dream and through his excellent management, brilliant mind, and hard work brought a small team into the 9th division of English football to the championship.

leeds were so impressed with him that they contacted him to manage them in the premier league for the 2022/23 season but alas Ryan never got to live his dream as he died in an accident while going for the interview.

Through the memory, Oliver realized how similar their passion for football was. Oliver was also a huge football enthusiast, only that he lacks the talent for it.

Oliver was a huge Leeds fan and seeing Leeds back to its former glory was his dream.`

According to the memory, he saw Leeds will see some huge crisis and will struggle a lot more economically than it already does at the present. He saw that Leeds won't be in the premier league until the 19/20 season. That's still 13 years later. oliver equipped with his newfound information began to think what if he buys Leeds and change the whole scenario? With proper investment from him, Ryan's brilliant tactical mind and the set of future memories he got uplifting Leeds to form its predicament seems possible. Through this, both his and Ryan's dream could also come to fruition. His dream of seeing Leeds back to the top contending for every glory and Ryan's dream of becoming a world-class manager.

Oliver decided, he would take over Leeds and make all of his dream for Leeds's future come true. He would make Leeds a force to be reckoned with in Europe.