After getting Ryan onboard, Oliver returned home and quickly moved toward his study.There Oliver picked up a empty diary and began to write all the important information needed form Ryan's memories.

According to the memories he inherited ,it seems he could only recall the memories Ryan remembered during the time of his death. After writing all important information he could remember Oliver did a quick recap and closed the book.

According to the memories, it seems Leeds would be put up on auction upon a legal challenge form HM revenue & custom but he didn't got the exact date in which HMRC will file it's challenge.

Oliver then called some of his associates in HMRC for more information.

According to what Oliver got from his associates it seems HMRC were already preparing to file their challenge following which Leeds would be put up for auction.

Oliver decided to remain in silence for the moment and use the element of surprise in his favour.


July 3 2007...

{Breaking news : Today morning HRMC has filed a legal challenge to Leeds creditor's voluntary agreement (CVC) .

According to the FA Leeds will be put up for auction while 15 points will be deducted from Leeds this season under ' exceptional circumstance rule ' as the club failed to exit administration with a CVA.

At the moment the previous owner ken Bates , redbus group, former Sheffield United chairman Mike McDonald

former Hull City chairman and United director Adam Pearson

Yorkshire-based internet tycoon Peter Wilkinson

Las Vegas-based billionaire Dominic Marrocco

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen

former West Ham chairman Terry Brown

Leeds United Supporters Trust

a consortium headed by Dubai-based Sheikh Samir A S Mirdad, chairman of the Linx Group seem to be potential bidders for the ownership of the club}

Oliver currently sitting in the living room was watching the news.His silent operation was proving quite beneficial . Nobody knew he was in the race for Leeds takeover and he could silently dead with obstacles with would hinder his takeover . Through some connections he got to know that ken Bates was looking to win the auction with the help of Astor . Astor currently was planning to pressure all the creditor's to veto all the bids other than that of ken Bates.

After finding out what ken Bates was up to Oliver quickly called few of his associates and solved the problem regarding Astor.

After promising some benefits to Astor they withdrew themselves from pressuring the creditors


Oliver was eager to look at Bates expression when he finds out his partners have already abandoned him.


July 26 2007...

Today was the day when the auction for Leeds was taking place. Oliver sent his secretary in the Auction instead of Himself while he himself was currently relaxing in his bedroom and planning how Leeds will move forward.


At the same time,in a pub in Leeds ....

Currently the pub was full with Leeds fans glued in front of the screen eagerly waiting for the news of leeds takeover.The Normally loud pub was quite quiet at the moment and the environment was quite nervous.

During the last few Seasons Leeds fan have had a really rough time.

Following the start of financial crisis and relegation of leeds from premier League in 03/04 season ,the situation of Leeds grew grimmer by the season. Just last year Leeds were relegated to EFL league 1 following 10 points deduction from the FA and this season as well 15 points were already deducted from Leeds when the league hadn't even started yet,and the fans were hoping their beloved club will find a good new owner who would work for Betterment of club.


The hotel where the Auction was Taking palace....

Ken Bates was currently sitting comfortably in his seat waiting to hear the result of the auction.He wasn't nervous like the other participants of the auction as he knew he would be the one winning today's Auction.

With Astor pressuring the creditors to veto all other bids expect his the win was his for sure.

"ladies and gentlemen could I have your attention please"the auctioneer said following which the venue grew quite.

"Ladies and gentlemen after looking at all of the bids submitted today, I announce the winner of this auction to be Mr Oliver Bryan with a bid of 35 million pounds "

"And with this I herby declare the end of the auction "

As the Auctioneer said the winner's name everybody started to clap with some confusion and shock in the air .Most of the participants today didn't even knew Oliver Bryan was also bidding for Leeds ownership.

Taking about shock nobody was more shocked that Ken Bates .He was sure he would win the auction today but who would have guessed he had been duped by Astor.


After some time, In most of the TV's in Leeds.....

{Breaking news: The Auction for Leeds takeover has just concluded with Local billionaire Oliver Bryan winning it with a bid of around 35 million pounds }

{Breaking news: Oliver Bryan becomes the new chairman of leeds }....

similar news were being reported by many of the news channel


When news broke out about Oliver Bryan's takeover of leeds, the fans were greatly shocked at first as nobody knew he was also bidding for the takeover of Leeds.

Amid a mixture of elation and scepticism there was a common thread.Emotion.

After years of disappointment and footballing heartbreak there was finally a reason to have hope for the future of the club.

Leeds fans Will remember this date .They will probably remember where they were when they heard the news.

Oliver Bryan was a local to the city of leeds and the people of Leeds knew how much Oliver Bryan's cared for the club . Seeing him taking over Leeds it couldn't bring anything but joy in them . Oliver owning the club brought some sense of hope among the fans.

Currently outside of ellend road was packed with Leeds fans with Leeds banner and singing ' Marching on together ' and lighting up the firecrackers.


Inside some cafe in Leeds....

currently Oliver and Ryan were meeting for discussion their future steps for the club.

" Congratulations on the takeover Mr Bryan"

" Thanks.By the way Ryan Didn't I told you to call me just Oliver anyways during these past few weeks I have contacted several of my associates in Europe and South America to setup scouts and they are already sending information back , would you like to look at some of them " Oliver played the videos of some of the players sent to him by his scouting network and passed it to Ryan .

As he was scrolling and Looking at the players he paused at a certain video.

He was looking at the video of a lean teenager scoring goals.

What attracted Ryan to this kid was his uncanny ability to find himself in the right place to score a goal. His positioning , technique and finishing were simply superb.There were rooms for a lot of improvement but Ryan couldn't deny the kid had talent if given the right guidance and exposure he could be someone special.He also saw how determined and hardworking the kid was.

"Robert lewandoski , nineteen year in age and currently plays his football in znicz pruszkow in the second division of Poland."Oliver said seeing Ryan looking at a certain player repeating the video again and again.

"He is simply superb the raw talent in this kid is simply phenomenoal.whats a kid with such talent and promise doing in the second division of polish league"Ryan said

"so how's the kid"

"Absolutely phenomenal the raw talent this kid possesses and the hard work he is putting, the future of this kid seems bright,He would be a perfect fit in over squad. "

"okay then we will work to make the kid our first signing. I'll see you in Monday then" Oliver said and stood up.